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    I have been able to LD since I was 6.
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    The main part of controlling nightmares it to kick logic out and make the impossible possible.


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    1. DawnEye11
      DawnEye11 liked blog post by adragonzombie On : "halfway house" dreams
      I decide that I should start posting a phenomenon that used to happen to me once a month. To describe this before hand I used to have these "dreams" once a month that I feel that I am in a dream but...
      Liked On: 05-11-2014, 11:18 PM
    2. DawnEye11
      DawnEye11 liked blog comment by adragonzombie On : Grim Reaper In My Dream :/
      When you are sleeping you normally use your subconscious because your conscious is resting for the next day. When you are in a dream (subconscious) you normally feel light or I like to describe as...
      Liked On: 05-10-2014, 09:14 PM
    3. DawnEye11
      DawnEye11 liked blog post by adragonzombie On : dangan ronpa dream
      Got a weird one for you. So I woke up partially lucid in an unknown house with other people I didn't know (generated) in some big building. We all split up into groups of 2s to feel safer. There was...
      Liked On: 05-09-2014, 05:29 PM
    4. DawnEye11
      DawnEye11 liked blog comment by adragonzombie On : Grim Reaper In My Dream :/
      My personal experience with obe is that it feels like your conscious and subconscious merge even though it is a dream and it is almost impossible to control anything. Being scared the first time...
      Liked On: 05-09-2014, 05:23 PM
    5. DawnEye11
      DawnEye11 liked blog post by adragonzombie On : seperate room method
      Hello. I figured I would post some of my old dreams that I took control of after getting tired of them. May be these methods will help some of you to. I was having a nightmare (LD) that I was...
      Liked On: 04-30-2014, 01:05 AM
    6. EricinLA
      EricinLA liked post by adragonzombie On thread : Who started "Lucid Dreaming" & "Dream Control" on their own Naturally?
      I posted some of my dreams in my dj. I have been able to ld since I was about 6 and control about 12. I started off with flying and making doors to blank slats to start new whenever I had a...
      Liked On: 04-29-2014, 04:49 PM
    7. Mismagius
      Mismagius liked post by adragonzombie On thread : hello everyone
      Hello. I decided to figure out about some of the lucid dreams that I have had in the past and found this place. I have been able to lucid dream since I was about 6. I have been able to control my...
      Liked On: 04-25-2014, 01:55 AM
    8. gab
      gab liked post by adragonzombie On thread : hello everyone
      Hello. I decided to figure out about some of the lucid dreams that I have had in the past and found this place. I have been able to lucid dream since I was about 6. I have been able to control my...
      Liked On: 04-17-2014, 04:32 AM
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    by adragonzombie on 07-15-2014 at 08:21 PM
    So I may have accidentally altered my perception of time when I am awake to be the same as the perception of time that you have when you are lucid. Long story short days are going by like minutes. Anyone know how to fix this?


    by adragonzombie on 07-12-2014 at 07:15 AM
    Hello again and sorry for not posting recently. I have been trying some things recently with dream control that required a little field testing. My new medicine has helped me find a way to increase the duration of rem sleep through dream control. I was trying to find a way to stay in one dream instead of several dreams in one night. This has turned out to be a double sided coin however. You can stay in rem for longer and wake up sooner but on the other hand I have found out that you can also increase the duration of rem past the 'normal sleep time'. I can do this without the medication but is easier when on it. I believe that this may be a cause for some cases of people in a coma. I would like to test this longer but would have negative effects that I can not deal with having to pay rent and all. If there is anyone else who can do this and would like to try for me please pm me. I have slept for an entire day doing this. Your sense of time goes away after about 8-12 hours. If we can find out how this works we might be able to enter the dreams of people who are in a coma and help wake them up.

    5/12/14 multilayered (nsfw)

    by adragonzombie on 05-12-2014 at 03:26 PM
    The first dream I had I woke up at my work before it was bought out by another company. The power was out so we couldn't do anything so I was just in the back room. All of a sudden my family doctor tells me to come with him. I thought that this was weird but followed him into a van where there was two other people and a weird chair. He wanted me to take some weird meds so they could record my dreams. I complied. The first dream in a dream I don't remember that well. It was something weird though. The second started with a girl taking me to the back room of a strip club. Once there we talked and flirted for a bit and eventually had sex. I ended up waking up in the van with the doctor saying something about a wrong dose of meds and that it should have only kept me asleep for about a day and not a week. They where arguing about why it would last longer. I tried to say that I was ok but I soon realized that I couldn't talk or move. As far as they where concerned I was still out so I decided to fall back asleep. When I woke up I was in the strip club again with the same girl snuggling next to me. Another girl walked in and started to talk to me. After a little bit of talking to both of them the first girl asked how my first time was. I mis-perceived the question and gave a future date where we could do it. She got really upset and walked of. The other girl asked me why I said that because she really liked me. My response was that this is all a dream and I though that was a separate dream. She looked like she understood and said even so you should have thought about your answer a little more. She went to go explain to the other girl. After a while they began to come back and I woke up (irl).

    "halfway house" dreams

    by adragonzombie on 05-11-2014 at 04:33 AM
    I decide that I should start posting a phenomenon that used to happen to me once a month. To describe this before hand I used to have these "dreams" once a month that I feel that I am in a dream but I am not. I am sleeping at the time but in these specific dreams I feel like I am both awake and at the same time not. It took me a while to try and figure out what this grey area was. Even though I can dream control in these specific ones I can not. I can control any aspect of any normal dreams because I started to experiment (with the help of tulpas) to begin to feel the electric current in my own head and what parts where generating what aspect of my dreams so I could begin to gain total control. Through this method I would just have to tell one thing to change with one message and it would. With these dreams however I couldn't change anything because I wasn't generating the area. With how I have gathered dreams to work is that I like to thing of a little thought bubble with you in the center and the dream generates around you (like some video games). You will only see stuff in greater detail that is close to you but in these dreams it is farther than I can create and in far greater detail. Now for the dream part.

    They normally start out in the same fashion. A pretty overly simplistic but overly detailed area (like a meadow or pond ect). The first thing that I notice is that I have all of my senses and that everything looks like I am awake but I still feel like I do in a dream. I will normally wander around since I can't change anything until I find someone. I will always find a different girl that I have never seen before crying, moping, or just sitting there looking hopeless. The first few times I had these I tried to say hi but I couldn't talk. I later found out that I could form a bond to them with my thoughts Where we could shat how we felt or memories that we had. After a while I was able to make a language out of this connection enough to talk to them. Throughout the dream we would share experiences and feelings to the point that we practically fell in love. At that point however I could sense a sudden fear or terror in them right before they vanished leaving me with a feeling that I will never see them again in my dreams or when awake. At first I pondered on that last part wondering why I felt like I would never see as person from my dreams irl. I began to hat these dreams because of how I knew how they would end. Some of the girls would just simply vanish but some of them would appear to be dragged away by something I couldn't see. I got to the point where if I really tried I could make some small things appear like a chess board.

    My last one is a little blurry and I would also like to say now that I am not a religious person. I believe that if there is a god than that is all fine and dandy but that shouldn't really effect me until I am dead. I also believe that if there was such a holy and selfless being then he wouldn't want everyone spending their 1/7 days a week just to worship him. That said this is the details that I remember of it. It goes the same as the others but I had a plan this time. I would give myself the ability to sense whatever was taking them away and try to stop it. So I went through it like normal but this girl was different. She also knew how to talk through it like I could. She shared memories of some of the dreams she had and memories of her childhood and about her abusive dad. She also warned me about digging to far into what these where or else I would regret it. I felt he give into emotion to make this dream be over. As she started to be dragged away I game myself the ability to perceive whatever it was. That was a bad choice of words. The first thing that hit me was the unbearable smell that stung my eyes so bad that I couldn't see. I wanted to vomit but I couldn't. The only thing that I could smell was what I could describe as pure death. I finally got my eyes open enough to see it but it didn't have a true physical form. Its form kept on shifting and moving around. I decided to force a link on whatever this was and asked it why it was doing this to them. That was a bad idea. I didn't get hit with hatred or any form of entertainment it got from doing this. All it felt was depression past the point of wanting to kill yourself. How can you kill what isn't alive after all? It was a little surprised that I could see it yet alone talk to it. It responded telling me that even though that it doesn't want to do this it is being forced to do it. I asked it who is making it do this. He physically pointed down the hole that he was going to drag her into. He shared a memory of his real response was him actually pointing up and telling me who it was. I forced the pit to stay open after he left so I knew where they where being taken. The only thing I could hear where screams some loud, some far, hundreds, thousands, I couldn't perceive how many. I was left with one memory from her. Her suicide. He left me a way to find out why I was having these dreams. I decided to ask the person that was making him do this.

    I decide to dig through whatever this was for the information I wanted and found what I thought I was looking for. People who kill themselves out of forgetting what love is must learn what it is again but people who have take their own life have no place up there so they must lean how to love again before they are sent to hell anyways? As you could imagine as a christian at the time I was not very happy with what I found out. After that I have had none of those dreams again. I have had similar dreams that I will post in another dj if there is interest. They where a little more taxing on me.

    dangan ronpa dream

    by adragonzombie on 05-09-2014 at 03:44 PM
    Got a weird one for you. So I woke up partially lucid in an unknown house with other people I didn't know (generated) in some big building. We all split up into groups of 2s to feel safer. There was a person who brought us all there with the same rules as in the anime dangan ronpa. The only way out of the house it to kill someone there and get away with it. My dream had more modern stereo types than the show however. I was the odd man out so I decided to follow a group of 3 to feel safer. Most people where having sex to pass the time but I just mostly stood on the sidelines and waited for something to happen. I stayed with at least a group of 2 at all times to make sure that I was not a suspect. The next day we decided to check in on some emo guy but when we opened the door he was dead. At first we thought he killed himself in some ritual or something but when we got back to the room with some other people there was a girl there trying to cover it up. She looked more scared than anything. We had a trial after about an hour of investigating and we found out that he was going to try some weird ritual with her and that she was scared for her life where she then ended up killing him. We concluded this in the class trial where she was then executed by the person who had us captive. We all mourned for them the next few days to come even if we could now go to the next floor of the building. After talking it over with a few of them I decided to reset the dream and remove the emo kid as a variable but let them keep their memories. This time I decided to partner up with the girl that the emo kid was with. We talked for a while in the living room where I decided to ask her if she wanted anything to drink. After I poured the drinks I told her what she really wanted and began to grope he and we made out for a bit. She then told me that I was a terrible kisser but I commented on how she still wanted me to continue (which she did). After some time of this I thought that I heard my alarm clock and woke up IRL 3 hours before my alarm will actually go off and decide that I will daydream the rest later. I will remember in better detail now since I have typed it.
    lucid , memorable