Quote Originally Posted by Xei View Post
Jeff: I consider my utopia to be something positive that I'd actively try to bring about. Would you actively try to bring about yours?
I understand what you're trying to help me see.

Forgetting the fantasy parts of my utopia for a moment, and with the exception of the heterosexual population, I can honestly say yes. But, I wouldn't want to inflict my will upon anyone. If one of the 7 ft. men became homosexual, he wouldn't be shipped off to another planet. What I mean to say is that the experience is foreign to us but we do seek to understand and do not seek to condemn. Me personally, I am not homosexual. I think some guys are attractive and handsome but that's about the extent of it. My utopia is just my idea of a population extended from myself. It's hard for me to see homosexual beings on my utopia if that part of the puzzle is foreign to my personal experience. But I do understand, and I do not condemn.