Well, I had my first LD last night. Before I went to bed I was reading my DJ and realized that in almost every dream I had, I flew somewhere. I started thinking that the next time I flew I would be dreaming. Anyway, I went to bed, and began dreaming. In my first dream, I was in my upstairs hallway, which is right above my living room. You can look over the railing and see into my living room. I was jumping off of it and flying around. After doing this for a while. I thought "Hey! I'm flying! This must be a dream!" And then BOOM! I was lucid. Let me just say that the realism is amazing! It's just as great as everyone says, and I was skeptical. Anyway, the dream started fading away, so I rubbed my hands together and said "Increase lucidity." There was a flash of light, and then everything was even more vivid than the real world. I'm not even sure if that's possible, but that's what it felt like. I decided to head outside, because if I was flying already, I might as well be outside. On my way out the door everything just went all black, without any warning. I was pretty sad. Oh well, at least I had my first LD! I also remembered four dreams last night including the lucid, but I didn't become lucid in my other dreams. I'm not sure if that's a MILD or a DILD, as I was thinking that the next time I flew I would be dreaming, but I also do random RCs during the day. Anyway, just thought I'd share. Thanks for reading this far.