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    1. When you feel down in life Lucid dream and beat the snot out of your problems. -me
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    About ARandomViewer
    I like exploring and having adventures that is why I love lucid dreams. I also am allergic to many foods one example is doughnut, Oh and I love eating and tasting foods can't wait to another doughnut. I'm not fat I weigh 105 pounds and I am muscle thank you very much.
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    1. HakaishinChampa
      HakaishinChampa liked blog post by ARandomViewer On : animal transfomaton
      First dream-(just remembered this dream)this whole dream takes place in the game)I'm pretty sure this game is based off of don't starve now that I think about it) Fragment- Look (insert name here)...
      Liked On: 08-12-2017, 03:41 AM
    2. DawnEye11
      DawnEye11 liked blog post by ARandomViewer On : animal transfomaton
      First dream-(just remembered this dream)this whole dream takes place in the game)I'm pretty sure this game is based off of don't starve now that I think about it) Fragment- Look (insert name here)...
      Liked On: 08-12-2017, 02:57 AM
    3. DawnEye11
      DawnEye11 liked blog comment by ARandomViewer On : Beware The Green Eyes
      I hope you get a better recall and that the distractions wouldn't pester you
      Liked On: 08-12-2017, 02:55 AM
    4. woblybil
      woblybil liked post by ARandomViewer On thread : Task of the Month for August 2017
      Sounds nice Ima have to learn how to link and have my LD
      Liked On: 08-12-2017, 12:01 AM
    5. Lang
      Lang liked post by ARandomViewer On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      I wish my sister was like me a bit more she is that type of person who is like "everyone else's parents" or "everyone else's parents" and we always fight like if I say what is it? she is like "SHUT...
      Liked On: 08-11-2017, 04:00 AM
    6. Zhaylin
      Zhaylin liked post by ARandomViewer On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      I wish my sister was like me a bit more she is that type of person who is like "everyone else's parents" or "everyone else's parents" and we always fight like if I say what is it? she is like "SHUT...
      Liked On: 08-11-2017, 03:55 AM
    7. Darkmatters
      Darkmatters liked post by ARandomViewer On thread : Should I use my dream journal or my computer?
      Thank you on the RC one even if you don't have information you still helped me with the last part. I will be sure to remember all about the quotes. Thank you. And last but not least that is...
      Liked On: 08-10-2017, 12:20 AM
    8. flowinginzone
      flowinginzone liked post by ARandomViewer On thread : If you post in this thread you will have a lucid dream tonight!
      That's nice I had my first lucid dream two days ago, I was able to fill four and a half pages worth of adventure. Pretty nice don't you think. Welp I will reply in the morning good luck good night....
      Liked On: 08-09-2017, 05:16 PM
    9. Lang
      Lang liked post by ARandomViewer On thread : If you post in this thread you will have a lucid dream tonight!
      That's nice I had my first lucid dream two days ago, I was able to fill four and a half pages worth of adventure. Pretty nice don't you think. Welp I will reply in the morning good luck good night....
      Liked On: 08-09-2017, 12:11 AM
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    View ARandomViewer's Dream Journal

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    weird crap

    by ARandomViewer on 08-15-2017 at 11:20 PM
    1st dream - Starts as a flash back, It shows me in a abandoned cellar. There are two Other people the only person I do remember Is a girl from my school, lets call her M. Next scene M is at my house and my whole family welcomes her and the first person to do that is my sister than dad and mom. Now we are inside my parents master bedroom we start watching TV while eating cereal, she says "Why did you invite me her for?" I wanted to ask her if she LDs but I was to scared So I just make up an excuse and we start talking over TV. Later that day she leaves so I decided to watch YouTube somehow I come across a certain channel with 60,000 subscribers. I go to a video called "dreams" and M pops up on the screen talks about her many dreams and why she loves them. Next video is nightmares. (now at school we say many perverted jokes together so this the fourth video makes since) the 3rd video I don't remember and the fourth video was titled "boobs" . Also it was a ft. of someone else. After a while I get off YouTube, And get on google, and search how to be become lucid, but woke up. Which completely sucks.
    (can someone tell me if searching something like that is a good sign to being close to LDing)
    2nd dream - first of all I am a different person, I am in a war. One day I find a red hole that I can't look inside of. Then I have another flash back to another cellar which in there I murder someone. Now out of the flashback, I look at the red hole and jump in. The hole is a living thing I see its organs and blood and the only part I can be is this long stretch. I start walking I find someone else walking inside. It's the person I murdered. HE notices me and says hi like me trying to kill him didn't happen I'm extremely weirded out and say "I'm leaving" (could have become lucid right then and there but I'm not an experienced LDer so I didn't reality check) he says "don't" but Ignore him, Once I am climbing I look down, him "don't go" me "why" and I hear a sound and look up a white sand storm is heading my way "cause of that" me "ok... I'll stay" later we exit "man that was a fast storm", and head to my house.
    3rd dream - fragment - I am in shadow of mordor again for the 3rd time (dream sign?) I go to this captain to kill him since he wouldn't be useful to brand, and he says "branding so many uruks has caused a glitch" I saw the glitch In the dream, but I don't remember what it was, but it was cool and I say "heh than I might as well brand more" end of dream fragment.

    superhero mainia

    by ARandomViewer on 08-13-2017 at 05:55 PM
    (before I start I must say that the quantity of dreams I'm remembering is getting higher and higher and the most dreams I've remembered was 4 = a false awakening)also the quality of what I remember is getting lower so I have something I'm going to start doing I am going to write in my dream journal first than later in the day I'm going to type it out starting tomorrow)
    1st dream- (It was a pretty big dream but I don't remember to much) - I am somewhere, I am in a building, I don't recognize this place It is kind of like an office. I am a super hero. I have a move list, literary a move list that pops up when I want it to the whole thing is blue but the words and symbol's are black. After that I'm at the next scene that I for sure remember. I am fighting a villain his looks? All I remember is blue, but we start fighting before I do that I look at my move list and I use the first move I see. All It was is that I flew In and punched him in the face. Surprisingly It knocks him out. Next scene I'm in school I don't remember the rest
    2nd dream - fragment - I remember a music in the background I can't describe it well but oh well.
    3rd dream - not remembered (have you ever know for a 100% fact you have had another dream but you can't remember anything)also can someone please explain the quality quantity situation and how to fix it if not then I will probably do the dream journal than computer thing but I need help)

    dinner with the family-fragment

    by ARandomViewer on 08-12-2017 at 01:43 PM
    I am at my house and I wake and have a false awakening, but I go to the next scene right away. my family and I are at the dinner table. Now this food looked great, let me start with desert It was three mini Ice cream and there is strawberry short cake from another day that mother made. Then we have dinner it was I am not extremely sure but I think it was stir-fry. But this is horrible I didn't get to eat I just woke up.

    (and I don't know If I woke up early or if my wake up time is getting better but It is 7:41 right now and yesterday I woke up at 9:29)could just be schedule getting better)

    animal transfomaton

    by ARandomViewer on 08-11-2017 at 04:07 PM
    First dream-(just remembered this dream)this whole dream takes place in the game)I'm pretty sure this game is based off of don't starve now that I think about it)
    Fragment- Look (insert name here) this is that one game we played it is now fully released.
    I start playing the game I don't remember if I played this game In real life or if I've only played it in a dream. I must say now this is a survival game that I feel I've played it in real life. I am in the game, I am the character that is in the game. I am stranded in the middle of a the plains There is quite a lot of life around me and there are materials sticking out of the ground.
    Next scene and I already have a house and there is another person but right now we are in a food crisis But we have one food I collected and that is these insanity mushrooms (yep) now we put these in the ground to grow them. Next scene and they are grown and now I eat one. Ok I'm fine I eat another and I black out. (pretty boring dream to be honest)
    I am at my grandmas house It looks quite the same as my real house but there is one different part and that is the kitchen. I'm in the kitchen, Siting on the chair and I am crying cause I am starting think about how my grandma is close to death and remember someone enters the kitchen, But I don't remember who.
    The next scene I am sneaking into a Manson I don't know why and I don't know where I am now I am just sneaking in. Now I am in the Mansion from climb through the window, and there is a cat and It hisses and just simply transforms now it is a girl, (any of you know what no game no life is)well she looked like that one cat kid from it just s darn cute I just wish I could pet her) but she runs at me and throws me her claws, but luckily I dodge and (I don't remember what happens next)
    In this next scene I am in the kitchen of my grandmas house but she is not here so I have the "cat" with me and I let "It" get use to "It's" surroundings It transforms again and I ask her why she says "being a cat is weird" me "Isn't that your normal form" her "it is" and we leave it at that (I bet something happens between this huge transition but I've tried but just can't remember)
    Now I am in my grandmothers yard Looks completely normal Except for me and the cat girl and on the other side has a huge side of animal people, and me and the cat girl charge to battle (now this freaking sucks, the dream ends here, not the scene, the whole dream. It would of been so much fun to see the battle and not be left with a cliffhanger but oh well)

    An Illegal Dream?

    by ARandomViewer on 08-10-2017 at 03:18 PM
    1st dream-(pretty uneventful) I was in my house, I didn't just wake up I was in my parents bedroom. I am watching YouTube, but this video was weird. The YouTuber's girlfriends had her breast bare. (could of become lucid because they were completely family friendly they don't even cuss at all) They're playing a game it was like black opps zombie mode, cause the map was weird and it had weapons to buy on the wall, has zombies, but it had a some things non black opps related. For one, it had a left for dead zombie called the tank and had a poison head crab from Garys mod. They were just talking and talking but I don't remember them saying anything except for hey (forgot the name) girlfriend why don't you have a shirt on. The dream ends after a while of gameplay.
    2nd dream- yall should comment cause what is in this dream is illegal. I would put it down but It is to embarrassing. (seriously what if I put it in my old dream journal and a family member reads it? I would be in trouble. but of course if no one cares I'll put down even the most disgusting stories.

    Updated 08-11-2017 at 11:57 PM by ARandomViewer
