alrite, but it's some f*cked up stuff so be warned... 
First off, I suggest you rent the 'Butterfly Effect' and watch the movie then it's philosiphical special features, if you blaze budz then I suggest you do that also. Have you ever thought so big ans spaced out that you don't even know what you're thinking about? Well I'm trying to harniss that as cheesy as it sounds. I believe that order is destroying our depths of discovery, and in doing so will eventually lead to our end. But before I get too complicated, I am going to give an analyses on a how I started thinking of this hypothesis, and so on... This will also help put my thoughts in better order. It's going to be rough though, so it might get confusing.
The idea itself: Think of a bigger complexity, such as higher dimensions and incapable and irrational thinking. Use that as the main focus to open up a higher level of thinking. (This is where psychic,fate,blurs can happen)
First thing needed is a purpose:
Too get a purpose I thought of what I stand for, and the importance of my life/spirit/whatever in this dimension. This is also important to feel comfortable with my sanity and how far I should go. I have also incorperated religion into my points of view so I can overcome any fears while at the same time keep logic to keep me from snapping or freaking out, slowly I develop the idea. I look at the global warming aspect, that ensures we are creating our own death, and I use that reason to think of the good of my idea.
Now that I have a purpose I can create the actual idea, but too understand something uncharted, you must first understand yourself:
To do this, I looked deep within myself, and looked at myself not from a 1st, 3rd, or omniscient point of view, but as a whole, that goes beyond existance. If you think looking at the stars makes you feel small, wait till you hear what I came up with. The following equations are scattered, but I feel that they are all linked together.
/ = Over
If you want me to explain this part more let me know.
(Mind sets... Phychology, philosophy, blocking, forgetting, what we do not understand) I also have some drawings of my dimensions. (Kind of like DNA)
View existance as a whole.
Reality/Time = Existance/Mind
dream(self view)/change
What if? What=logic If=chance
all awarness
Space, dimensions
remembering old dreams, giving them reason
fear = being lost without logic
choice/regret = fear/change
4th Dimension
Fear=insecurity=unsureness=caution=feat=insecurity etc...
Chain, link, circle
rediscover dreams/meanings
Now that I've made exactly no sense I'm going to make things alot more difficult for you and for me. What I am doing is trying to understand my fears. And I'm not reffering to killer clowns, I'm referring to what we do not understand, the void, the darkness, I'm trying to walk into uncharted territory and discover it. Philosophers have probably done this, but they only use a basic rule set of logic, what happened to all the real visionaries... Society has changed the outcome from wisdom to technology. But in creating technology we have forgotten our primal nature. Now there are a few things going through my mind...
1. Time Travel by mind
2. Understanding fears and overcoming them to change fate. (BF effect)
3. Movie scripts and creative thinking
4. Purpose of existance
Now that I've completely lost you, I believe that remember the existance of certain events can change you future since future is unpredictable. I have a drawing to explain what I mean. If you wish me to post it just ask. It's using a DNA strand to analyse existance,time, order,space,time line etc, but I warn you that it is really really f*cked up, I'm still surprised I haven't snapped.
Lastly I will say this. Begginings are created from nowhere (null existance), they start a path which has no end, I believe that path can change. And if by somehow there is an end (Armegeddon), there will always be a beggining again. Existance is only the smallest scale of views.