Hi everyone, I'm interested in what everyone did when they had their first lucid dream so I'll get the started by saying mine.

I was at school in a Media class when I realised that I didn't even take the subject. Straight away I was lucid but to my suprise I didn't immediatly wake up as many on this forum seen to have done. I was kind of bowled over by the idea of being able to do whatever I wanted.

For some strange reason I decided to go and visit a senior teacher at my school. I simply walked out of the class without the teacher batting an eyelid and made my way downstairs into his office and started speaking to him about lucid dreaming.

This was when I remebered seeing him pull up into the staff car park in a really nice mitsubishi evo. I decided to try and use some of the powers I've seen fellow lucid dreamers write about so set on trying to make the door swing shut with a bang to distract him whilst I nabbed his keys of his desk. Unfortunately, I basically screamed in my mind for the door to shut and actually managed to blow it clean off its hinges .

Still, I had the car keys so ran out into the car park and climbed into the drivers seat. For some strange reason i was gripped by the desire to have a gun so I visualized hard in my head an MP5 submachine gun under the seat. It didn't work the first time so I kept repeating a mantra in my head: "This is a dream, you can do what you want" until it worked. By now pretty estatic i zoomed towards the school gates blasting them open with the same force I used on the door and wizzing round the neighbourhood. I then basically drove around really fast shooting at random people until I crashed into a tree and woke up .

Still, it was a fantastic experience and I've still got plenty to do . I'm going to see if I can travel to moon next time or take part in the Battle of Britain .

Anyone else want to share their first experience?