So yeah! For the past year or so I've been writing down various dream experiences in my sketchbook and sometimes sketching the surroundings I was immersed in. For some reason, I hadn't thought to get online and see if there were any sites dedicated solely to dreaming...apparently there are.
Anywaysss, I've been an avid dreamer ever since I can earliest dream recollection stretches back to when I was three years old and I was at someone else's house. Over the past year I've taken a keen interest in this awesome phenomenon and yeah! I suppose I'll have to post a few of the more interesting dreams from my sketchbook on here sometime.
In any case, I have a question.

Has anyone ever encountered a perceived entity that's like a Cloud of Black? But yet it can take on a humanoid form and attack you? I constantly run into this antagonist and only recently have I been able to somewhat Lucidly dream in order to fend off attacks..