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    About benzoe590
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    Lucid dreaming, duh. Oh, and some other stuff.
    How you found us:
    A post on NiN.com


    "Out of the fog, into the smog (cough cough). Relentlessly... ruthlessly ('I wonder where Ruth is?'). Doggedly (bark bark)... towards his weekly meeting with... the unknown. At 4th and Drucker he turns left, at Drucker and 4th he turns right, he crosses MacArthur Park and walks into a great sandstone building (smack)."


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    1. sleephoax
      sleephoax liked post by benzoe590 On thread : First LD Sucked!
      In my first LD I was being chased by some futuristic dudes with guns. I realized it was a dream, and instead of trying to use some powers, I turned around and got shot in the back on purpose, knowing...
      Liked On: 12-31-2020, 06:24 AM
    2. Bane
      Bane liked post by benzoe590 On thread : Stupidest Ways You've Missed Becoming Lucid
      Being IN a video game while playing it. Seems legit.
      Liked On: 08-01-2012, 11:32 PM
    3. LifeDreamer
      LifeDreamer liked post by benzoe590 On thread : Draw Your Dreams
      I just had to draw this. I was in a dream in a car, on a bridge. I think the city was infected with The Blacklight Virus (From Prototype), and there was total chaos... but I'm not good a drawing...
      Liked On: 07-30-2012, 09:54 PM
    4. Rawresome
      Rawresome liked post by benzoe590 On thread : First Lucid (Omg!)
      So, I've had a few kinda lucids before, but this one was on a whole other level. I've been trying to Lucid dream since August 29 and it's now May 16. After a couple of False awakenings, I checked the...
      Liked On: 07-23-2012, 10:06 PM
    5. Tekeydie
      Tekeydie liked post by benzoe590 On thread : Stupidest Ways You've Missed Becoming Lucid
      I was going underwater and back up to avoid being attacked by zombies. I breathed in while underwater, just fine. I got really confused, because I wasn't sure if you were supposed to breathe in or...
      Liked On: 06-07-2012, 01:40 PM
    6. xdream
      xdream liked post by benzoe590 On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      3390. Go into a crowded area, shout "You all just lost the game!" and see the reactions. 3391. Find a restaurant, run in and steal a DC's meal. 3392. Try to watch a real life TV show. 3393. Use...
      Liked On: 06-01-2012, 12:32 PM
    7. Lunatide
      Lunatide liked post by benzoe590 On thread : What is YOUR favourite dreamscape?
      Although I haven't had much of a chance to visit this, I'd say a big huge city, because there are so many places to go, and people to talk to, and things to destroy. The only time I went to this...
      Liked On: 05-26-2012, 04:40 PM
    8. dutchraptor
      dutchraptor liked post by benzoe590 On thread : Dreams with plots.
      I'm not sure if anyone has tried this, but I'm gonna put the idea out there anyway. So here's what you do. While awake, pick the most generic name you can think of. Then when you have an LD, find a...
      Liked On: 05-26-2012, 10:41 AM
    9. Kitties
      Kitties liked post by benzoe590 On thread : Draw Your Dreams
      I just had to draw this. I was in a dream in a car, on a bridge. I think the city was infected with The Blacklight Virus (From Prototype), and there was total chaos... but I'm not good a drawing...
      Liked On: 05-18-2012, 02:54 AM
    View benzoe590's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    LD DENIED! >:D

    by benzoe590 on 08-01-2012 at 09:59 PM
    I was staying at my cousin's house for a few days, and while there I had a very very short LD. I started to wake up and started to suspect I was dreaming, because sometimes during false awakenings I get a weird dizzy blurry feeling I can't quite explain. So I think I did a reality check, but not sure which one. I became lucid and went downstairs. It turned out it was pretty cloudy/dark, and was raining. I decided to get rid of the rain before starting the LD, and it was starting to work, and then... I woke up.

    On a side note, the shortest LD I ever had was one where (for no real reason) I realized I was dreaming was so shocked I stumbled backward and woke up. It was pretty funny actually.

    Zombies and Aliens, In an Underground Barn

    by benzoe590 on 05-27-2012 at 12:06 AM
    May 26:

    Me and a bunch of other people were in a large underground barn looking area. At some point, I sorta went back in time and changed something, causing zombies to attack everyone. We hid in a smaller area in the place, where there was some sort of hay on the ground instead of cement. In the outside area, there was also a deep circular area of water. I believe I went into it before causing this attack. Anyway, we hid in this area, and there were alien devices, black and white ones. We got word (not sure how, but I think a radio) that this infection was found and people trapped in this place have to stay there (to avoid spreading everything). There was a small window that was just a bit too small to fit through. I thought that maybe we could get out, but i concluded that it was too small. Also, you couldn’t see out of it, it was tinted and covered in dirt from the outside. For some reason (and I know there was one, but I have no idea what it was, and it probably wouldn’t have made sense anyway), I spread a bunch of rice crispies onto the ground (most or all of a box, the only food we had), and then someone said that they was hungry. All I could think was “oops”.
    Eventually we left the area and I hid in the water area, but kept my head up so I could see what was going on. I think there was music and i knew something bad was going to happen. Then I saw a tank (From Left 4 Dead 2, the zombie), and was like, okay I’m outta here. Then there was a charger that ran toward the edge of the pavement area. The water was right at the end of it, and I went underwater, and managed to get to the bottom, then came back up. I repeated this multiple times to try to make it so the charger wouldn’t get me. At one point I breathed in underwater, and became a little confused. I couldn’t remember if you were supposed to breathe out or in underwater.

    I didn't become lucid.

    I think I brushed the idea aside. Eventually when I came up, Cops and/or military had cleaned things up.

    easiness to recall:
    7/10 (vivid and pretty easy to recall)

    Updated 05-27-2012 at 12:10 AM by benzoe590


    Running Around, Forgot Why

    by benzoe590 on 05-18-2012 at 03:25 AM
    May 17, 2012

    Not sure when this happened.

    I had borrowed the bunny ears hat from Louise (From Bob’s Burgers). There was a sense of urgency going on (like there was something I had to do or stop), and at some point I started trying to return the hat, and I think I did. There were also gloves
    I think there was a part in this big building, but i really don’t remember anything else.

    note: I didn’t remember anything until I was scrolling through my Ipod this morning and came across “Here Comes Science” by They Might Be Giants. At some point I thought about singing "Why Does The Sun Shine?", which is from this album (and is the only song from the album I have on my Ipod), but sang something else. I don’t know when, and for some reason it seemed related to cooking something. I also don’t know what I sang instead. Also, I think it was snowing. One more thing, in the dream I knew what the urgency was because of, and I knew what I was trying to do, but I just don’t remember it.

    easiness to recall:
    2/10 (the dream is a series of fragments or pieces that might resemble an idea of a story... maybe)

    Updated 05-18-2012 at 03:29 AM by benzoe590

    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Trent Reznor, The Blacklight Virus, And A Car Trip

    by benzoe590 on 05-18-2012 at 03:07 AM
    May 8, 2012

    I woke up at 5:00 AM, and the alarm I had set for the end of my REM cycle was at 5:30, so I went back to sleep. I repeated for a while (or maybe until I fell asleep) “I remember my dreams”, or something very close to that. I remembered my dream, as it was interrupted by my alarm. It started at my house and a kid version of three people of Nine Inch Nails (Including Reznor) were at my house (and they all managed to never say a word throughout the entire dream). I seemed to recognize them, but I don’t actually know any other members other than Reznor (who was present) and (if he was part of the band) Atticus Ross, who was not present.
    We ended up starting to leave the house, and my Dad was taking us somewhere. It was raining outside as hard as it ended up raining during that day IRL (which is quite a bit). I at some point (although I don’t know if this is a recall lapse or random sh*t outta nowhere, but I think it’s the latter) had ice cream, and the container it came in (a small round one, similar to one from another dream) was put on the floor ( I assume by me). I knew we had to go, and I think everyone else was already in the car. I was putting the Ice cream away and I recall it taking so long I went to the door and held up my pointer finger, signalling I’d be there in one minute. At some point between here and the next part, we went to a park area where I played music on my Ipod and everyone played some sort of game (I don’t remember what, though).
    So, the dream shifted to third person, and it had become dark, but the sky was already gray to begin with. We were on a bridge, and things were chaotic. I somehow perceived that it was the Blacklight Virus (from Prototype) that had infected everything, and In my audio recording this morning I reported seeing zombies, but right now I’m doubtful of that. Cars were swerving, and shopping carts were running all over the bridge (and it was a long winding bridge, bigger than the one where I live). They were all the same shade of red, and some of them were still and just in the middle of the road, but some of them were sliding down the road too. There seemed to be a few cement walls (or segments of walls) in the middle of the bridge, separating the direction of lanes (of which I think there were 4).
    This was supposed to, and conveyed very well, the feeling of chaos (although from this description it probably won’t seem that way). Eventually we got to our destination (which went unmentioned, but I think it was a mall). There was another lapse of what I assume was simply the dream jumping ahead, and we were in the mall, and there was a dark room with a lighted hallway. In front of the hallway were two creatures (and keep in mind this was all in third person). One seemed to be a grunt from Amnesia, and the other one seemed like some evil monster with zoidberg like mouth tentacles.
    The Grunt (if that’s what it was) started jumping forward like a Hunter from L4D2, but only going a foot into the air, kinda like a frog. At some point in the dream of which I don’t know, I was at home and came a across something on my computer that said “Face Masks” and had a picture of a woman with white face moisturizer on her face and a folded washcloth over her eyes, as if she was at a spa. So back to the mall.
    the dream seemed to go back to first person, and there was a third monster, that looked like one of the Prototype 2 zombies. I “went” back to the Face Masks thing and changed some settings in an attempt to lower the creepy f*cked up ness of the whole thing. I put “went” in quotes because I don’t remember actually going anywhere or seeing or feeling me change anything, but I just perceived it. In the dream the name Face masks seemed to make sense, mask being somewhere along the lines of the Flash (animation program) version of a Mask. Once I woke, this still didn’t make sense. This changing of setting didn’t seem to work, and I think i was going to try again, because then I was home and going through tabs on my internet and either the tab or Igoogle theme had the words “Maybe” written on it with fuzzy outlines of hearts (not real ones, the typical heart shape). After this, the alarm woke me up. No Lucidity, but I did seem to try to control the dream (although through settings as if it were a computer).

    note: at some point, after we had left the house, My Ipod got broken. The part with the camera on it got dented in, and the glass/plastic material on it cracked. This was in first person, and I remember feeling a strange sensation touching the cracked and dented part. I have no idea where in the dream this took place.

    another note. While in the car, before everything turned third person, we were listening to NiN music. The kid versions of some of the band members including Trent Reznor were in the back seats, but they had no reaction what so ever, and didn’t say anything. I did think it must of been a little awkward though.

    a third note. This dream occurred between 5 and 5:30, because I woke up at 5 on my own, and then went back to sleep. My alarm went off at 5:30, so the whole thing had to have happened in less than thirty minutes. The dream itself felt more like 15 minutes, but I think dream time lasts longer than normal time.

    easiness to recall:
    8/10 (vivid and pretty easy to recall, and the dream was long)

    A drawing I drew of the bridge.
    non-lucid , memorable