this is an interesting lucid dream of mine. and i had taken some B6, and it worked so i'm glad of that.

i was running out of some chain mall chasing this guy, he ran into the back of this van and got away. i started to run after him, but realized it was a dream, i then decided "since i'm in a parkinglot, i myswell steal a car and drive fast around my dream." i then looked to my right, and there was a white truck facing away from me. i approached it and went over to the drivers side to get in, but then the drivers side (steering wheel ect) changed over to the passenger side. so then i walked over to the passenger side, and then the steering wheel and everything changed back over to the drivers side. then i got pissed, and just got in the truck from the passenger side, slided over to the drivers side, and made the steering wheel stay where its at. then the roof, doors, and dashboard of the truck disappeared. there were no speed indicators, did not show how much gas i had, the truck was blank in front of me except for the steering wheel. there wasnt even anything to change gears with. i had no sensation of touching pedals, but the truck went anyway. i drove out of the parkinglot, noticed some music playing on the radio, like rock i think. after the stoplight changed to green, i looked over left and i saw 3 lanes with a median dividing them. except there were 2 double yellow lines dividing them. so i turned left onto the right side of the median, and the traffic around me was going the same direction. as i got onto the highway, the sun was out and i started getting really hot. then my seating area starting to strech out, and get really long. and i was being pulled back farther from the steerind wheel. the truck extended to like 30 or 40 feet long. and then people appeared on it behind me. then i woke up.

i was like "WTF??? woa lol" . not sure if it was because of the B6, but my dreams are messed up anyway.