Alright, it goes something like this:

I ordered this awhile ago and it finally came in the mail. Yes!! So, instead of taming my curiousity, I smoked a joint as soon as I could. It didn't have any real affects right away. I then decided to have a nap about 2 hours after smoking this magical plant.

This is what I was hoping for when I ordered this plant: I became lucid. It is the first time I became lucid in almost a month. Not only that, the dreams were extremely vivid and extremely clear.

I woke up with a huge smile on my face and felt very uplifted. My vision was blurred on the sides a little with that white blur you get sometimes when you're dreaming. You wake up in a total relaxed and tranquil state.

This is a very interesting plant and I encourage all of you enthusiasts to give it a try.