I'm pretty sure i am an anxious ruminator by now..
I spend almost all of my waking time thinking/analyzing/worrying about things that seem important but in the end nothing really happens. All i end up doing is wasting my own energy and drain myself both mentally and emotionally, dwelling and analyzing everyday's problems constantly trying to feel safe. This might be me trying to create the illusion of control by constantly keeping tabs on everything that i have to maintain. All of this is purely speculation of course, but i'm sick and tired of it nonetheless.

Every single day, i wake up feeling quiet only to start thinking deeply all over again a few moments later. All of my worries and problems flood my head and i just spend my entire day thinking. When it's time to sleep is the only time when i can feel myself detaching myself from the constant nonsense i spew out in my head, and even that isn't always the case.

I'm tired of this nature i have, but i still don't know where i should start if i want to fix this problem. I really wish that i could live daily life with an emptier head so that i can actually start enjoying the moment instead of being anxious all the time.

The two things i know about are meditation and mindfulness, but i feel like i don't know how to do them without draining myself mentally. They both feel forced and maybe not even so relaxed, and even then, even though i have been meditating for quite a while, this nature of mine hasn't changed for what i hoped to be a more mindful and relaxed mind.

Any suggestions? Any other people who used to be like this?
I figure that mindfulness is an answer, but i can't piece together how i'm supposed to keep it up all day long without tiring myself. I've tried it in the past but it all feels forced and tiring to maintain.