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    1. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by bsurfer2d3 On thread : How long was your longest conversation with a DC?
      My last LD I was talking with Morphus from the Matrix about what I can do in the dream world. It was a good ten minutes, but I remember more of what I said than what he said. In fact I don't think he...
      Liked On: 11-24-2015, 05:38 AM
    2. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by Sageous On thread : Lucidity
      ^^ That is an important point, Goldenspark. Lucidity has nothing to do with vividness. It is all about the presence of waking-life self-awareness in a dream, period. You can be full-on lucid...
      Liked On: 11-24-2015, 05:34 AM
    3. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by Raen On thread : I just can't do it
      Fake it until you have it.
      Liked On: 11-24-2015, 05:31 AM
    4. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by Sensei On thread : How didnt i become lucid lol
      Because you were not "present" enough. Generally you need to practice recall and awareness. It seems like if you are thinking about lding enough to have it in your dreams, you are aware enough of...
      Liked On: 11-14-2015, 05:41 PM
    5. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by NocturnalEcho On thread : Just had my FIRST LUCID DREAM!!
      :D:D:D (I know I should probably post this in the dream journaling system - and I will right now! - but I just wanted to share my first LD experience ever!) Tonight, at 23:00 hrs EST (11:00...
      Liked On: 11-11-2015, 11:36 PM
    6. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by spellbee2 On thread : Stupidest Ways You've Missed Becoming Lucid
      Was swimming in a lake and noticed that I was breathing fine underwater. Thought to myself, "It's just because this is that futuristic water. You can breathe it fine, but it doesn't supply you with...
      Liked On: 11-11-2015, 04:40 PM
    7. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by Lang On thread : Task of the Month for November 2015
      When did you go back to bed? Activity upon Waking up and Back to Bed? Wrote in my DJ and then I got up and washed my face and then went to bed at 5:00 am. • How long it took to fall to back to sleep...
      Liked On: 11-09-2015, 07:35 PM
    8. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by spellbee2 On thread : DreamViews Buddy Program - November 2015
      NO. THAT IS NOT ALLOWED! THIS IS A PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM AND DEVIANCE FROM THE STRICT GUIDELINES IS NOT ALLOWED. :paranoid: *hands Ajanime22 a permission slip under the table* But really though,...
      Liked On: 11-08-2015, 07:33 AM
    9. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by MeohMyoh On thread : DreamViews Buddy Program - November 2015
      don worry you can be my mini budd tempoarily...Milly & Meoh Dream Detective Agency is open to all :therethere: if spellbee2 don mind that is, strictly unofficial like, hush hush off the record
      Liked On: 11-08-2015, 07:33 AM
    10. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by dolphin On thread : RC question
      By doing RCs, you're rehearsing for the dream world. Like any other rehearsal, for maximum effectiveness, you should imagine that it's really happening while you're rehearsing. That way you're more...
      Liked On: 10-07-2015, 03:24 PM
    11. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by Laurelindo On thread : Having Trouble Lucid Dreaming
      This is something that takes practice - after all, you are relearning an entirely new attitude to life itself, at least if you haven't been familiar with lucid dreaming in the past. One thing is for...
      Liked On: 10-06-2015, 08:18 PM
    12. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by Laurelindo On thread : Having Trouble Lucid Dreaming
      You need to practice your ability to reflect over your current situation. For example, in everyday life you probably accept whatever situation you are in as waking life, and in that case this will...
      Liked On: 10-06-2015, 08:07 PM
    13. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by Redrivertears On thread : Why do I still not get lucid?
      Hello Ajanime, Are you paying enough attention to your regular dreams? I've found that any road to lucidity starts with an intimate knowledge of your own dreams. Is you recall strong enough? Do...
      Liked On: 10-06-2015, 03:20 AM
    14. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by yuppie11975 On thread : Yuppie's DEILD guide - The easiest way to lucid dream.
      DEILD stands for dream exit induced lucid dreaming, the method involves waking up from a dream (lucid or not) and lying perfectly still, with the intention of going back into that dream, lucid. ...
      Liked On: 10-05-2015, 06:43 PM
    15. Ajanime22
      Ajanime22 liked post by madmagus On thread : Lucidity and the Observer State
      This perspective, to some degree, has been shared in various forms on the forum, but I felt like sharing it here anyway, if nothing else to bring it to the forefront of our minds. The best time...
      Liked On: 10-05-2015, 06:03 PM
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    View Ajanime22's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    2- Changing Chaos Emeralds

    by Ajanime22 on 09-16-2023 at 03:28 PM
    3:05 a.m. to 3:50 a.m.
    - I'm sleeping on steps in what looks like a school. Maintenance people come to the bottom of the steps. It's two women and they're with one of guy whois a customer, apparently. The main woman seems mad at the man. Now, I'm in my room and the same maintenance people are here. They are by the wall by my piano and I'm seeing the wall have little splotches of plate that apparently is very brittle and sandy. There is also some light fixture in the corner that was covered by white dust. I am now looking at the wooden cupboard by the foot of my bed and I'm seeing a the chest of my emeralds. I am picking up the chaos emerald and when I'm looking at it in my hand after picking it up, it has changed colors. I'm thrown off by this and I pick up another Emerald and swing it behind my back and bring it back into my vision in front of me and it has change colors again. I think one time it changes color is to a moderately different hue. Now, I'm picking up another Emerald that is blue and transparent and putting it behind my back and then when I'm bringing it in front of me it is now yellow and opaque. I now know for sure that this is a dream. I'm now going towards the corner of my room by the heater and seeing even more gems. I am looking for a green gem and I'm not seeing one yet. I'm reaching and trying to change a few colors by putting them behind my back. But, I'm not seeing it yet. Now, I'm seeing a green gem and I'm picking it up and going to the middle of my room in front of the dresser. I'm deciding that I want to teleport. So, I'm holding up the green gem and saying,"Chaos Control!". I'm not seeing anything happen. I'm saying Chaos Control again. And I'm still not seeing anything happen. Now, I'm saying Chaos Control as I'm smashing the green emerald on the floor while I'm still holding it. There seems to be a little bit of a blue spark that comes from within and a little bit outside of it. But, it goes away. I'm feeling a little over this and sad and I'm deciding to go downstairs to ask the maintenance people were Lysander is. So, I'm going to the top of my steps, and since I'm really floaty I just float straight to the middle of the steps and then floats straight to the bottom platform of the steps. I'm asking the maintenance helper where Lysander is and she is saying that he's in the kitchen. I'm not happy with her answer because I'm looking at the kitchen (which she is in already) and I'm not seeing him. I feel Sui genuinely lost and helpless and I'm pleading to her and saying, "Please. I need his help.". She's saying,"But, I'm not in that High School.". I'm confused by this answer and I'm looking at her and now I'm seeing everything turned black and I wake up.

    1- Choosing Green (LD)

    by Ajanime22 on 09-09-2023 at 01:47 PM
    I'm in my room and somehow, I know that I'm dreaming. I think that it's a little dark and I also think that DJ is here. I appear to have a ring on my left index finger that is orange. switching the colors of the ring and the light that it is emitting to find which one is appropriate. DJ is telling me that I should choose green. So, I'm switching to green and I'm staying there for a bit.

    2- Wristbands in my room

    by Ajanime22 on 09-06-2023 at 05:16 PM
    - I'm in my bedroom and I know I'm dreaming. I'm seeing my white and orange wristband on my left hand and a light Frosty blue and white wristband on my right hand.

    1- Foxes and Owls options (LD)

    by Ajanime22 on 09-06-2023 at 05:14 PM
    -I'm in my room on my bed and I somehow just sense that this is a dream. I'm looking at my left wrist and I am seeing what looks like a Fox Cave it would be a lot closer and I'm looking at my right and I'm seeing what feels like an owl cave. It looks much further it also feels a little more daunting but also more exciting. The name "Saizaphod" is coming to my mind and I'm thinking of summoning him. But, I don't. The dream ends.

    Side notes:
    This lucid was very short and foggy in terms of details, yet the last dream of the morning wasn't lucid, but much clearer and longer. I wonder why that is

    1- Watching the Owl

    by Ajanime22 on 09-05-2023 at 11:56 AM
    -I appear to be in my bedroom and everything is dark as if all the lights are turned off. I am remembering that while I'm looking at my watch that this is a dream. Now, I'm seeing my watch change from Orange to a bluish purple and I'm seeing a picture of the dream views owl on my watch. I am remembering thinking to myself, "That's a few points.". I'm now looking that's my right foot and I'm seeing that it's having some sort of orange or about it and I'm seeing a picture of a fox. Towards the wall of my bedroom furthest from me it seems I could continue that is very dark. It's sort of like a cave but, I'm not really sure if it is.