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    1. #1
      Member Sensidream's Avatar
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      Unconscious fear to get lucid


      I wonder if I have a unconscious fear to get lucid as after a month, i m still strugling to get lucid.

      In fact something else gave me a clue. I had a dream 2 days ago during a nap that indicate that my uncounscious mind refuse get lucid.

      In my dream I was a witch (so i girl) that wanted to perform a dark ritual and in order to achieve it completlym i had to dream and meet a superior witch that would give me a secret or some kind of potion and i was quite afraid to do the final step so I did not perform the magic ritual.

      What do you think about it ?

    2. #2
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      I belive you mean a subconscious fear. And honestly I would say you do. But not because of your dream. When you think about the possibilty of fearing lucidity or people tell you that you are afraid that only makes it worse. Yes I am making it worse but only because I need to. Instead of saying things about your fear, there are two things you can do.

      1) if you truly think you fear lucidity and it's not just something you convinced yourself about here's what might work. Take time to meditate and do some deep self examination. Think about what might be causing you to fear lucidity. It is realy a marvolus place. There are no consiquences and no limit to your ability. Maybe part of your character fears the unknown. I say embrace the unknown it's quite worth it.

      2) if #1 isn't the case then instead of writing and thinking about fearing lucidity, embrace it. Think of how excited you are to explore the dream relm. if you talk about fear even the possibily your subconscious exadirates those fealings. So if you embrace luciity the effects will be more positive.

    3. #3
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      I don't have any sort of fear, but I have only had 2 lucids in two and a half years of trying, both in the last two months. (I'll get there eventually. For me, it's a slow road for some reason.) You'll get there also, but not if you embed a fear into yourself. Fear is not a problem for me because I don't really fear the unknown. That can be bad at times, but if I feared the unknown, I would never get anywhere in life. I only fear what I know is going to happen. (Not including death, which kind of fits into both categories.)
      Last edited by Dogod; 06-07-2010 at 08:49 PM.
      My username does not mean anything. It's not supposed to signal my religious preferences at all.
      Dream Recall: Recall one dream each day for a week (meaning one DJ entry per day)[] Recall three dreams in one night (3 separate dreams in the DJ)[]
      Becoming Lucid: Become lucid once[X] Become lucid at least four times in one week[] WILD[]
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    4. #4
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      Dogod has a point. Lucidity can take time. Worrying about it won't help at all.

    5. #5
      Member Sensidream's Avatar
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      I have been thinking about it and feeling of course and i must admit that I m a bit scared... I have the fear that i m gonna stay stuck into the dream forever...

      Yeah i know it s a bit silly hehe but hey...

      Anyway, i have been doing it for a month or so, so I will try to relax, let the feeling flow et get some reasoning about that crazy expectation.

      Actually I had no idea that i had any fear about it. Strange.

    6. #6
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      Ok. What you need to do (IMO lol you don't need to do anything)

      First, You need to make a choice. Will you become lucid or not. But to make that choice you need some thinking time. You need to be able to have a counsling sesion with yourself. Sounds kinda odd but it will save you money if you get good at it. A counsler's main objective is to get to the bottom of your issues. You need to get to the bottom of what is making you think of getting stuck in a dream. That's something you need to figure out.

      Of course if you want to I would do a instant messenger chat with you to help get to the bottom of this.

    7. #7
      Member Sensidream's Avatar
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      I don t need much time to figure it our, I m realy exited about the idea of getting lucid, there is no way that a stupide fear is going to prevent me from enjoying it.

      It s so weird when you think about it because it is so improable to stay forever in a dream... and never be able to wake up lol.

      I ll try to first figure it by myself in a meditation tomorrow.

      If it doesn t work out, I m totally up for the councelling cession man. Sound exciting !

    8. #8
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      Quote Originally Posted by Sensidream View Post
      It s so weird when you think about it because it is so improable to stay forever in a dream... and never be able to wake up lol.
      Not improbable, impossible.

    9. #9
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      Glad to hear it sensidream.

    10. #10
      Member Sensidream's Avatar
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      Hey first of all, thank for the amswers guys.

      Ok it s been pretty amazing as I have felt a difference the last 2 nights. At the end of my dreams I have awaked knowing that it was a dream but I doubt having been lucid as I haven t felt anything amazing.

      The fist night, a cop ordered me with a gun to undresse to f ck me and I just awaked as it was too crazy.
      The second night, I was rolling joints in my high school and a kid warned me that the high school head called the cops and i go scared, result same thing I realise that it could not be and immediatly awaked...

      What intrigue me is that in my 25 years, I have only awaked 1 time during a dream, and it happen now 2 times in a row, it s as if i was so close to get lucid in both dreams but my subconscious mind just prefere to wake me up.

      I must have keep some resistance but this post must have helped it tremundsly. It s funny because I haven t even done any exercices to fight my fear and directly influance my subconscious mind.

    11. #11
      Member Raman44's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Sensidream View Post
      Hey first of all, thank for the amswers guys.

      Ok it s been pretty amazing as I have felt a difference the last 2 nights. At the end of my dreams I have awaked knowing that it was a dream but I doubt having been lucid as I haven t felt anything amazing.

      The fist night, a cop ordered me with a gun to undresse to f ck me and I just awaked as it was too crazy.
      The second night, I was rolling joints in my high school and a kid warned me that the high school head called the cops and i go scared, result same thing I realise that it could not be and immediatly awaked...

      What intrigue me is that in my 25 years, I have only awaked 1 time during a dream, and it happen now 2 times in a row, it s as if i was so close to get lucid in both dreams but my subconscious mind just prefere to wake me up.

      I must have keep some resistance but this post must have helped it tremundsly. It s funny because I haven t even done any exercices to fight my fear and directly influance my subconscious mind.
      Are cops one of you dream signs ?
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    12. #12
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      So far, it is the only times that I seen them, so no they aren't but now that you mention it, I will start to pay attention.

      My dad is in the police btw.

    13. #13
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      Glad to hear of your progress.

    14. #14
      Member Sensidream's Avatar
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      Ok, I haven t been still be able to get lucid but i m working on it.

      Now i feel that I have another fear, i have done some self hypnosis last night and i believe that the reason why I m still afraid to be lucid is that I ll imagine realy scary various stuff. As i asked this question to my subconscious, I get realy scary picture and feeling. He s afraid for me to have nightmares and not being able to think about enjoyable scene.

      What s funny is the during the course of the night aftet having this realisation, I had the most basic down to earth dreams ever possible to have. I had 2 dreams where i was talking with friends in the street and another one where i was bored in a office and 2 collegues tried to find some work without realy trying as they don t care that I work or not, in the last one, I was buying food in a supermarket and were being shy to talk to people.... No joking and i have usualy like most peoples pretty agitated dreams with a interesting plot...

      Do you have any advice to sort this out ?

    15. #15
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      Well I understand your fear of nightmares. My nightmares were never that bad. Although I did have a bad nightmare once 8 years ago but I haven't had once since. I used to be a Christian and back then I would pray that I wouldn't have bad dreams. I suppose that's a sort of mantra.

      But about nightmares here's the thing. Is you are not trying to lucid dream there is one type of dream you will almost always remember. That is a nightmare. Many times people who have never heard of lucid dreams will become lucid durring a nightmare. You can use lucidity to get away from nightmares.

      Try a mantra and realise that you can't escape nightmares.

    16. #16
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      Yes i fear that this power to lucid dream will be use against me.

      I ll do what you advice me to do, convince me (what is logical) that it is a gitf that will enable me to escape from nightmare in case it happen.

      But when you think about it, it realy doesn t make any sens because i realy rarely have a nightmare, i guess that the way that the humain brain work, deeply driven by emotion and false believe.

      But can it be realy understand that, it s like approching girl, you know that logicaly she won t hurt you but in the fact, your emotionnal answer is fear. In real life you can force yourself to approche her and show to your subconscious mind that there realy is no danger but in that case can it realy work as i have to have several lucid dream in order to prove him the opposite of what he fear. To prove it i need to lucid dream and if i can t there is no way to prove him....

      There is also something that might scared him, when lucid dreaming, one of my objectifs is too be involve in deeply violent dreams. he might fear that i act out.

      The other day, i think having been pretty close from lucid dreaming in fact, I was in a bus and the driver was messing with me because i did not have my ticket and because i was jalous at some guy fucking a pretty chick in his bus, i tought after a while that it might be a dream and i immedialy pull and gun from my pocket and shoot the driver in the face, and then i awoke... I felt close from the LD afterward and i wonder if my subconcious mind prevent me from acting out violently or something...

    17. #17
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      Well the thing is. Doing something in a dream and in real life are very different. If I kill someone in a lucid dream I am just killing a figment of my immaination. This has no impact on me. But if I was to kill a person in real life, I would end soneones life, hurt their family, go to jail. And if you do become lucid in a bad situation you can just change it.

    18. #18
      dreaming of dreaming thomulf's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Sensidream View Post
      I have been thinking about it and feeling of course and i must admit that I m a bit scared... I have the fear that i m gonna stay stuck into the dream forever..
      you cant be stuck in a dream forever, the night is oly so long, and even if you could it would be easier to get out of the dream if you were lucid dont you think?
      when i have a lucid dream the first thing I will do isorder a pizza.

      pizza is sacred.

    19. #19
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      Quote Originally Posted by thomulf View Post
      you cant be stuck in a dream forever, the night is oly so long, and even if you could it would be easier to get out of the dream if you were lucid dont you think?
      This was already resolved. It's better to read the entire thread

    20. #20
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      Ok, I haven t been yet been able to lucid dream. It s pretty discouraging but there is no way that i quite. My dream recall is kinda good tough.

      It s been now more than a month that i practisse reality check. by browsing this forum I found that everybody have their own technique that work best for them.

      There is several of those technique that i want to try but when if i do it, i want it to be done at least for a month so I prefere a technique that have a high chance of succeding.

      Could you give me the name of the technique that work most often please.

      I have so far download some audio to listen before sleeping.
      Last edited by Sensidream; 07-05-2010 at 11:59 PM.

    21. #21
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      Hey I was about to PM you to see if you were still trying to get lucid. I am glad to see that you haven't quit.

      First off make sure you are always writing in your dream journal.

      Last night I decided to try the Dream Exit Induced Lucid Dream. This morning I had a lucid dream using it.
      Spoiler for My first DEILD:

      There are a few ways to go about this
      Spoiler for If you have extra time to sleep:

      Now if you don't have extra time in the morning you can go to bed earlier so you will have more time. You can also use a short 3-5 second alarm that doesn't repeat.

      If you fail a DEILD the first time go to sleep and try again.

      I got the DEILD on my second try this morning which I consider a huge success. It will take a while to get in the habit of not moving upon awakening but you should get lucid soon.

    22. #22
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      Hey, Sensi. Consider easing off of the "I must lucid dream right now or I am a failure" attitude. Try to enjoy your non-lucid dreams more; sometimes, they can be more interesting than the lucid ones!

      Keep track of these dreams in your dream journal. Try to get some enjoyment out of them. In the meantime, keep track of your dream-signs and do reality checks during the day. Lucid dreams will come naturally, but you need to take some time to examine your other dreams first.

      I pick up a half-eaten copy of a book by Neil Gaiman, and decide this is all his fault.

    23. #23
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      yea I know it can be discouraging but any dream you recall is a step in the right direction.

    24. #24
      Member Sensidream's Avatar
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      Thank for the answers guys.

      I gave a try to the ultimate induction, it will help for sure and I will try the other WILD technique.

      The truth is that i often forget to do my reality check during interesting event, that why maybe, it doesn t trigger during the dreams, because i practissed it when nothing realy get my attention.

      "Mmmmh... I m borded what should i do now, ah i know what about doing a RC"

      Yeah it s pretty discouraging but it s life, nothing come free, you have to invest time and energiet o get things done.

      I m glad that it made you LD Zebrah !

      Don t worrry dude, i won t quite, that is for sure. I mean this subject is fu... fascinating, i live in europe and I m happy materially, i have that done, now i want to pursue more spiritual goal and improve myself. That s the next step for me.
      Last edited by Sensidream; 07-07-2010 at 07:24 PM.

    25. #25
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      glad to hear it. RCing takes times. Try using mantras like "I will reality check" That can help.

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