I've been wanting to have a LD ever since last year to say the least. I bought myself some books, have read a lot about it, have tried a few techniques, was really close to becoming lucid but had never actually achieved it.
So, this Saturday I was watching a movie. Started falling asleep. Couldn't take it anymore, I decided going to sleep.

I don't recall HOW I realized I was dreaming, but I did. And I completely controlled myself and stayed in my dream for (what I felt) HOURS. It was really weird, I said OK. now lets fly. I started flying, everywhere, (I didn't fin it THAT incredible cause while I was flying I was thinking 'hey, this is a product of my imagination, this is purely cause by my brain, I know I'm not actually DOING it".
Then when I got tired of flying I decided to stay under water without having to breathe. I did that, and then I remembered of this college girl class mate I'v always wanted to date. And I did more than that, I wanted to feel what it was like to have a 1 meter dick, it was fun. Then I had sex with her.
After I finished I decided to spin in order to get a new scenario. This new scenario I didn't like it that much. I'd way I was in 80 % control of the dream. I wanted to wake up. So I tried various techniques to wake up. I failed. I coudn't get up. I knew I was lying asleep in my bed and thought about that in my dream but was sort of 'trapped' inside this dream, inside my brain.
Suddenly I look outside a window and the night was turning into day. I look up at the sky and see a message that says "if you want to wake up, fly at 45º to the sky" So I started flying into the sky and before I realized I "was back" in my room. Whoa! That sure was a cool LD.

So that's it. My first and really great LD experience. Has it ever happened to you that you thought the dream went on for hours??
I'm sooooo looking forward to LD again. I want to do so many other things...
