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    Page 1 of 2 1 2 LastLast
    1. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked post by Zoth On thread : MMR (Mental Map Recall)- A whole new way of Recalling and Journaling your dreams
      MMR- Mental Map Recall http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/2109/wakingup.jpg When we wake up naturally, normally in the end of a sleeping cycle, we tend to be flooded with several memories. They...
      Liked On: 07-08-2015, 02:39 AM
    2. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked post by JPDreeamnz On thread : Dream recall
      Hey mate it isn't broken hahaha (sorry, i have a problem with jokes - -') You found here a "Don't remember my dreams" friend and i'm having great improvements on dream recall in the past month :D ...
      Liked On: 07-08-2015, 12:45 AM
    3. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked post by Eww555 On thread : Can Intention Kill Recall?
      The thing that most affects my dream recall is sleep time. I don't remember any dream I had this whole week, because I slept 6/7 hours each day, but today I slept 10 hours and I remember 4 dreams, 2...
      Liked On: 06-29-2015, 07:12 AM
    4. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked post by cooleymd On thread : Can Intention Kill Recall?
      I took 2.X of those 75Mg of B6 + B-Everything and My recall has been fairly good, but then it is the weekend generally when I woke up I would remember that I dreamed and at least one or two...
      Liked On: 06-29-2015, 07:12 AM
    5. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked post by shadowwolf6tail On thread : Can Intention Kill Recall?
      I know that when I have something on my mind before I go to sleep, I don't dream. (I know 'don't dream' is technically incorrect so nobody has to point it out.) It's always been that way for me so...
      Liked On: 06-28-2015, 11:37 AM
    6. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked post by cooleymd On thread : Can Intention Kill Recall?
      I take ridiculous amounts of Melatonin but I take that for vividness not recall (although as someone mentioned vividness might cause you to recall more in and of it self). I wouldn't recommend...
      Liked On: 06-28-2015, 11:37 AM
    7. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked post by cooleymd On thread : Can Intention Kill Recall?
      I just managed to pick up Solaray B-Complex 75 and yes the B6 is the toxic one this crap is a capsule of 75Mg each of all kinds of stuff, with supposed 50% fast acting and 50% up to 8hr release. I...
      Liked On: 06-28-2015, 11:35 AM
    8. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked post by FryingMan On thread : Can Intention Kill Recall?
      Good luck with battling the depression. My advice still stands, though, as much as is possible, try to associate only positive thoughts with dreaming. Water soluble notwithstanding, it is...
      Liked On: 06-27-2015, 01:17 AM
    9. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked post by Gyalogos On thread : Can Intention Kill Recall?
      Intention for me (as a aim): relaxed intent, very persistent and never stuggling (or straining?). Intention is over the motivational waves. Intention is very-very important. Everywhere:...
      Liked On: 06-26-2015, 09:37 PM
    10. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked post by FryingMan On thread : Can Intention Kill Recall?
      "Intention" describes a specific short-term plan and "expectation" is less specific, still thematic though, and not on any particular schedule. No, intent to remember dreams does not kill recall,...
      Liked On: 06-26-2015, 09:37 PM
    11. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked post by cooleymd On thread : Can Intention Kill Recall?
      My recall varies with weekday (little) vs weekend (good), amount of sleep / number of times awakening. The best recall for me is on a weekend where I have slept enough to begin napping. I also use...
      Liked On: 06-26-2015, 08:11 AM
    12. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked post by Ashikael On thread : Can Intention Kill Recall?
      I honestly think it depends on the person, because I SUCK at intention. Whenever I set an intention, the next day I can't remember any of my dreams because my mind is so focused on what I intended to...
      Liked On: 06-26-2015, 08:10 AM
    13. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked blog post by Raven Knight On : 01/15/13 Ratchet and Clank in Skyrim
      01/15/14 I am in a city I don't recognize. I look around to see if I can identify it. It looks like a city out of a fantasy RPG such as Skyrim or Oblivion. There are various people walking...
      Liked On: 06-24-2015, 05:26 AM
    14. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked blog comment by SebastianCross On : Welcome to The Dreaming Game: A Journey Through Dreams
      Good luck!!!!
      Liked On: 06-24-2015, 04:39 AM
    15. Amanda1
      Amanda1 liked post by JadeGreen On thread : My Video Game Dreams
      Really think so? Well I suppose it just depends upon how the mind of the gaming oneironaut works. I just make a negative association with games because generally when I play them I find myself 'in a...
      Liked On: 06-22-2015, 09:05 PM
    Page 1 of 2 1 2 LastLast
    View Amanda1's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    07/07/15 - Modern Assassin

    by Amanda1 on 07-07-2015 at 08:30 AM

    Note: It seems I am having more problems lately recalling much in the way of dreams. My recall has gone down a lot since I signed up here, which seems backwards to me... but I finally remembered one! An Assassin's Creed based dream:

    Modern Assassin

    I am wandering around what I recognize as a place I used to live when I was a kid. The place doesn't look like it did when I used to live there. All of the homes are on large lots with lots of oak trees, but the area behind the houses is now filled with tightly packed model homes where there used to be open forest. I find it to be very disappointing that the beautiful forest where I used to play as a kid has been destroyed. I remember the patch of wild raspberry bushes growing behind the house I used to live in. There's a long driveway leading up to the house, so I will most likely be seen if I try to approach the house. But since I really want to see if the raspberry bushes are still there, I go towards the house.

    I don't even try to hide as I approach the house. I figure it would be easier to think of an excuse for approaching the house than for sneaking around. No one says anything as I approach the house. I turn right and go around to the back of the house where the bushes used to be. To my relief they're still there. I look closer and I see there are ripe berries on the bushes. As I pick and eat some of the berries, a man wearing Assassin's Creed style robes. I notice I am also in Assassin style robes. The man with the Assassin robes looks like he is annoyed by me stuffing my face with raspberries. When I pause, he asks if I am done. I nod.

    The man gets right to the point. He says the man staying in the guest room of the house I used to live in is a Templar spy and must be eliminated. The people who own the house are friends of the Assassins and must not be harmed. He seems impatient, so I go around the back of the house. There is an entrance directly to the basement there, a sliding door which isn't even locked. I go in and enter the large recreation room that I spent so much time playing in as a kid. I pause for a bit as memories of the past flood through my mind. I don't wait long. I figure the guest room is the room in the basement where my brother used to sleep. As I pass the basement bathroom, I get more memories of my brother and grief because my brother is dead. I continue into the bedroom that my brother used to use. I see a man in the far corner finishing doing something I can't see, but somehow I know he is planting a bomb.

    The man jumps when he looks up and sees me. It seems he knows why I have come, but that doesn't seem
    To bother him. He smiles and says I'm too late. Nothing will stop the plan now. He laughs and seems more than a little crazy. He says nothing can stop him. There is a large decorative disc hanging on the wall. It looks like an oversized shield. The man says we will now die together. I hear the bomb beeping. It's about to explode! I grab the shield and use it to push the surprised man back on top of the bomb he'd just planted. He barely has time to yell out "NO!" before the bomb goes off with a loud bang. I feel the force of the blast push up on the shield but it doesn't penetrate the shield. The blast has been somehow contained. I don't have time to wonder about that before I wake.

    Medical Rescue

    by Amanda1 on 06-28-2015 at 11:06 AM
    06/27/15 - Medical Rescue

    Note: I finally managed to remember a dream again, so I can add something to my dream journal. It's not one of my cool video game
    dreams, but I'm glad to get a start.

    I am at St. Mary's Hospital, just turning into the parking lot in my red Dodge Neon. I am ready to start my new job as a help desk operator and an IT service person. I park and head into the main hospital building as the last of the sun disappears below the western horizon. My new job is a night shift position, so I am just getting to work when everyone else is heading home.

    I know exactly how to get to the data center because I have worked here before. I take an elevator that went to the 4th floor, but I need the 3rd floor. Since the elevator had skipped my floor, I take the stairs to the 3rd floor. The data center is right where I expected. I go into the room where I expect to find the computer operators stations. It turns out it has been moved. This room just has the leftovers of an office party. My eyes are drawn to some cupcakes. A man notices and says I should help myself. I thank him and help myself to two.

    I unwrap one of the cupcakes and start eating it as I walk down the hall looking for the operator room for the data center. I soon find it.
    I'm not happy to find a coworker from the first time I worked here is still here. Her name is Susie, and she clearly hasn't forgotten me. She gives me a dirty look and says to get to answer the phones. I am mad. I tell her I don't have computer access yet, so I couldn't
    even reset a user's password. Susie seems annoyed but says nothing.

    A man comes in, and I recognize the boss from when I worked here before. His name is Brian. If he remembers me he doesn't show it. He says while my computer account is being setup I can get started with my training with the helicopter. I do a double take. Helicopter?
    When I question that, Brian says yes. I must be trained to fly their medevac helicopter. He says it is the responsibility of the night operator to fly the medevac helicopter in case of emergency.

    Surprised, I follow Brian to the roof to find a helicopter there. Apparently there isn't any real training, Brian says I should fly the helicopter to St. Joseph's hospital then back, the manager would confirm it. I wonder what I can do with no instruction. I get into the helicopter and look at the controls. I mess with a couple switches and the helicopter starts. I take off and fly erratically for a bit before I get control of the helicopter. I wonder how I'm going to find St. Joseph's from the sky. I manage to do it and I come in for a rough landing. I have to wait while my visit is confirmed. I eat my second cupcake while I wait. Finally I am told to head back. I look forward to showing Brian I was successful in spite of getting no instruction. I lift off much better than the first time. I fly over the city, looking at the lights I am heading for St. Mary's Hospital when I wake up.

    Welcome to The Dreaming Game: A Journey Through Dreams

    by Amanda1 on 06-23-2015 at 10:36 AM
    This is going to be my dream journal. I'm not sure how much time I will have for posting, but I have read that keeping a journal is a good way to recognize dream signs. Posting dreams here should keep me accountable to continuing to journal. Many of these dreams will no doubt be based on video games I have played or am playing right now. In order to make them more readable I will use the following:

    My normal dreaming will be recorded in regular black text.

    When and if I manage to become lucid, I will record those parts in purple.

    Notes for clarification that are not actually part of the dream will be blue.

    Thank you in advance for reading.

    Updated 06-28-2015 at 11:09 AM by Amanda1

    side notes