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Well, this has certainly been quite an animated threat. As a fellow oneironaut I would like to share my experience with the 8 coil Shakti for lucid dreaming in particular. I began lucid dreaming about 10 years ago and have tried several mind machines already.
First things first, the device is not designed nor is marketed as LD induction device. However, there are a number of testimonies that speak about the device enhancing dream vividness and length for example.
Second, this IMHO is an advanced mind machine. It does not flash lights, produce sounds, or any other sensory based stimulation. The changes it produces can be subtle but noticeable during the sessions and the changes are very noticeable after the sessions. In that sense, it differentiates from other light and sound machines, CES, etc. because changes are longer lasting after and in between sessions.
So far I have been using the 8 coil Shakti for about 2 months. I started with the hippocampal signal on both temporal lobes and now I am running the septal signal on both parietal lobes. I first started using the device while having jetlag and in the middle of the night (not necessarily ideal conditions), I got very little sleep that night and had some dreams nonetheless which I could remember. Like with most mind machines, the brain needs to "learn" what is happening and after repeated use I started noticing the effects more. After the third session I had fairly vivid dreams. Best of all, my recall was great and I can still remember the dreams many weeks after the event, even though I was not lucid. On the third session I could clearly perceive a mild feeling of euphoria while relaxing in bed and this was enjoyable. On the fourth session I did not get much at all. In fact I had accidentally muted the sound on my laptop and I then switched it back on and was able to feel some effect halfway through the session. This proves to me that the effect is not placebo. If it were, then I would have just relaxed there and felt something, but I didn’t, I felt that something was not happening and this prompted me to check my settings. The fifth session went fine and I felt like my brain had been doing a workout. I had very colorful and highly vivid dreams in the first part of the night and I dreamed about practicing martial arts in the second part of the night. I was close to lucidity but it did not happen that night.
Three weeks afterwards, while using the septal signal before sleep, I became lucid when I recognised that I was trying to fly and began flying at high speeds through the street I was walking in. I had multiple dreams and interestingly enough the martial arts practice theme came up again. I cannot claim the LD came because of the device as I have LD regularly but I can say that my dreams have a different feel after using it.
I am still in my early days with this technology and I am looking seriously at it for dream enhancement and consciousness exploration. The documentation of the device states that the use of other mind machines or the practice of meditation enhances after Shakti sessions and I have found this to be true. My brain was somehow more sensitive and perceptive, it is difficult to put into words. There are also a couple of changes in consciousness that I have experienced so far but I won't get into them here as my report is mainly related to dreaming.
All in all, I would say that the purchase has been well worth it and this device is truly unique. If you are looking for a quick fix to lucid dreaming or expect spectacular results, you might be disappointed. Lucid dreaming as many of you know requires copious amounts of discipline, time, effort and practice. No device will replace this. If you are familiar with your dreams and have had lucid dreams already and/ or in addition to this you practice other disciplines such as meditation, I would certainly recommend exploring this technology. I also must state that customer support has been excellent and this has helped me to use it correctly.