OK so first of all let me introduce myself,
my name is Andres, I'm new in the forums.
I learned about lucid dreaming about 2 weeks ago,
and it really caught my attention, it seemed very interesting and so,
I decided to just try to learn it.
The reason I really wanted to lucid dream is because exactly a month ago
I started dating this girl, but she doesn't live here, in fact she lives 4 thousand miles away, we are still dating, but its really hard to go through since we cant see or "feel" eachother, 2 weeks after she left I learned about lucid dreaming.
So, I started keeping a dream journal 8 days ago, and was unsuccessful to actually lucid dream until last night (funny, cause today is exactly one month since, well we started going out) anyways this is how my dream went:
My girlfriend was in the city and it felt 100% real, the dream was going exactly how her last day here went, we went to my house and we were chilling with some friends (i wasnt aware i was dreaming) then, I kissed her and told her I didn't want her to leave and she said "What are you talking about? I live here" and I replied "Haha, yeah,only in my dreams" thats when I realized I was in fact dreaming, I got very exited and began to wake up, but I remembered reading something about spinning around when that happened and well, it worked. I decide to play around with making everyone stop talking, making people say stuff, and well I also decided to, hmm spend some time with her. After that, we went outside and I decided to try and fly, at first I just kinda floated straight up, but after a while I learned to control it,
but what I don't get is why I couldn't get my girlfriend to fly, I told her she was able to fly, and told my self she could fly, but she couldn't, she could just jump really high and that was about it, so I just grabbed her and we flew around the city and I woke up after a while. IT WAS AWESOME