I was thinking about posting this in the research section since it's still experimental but deemed it more appropriate here due to the Supplement thread. Which is friggn outdated though and should definitely be updated or taken over by someone else soon.
As the title suggests this is about Pomegranates, or rather the contents.

This thing started some weeks ago when I had the chance to get some Pomegranate supplement pills for free and decided to use them for experiments on dreams. Due to the fact all supplements that aid in dreaming in some way or another are described to mostly help with recall, REM phases or vividness, I expected either these effects or none at all. Since I have done a lot of experiments before already with truly believing they would aid me without them achieving anything at all I also doubt that my results are influenced by placebo effects. And what I found to happen was not what I expected to happen as well.

It wouldn't appear as anything big to anyone who doesn't try to find results but midway after only 5 days of supplements I found that recall and vividness slightly improved, but no big deal there. The big deal is the logical aspect of my dreams which took quite the change over my whole experiment with Pomegranate Pills/Pomegranate Juice/Raw Pomegranates. Of course I also took several control days not taking anything pomegranate related for a few days. And the results seem to be pretty clear to me.

Usually persons barely appear in my dreams at all, and while things sometimes have quite the atmosphere to them, nothing complex happens usually. This obviously doesn't aid my dreams of lucidity at all.
Now what happened while taking pomegranate related things is that the overall amount of basic logic and cemplexity harshly increased in my dreams. More persons appeared, and unlike usually they actually did something instead of plain existing inside of my dreams. Situations were more complex and one night I even calculated some stuff in my dreams (I did a mistake at first but I noticed it and cerrected it. I even remember what I calculated and that the result was correct), something that didn't ever happen before in any way.
It was also within this period of pomegranate experiments that for the first time in several years I was clearly about gripping the fact I was dreaming, even if the realisation made me wake up, so pomegranates seem like a valuable lucid aid, at least for me that is.

My only problem is I have no complete list of the content of pomegranates, and the ones I know don't seem to be related to the brain much at all, so I can't pin down which one of the chemicals is responsible for this.

I hope to get a few people to try this out as well (preferably people with less logic in dreams like me, as I think the ones with overall high logic within dreams wouldn't be likely to take much notice of any effects). In my case I have a theory that the fact I use my brain frequently with accessing high amounts of logic each day uses up the ressources my logic center has, resulting in it mostly shutting down during rest. Don't quote me on this though since I'm not sure at all about this theory.

Also this is not only about pomegrenates, if you happen to find or already know similar effects through other supplements/food, let me know.