This litteraly just happened. I could not go back to sleep untill I shared this. I dont think it was a real LD but I was pretty damn cool. I dont know what the heck to make of this. I am thinking about waking my wife and asking her is she had any wierd dreams. LOL. Tell me what you all think about this. Sorry my typing is a little sloppy but I am trying to hurry so I can sleep for a whole hour untill my alarm goes off. I never knew you could have a FLD or was it a real LD and I just lost lucidity at some point? The LD was real enough I did exacly what I would have done for my first LD. A bit disapointing though.
I had a dream that I had a TV in my bedroom. I had a still screen on that said something about Lucid Dreaming. I go to bed with the TV on. I start dreaming and I see this TV and this screen about Lucid Dream. I see a white light and hear a sound like someone gasping through tight lips I then realize I am dreaming and know that can I do what I want. I think how easy the whole thing was and know that I can do it every night from now on
I bring Saturn, Mars and Jupiter together in the evening sky and try to look at in though my telescope. I am pointing the telescope though a huge window and the hole thing is about as frustrating as the real thing. I give that up and still knowing that I am lucid go I on to other things.
I am in the bathroom with my wife. She is sitting on the edge of the tub, looking at me and holding the baby. I am looking at the mirror. The house I am in is nothing like my house by the way. I tell my wife I am lucid and this is a dream. She doesn’t seem to believe me. I say that I can make her boobs get really big. As soon as I say that it happens. It happens so fast the baby shoots of into the tub. She gasps and then laughs. And becomes lucid too. We telepathically decide to make ourselves look like super models and then have sex. Well that didn’t happen, darn it.
I am trying to make myself look different with no success. I am walking about the house picking things up with my mind and trying to figure out how to transform. It was like trying to understand a new power. I open a cabinet that was mostly empty. I wanted a mirror in the back. I concentrate mirror and nothing happens. I close my eyes and think I want a mirror and when I open my eye and I hear a tinkerbell-like-chime and there is a mirror. I see myself. I look the same but my hair is lighter with some grey. I think no that’s not what I was going for. I concentrate on looking slimmer and more muscular but nothing happens.
My wife and I wander around trying out our new powers. We are overjoyed that we are Lucid Dreaming together.
I see a brunet wandering around (see looks suspiciously like OpheliaBlue) My wife and I tell her that she is dreaming. She’s just like what are you talking about. I say how else can I do this? I hold out my arms for effect like in star wars and lift a huge TV in the air. It hovers for a moment. It was very difficult. Then I toss it aside. She gasps and now have an understanding that the three of us are Lucid Dreaming together. I see writing on a wall. I think the brunet was had been looking at it when we approached her. I try to read it but it is gibberish. I tell her that if you read something, look away and read it again, it should be different because we are dreaming. We do that and I show her. I say see we are dreaming. She smiles. We are all amazed that we are Lucid Dreaming. Everything is so vivid. Then I ask my wife what happens if I dont wake up? Will I be asleep in real life forever? I say that I have to get up at 5:30. I wonder what time it is in the real world. I float, no I fly, down the hallway to the bedroom I see a clock and it is 4:30. I think well I dont know how accurate that is. I decide to wake up. I cant. I feel panic. I decide to lay down and try to go to sleep and maybe that will wake me up. It works. I close my eyes and see black and then it turns to white and I hear that gasping sound.
I open my eyes and it is day time. My wife is beside me. As usual before I move I try to remember my dream. I am astonished. My wife is too because she was lucid with me. We get to talking and find out we shared a dream. Then my wife says why are we in a mattress in the mall parking lot? I don’t know why. I look around and we are right in front of the food court entrance. No one seems to care. I felt so weird but I lie and say oh I did this just in case I got psychotic during my LD and tried to hurt someone. She just looks at me and seems to accept this answer. We get up I take the mattress in but it a white truck. I guess this truck is mine but I don’t own one. I keep thinking, I had a great LD but some feels like a dream now. I ASK MYSELF IF I AM DREAMING. I say no of course not I remember waking up from a dream. I walk past a compact car and I see the brunet behind the wheel. She is smiling but her eyes are closed. I know she saw me and remembers me. I say hey did you just have a weird dream? She said yeah we had a shared dream. Then rough looking guy with a beard opens the door on the other side. He looks at me funny and said you must be the dreamer. I said we I guess. I just had my first lucid dream. Then someone else walks up behind me and they are looking at me like I am some kind of modern day Jesus. I wake up for real and say DAAAAMMN! I look at the clock just in case and it is 3:30 am.
Yeah after seeing her pic again, I'd have to say that was OpheliaBlue... Strange.