I've really never been one who has had too much issues with anxiety. However, I did shrooms for the first time two weekends ago and since then I have had this strange, lingering anxiety. It's nothing really bad, it just feels like I constantly have a couple butterflies in my stomach, but it's new and enough for it to be really annoying for me. I'm thinking that the anxiety may have been caused by having a bad trip - I did it with two other people whom I barely know in the middle of a forest at night near a graveyard. Needless to say I was terrified for the first half of the trip and I realize that wasn't the brightest idea of mine. Though, it did make me really think about some things that are going on in my life.

There isn't really anything big and new happening in my life that would be the cause of any anxiety, so I can't really attribute it to that.

Has anyone else experienced post-trip anxiety and does it go away after awhile? I tried to meditate last night, but I suck at it and fell asleep. I wanted to try it again soon, under a better setting, but I also don't want to make this strange anxiety worse, either.