Ok this might be a long post!

So basically, I dream a lot, and every now and then I can control my dreams, before I even knew about what lucid dreaming was. Now that I start researching I know what lucid dreaming is and I think it is fucking AWESOME! I can never really control it, it just happens randomly..... Now I even read about how you can lucid dream better.

I read up on a lot of self improvement sites, and it suggests waking up earlier is better, (which is true) and also with lucid dreaming, after you wake up and go back to sleep, it is easier to lucid dream! So me setting my clock earlier works for two purposes! haha

When I lucid dream I do random stuff and eventually freak out and wake up.... not gonna get into to much detail, but TWO nights ago I experienced something I have never experienced.

I was lucid dreaming, and I was in my grandparents house, fully lucid, I hop the fence and go to my buddies house.. ( this has happened before in dreams YEARS ago ) but this time I was fully aware of what I was doing, and I went and swam in their pool, went in the house, talking to my buddie, told him I was dreaming and kept saying I hope you remember this. The house was about 80% real there were some things off that I didn't realize untill I was awake. but at the time everything seemed so right, the part that was weird is this dream was so long. I left my friends house, went back to my grandparents house then decided I was gonna visit some friends down the street.

My grandparents house is were I lived up untill I was 10, ( I am 20 now ) so this is my child hood. I go in the garage and find my skateboard, garage doors are already open! I'm heading out and then BOOM I'm like wait a second.. I want to find out where my neighbour went! her name was aleksandra and she moved to the states recently for volleyball, I knew that but I wanted to test my dreams. I immediately got outa the garage and turned right and went to her house. Knocked on the door, got an answer and went and talked to her. In the dream I kind of forgot where she had moved so I aksed her.."let's say your parents wanted to move, where would they go?" and she showed me something then said mexico? I was so confused but at that point in the dream, I got SCARED and was like ok BYe.. but i'll be back! and I do this little weird twitch where I make myself wake up. I basically spaz in my dream and make myself wake up.

Now the reason why I did that is because I was so lucid for SO long.... It might not seem like it cause I left out some parts in the dream, but the main point was I went from my grandparents, to my friends, to my grandparents again, to my garage, to my neighbours, thats so many different environments ... and I stayed lucid the whole time!! and I got freaked out that I was lucid for so long that maybe I died in Real life or something.. And i just forced myself to wake up.

but everything was fine.... But seriously now that this dream happened, I am just so much more into lucid dreaming and I can't stop thinking about it. I'm getting into the habit of having serious convo's in my dreams and it's kinda scaring me to the point i wake up, but yet im so interested. I dont get it!

I kinda just rambled forever but WHATEVER!

Let me know what experiences you've had!?

have you ever tried to ask serious questions?
or gone back on times in the past and tried to figure stuff out?

this might all seem a little vague but I'm just so excited and can't wait to go dream tonight! it's like 3am and i'm a little drunk and can't wait to go sleep i'ma copy and past this and consider this dream journal number 1. I am so fascinated.

goodnight all!