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    I am known as ML on the offical EA sim site. I am very interested in dreams. I am aware I am dreaming but I can rarely control my dreams if ever.
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    Spy Misson with millionare and plunger

    by Cornflower on 11-10-2023 at 04:11 AM
    I keep meaning to keep track of my dreams but this is the first one I could remember for awhile.

    It was in first person and I have this feeling I was a spy on a misson. I'm not sure what the misson was- but it was at a mansion that was unguarded and I think someone was with me. I'm not sure if she was pyschailly there with me or we're talking by ear piece but she felt close by either way. Well anyway the thing is that someone I had to like open up a window from the outside and then when I tried to get inside I think the second time I had to fight the "son" (not sure if it was the millionare's real son, or not) off and rush inside a room where i think the millionare was already drugged (I don't know who did the drugging) but after I rushed into the room-i had to lock the door behind me and then I for some reason had to push the drugged millionare out of the window and then for some reason put a plunger on the guy's behind and then the dream ended because my body needed to go to the washroom and I didn't have time to go back to sleep.

    Updated 11-10-2023 at 04:16 AM by Cornflower

    lucid , memorable

    Auts, food, grandparents' house, girls, cereal

    by Cornflower on 05-07-2023 at 10:14 PM
    I had this dream this morning before getting up. The first part of the dream was two girls of the same age I'm not sure wether they're siblings (twins) or cousins were in a bedroom, which had a layout of what a bedroom that my Materneal grandparents' house had. The room was known as "the stovepipe roomn" because the pipe from a stove on first floor went through the room. Well any the relatives were sleeping-one of the girls wakes up, and she wakes the other one up and they somehow started talking about wanting sugary cereal but someone wouldn't let them have it. I'm can't remember if they're talking about Nesqik, or Timbits cereal. I don't remember the rest of the dream but what I do remember is the ending-that the dream changes over to an adult who is writing at a desk and they get some kind of feeling and looks down there's an ant on their leg and they look even farther down and they see a parade of ants carrying some cheerio cereal and the last item to be parade by was I think a Jelly-bacon donut that some ants got trapped in so that the adult reached down and grabbed that donut and then went to the sink to wash the ants off to eat some of that donut.
    lucid , memorable , dream fragment

    Baby-sitting on New Year's Eve and Real Life Dollhouse Tea Pots comes to Life

    by Cornflower on 10-15-2022 at 05:49 AM
    I been having some weird dreams. I don't remember all of them. But last night er this morning. I was having this game, it was like late October at least. My Mom was on the phone and she was saying my "name" and something about "baby-sitting" and then she got off the phone and said to me that she got me some "baby-sitting jobs" and then I said "You know i have no baby-sitting training" and then she mentions one of them was on "New Year's Eve" and at night. Then I said "But then how would I be able to celebrate the New Year if I'm baby-sitting in a stranger's house?" Mom said "We will sort something else." And then the dream went to one of the two nights I was supposedly baby-sitting and I'm not sure exactly how it went, and the house on the inside, kind of looked like a cross between my old baby sitter's house from when she lived next to us (a very, long time ago), and a toy kitchen from schoolmate's family's former house- was yelling at me for "not being a good baby-sitter" or something like I don't know, it was like the audio was off? And was on the phone with someone else

    And I'm not sure if the dream changed or not but the next thing I know, I'm kind of in 3rd person watching two elementary school girls at first waiting for a bus (home?)- I think now, one of them might have been a child Mom "had me baby sit" and the other was the child's friend. The bus was so late getting there and so they decided to walk home. And somehow they came across this house (I don't remember what it looked like, maybe something like a dollhouse?) and it had a fence around the side and for some reason the girls somehow got over the fence, and in the backyard they found this little round rable in the backyard and it had cup and tea pot which looked like they could have come from 1991 Beauty and the Beast movie. I think they pretend play "tea" and at the same time like they know that despite the fact the tea pot, plates and teacup were not moving, they knew they're alive? And somewhere in their pretend playing they break a pinkish or a purplish? plate and I mean really broke it. And then they flee the scene. Then I'm not sure if it's the next day, or awhile later (I think the former) they couldn't stay away from the "Real-Life Dollhouse" and went back over the fence (with some glue) and fixed the plate (which they thought couldn't be fix) and then the stuff came to life (just without faces), and everything stopped when adults showed up saying "They're concerned about them" and I woke up after that
    lucid , memorable

    dorm building is a prison, plus Gr.8 teacher almost eatting a dog?

    by Cornflower on 07-12-2022 at 05:48 AM
    I don't remember all the dream. But in the first part of the dream that I dreamed I was in something that looked like your ordinal college dorm room but when another girl showed up. Somehow it showed me that it wasn't actually a a dorm room at all. Well it was a dorm but it was also was a prison and both me and the other girl for a few moments in the dream were wearing those old ball and chain. But some moments later we no longer were and somehow we're racing all other the building (I'm not sure if it was an apartment building or what) and to get away from the guards finally I basically dove into a swimming pool below. I'm not sure if I'm died or what. But I think my dreamself did die since the next thing that (outside of the first scene I'm watching the rest of it like a movie I believe)-that the guards or guards' friends put my dream corpse into a barrel and started rolling it around. I'm not sure what they're planning to do after that.

    Then the dream changed I was in school my elementary school that is and I had what believed was a Dalmatian as some kind of service dog. I don't know what kind but he was wearing an unsuable Service vest because part of it has to be buckled like an old school fanny pack. But this Dalmatian was really unrully and somewhere near the end of the school in the dream the dog broke free of me and I had to chase after it. I pass by my Gr. 7 and 8 History teacher and somehow for a few mintues it seem to be implied in-dream that This Gr.7 and 8 History teacher ate my dog because for a few mintues all I could find was a the buckle thing from the service.

    Then the teacher says the dog was out on the grass near the Safety Village. And I and some others go and chase it down but then I woke up from the dream
    lucid , memorable

    Bullies in dream threw desk at me and Gr.3 teacher talked to me.

    by Cornflower on 07-12-2022 at 05:25 AM
    This first dream I had awhile ago. I can't remember everything. But what I do remember is that I apparently was at my old Elementary school which no longer exists. But at the same time the classroom I was in looked more like the ones at my high school. I believed the teacher wanted me to sit at the back (I can't remember if my dreamself had glasses yet or not). I refused to sit at the back and sat at the front and like in real life when I was in elementary and high school-bullies were sending stuff like paper balls at me. In the middle of the dream and of the in-dream class that somene litereally threw a desk at me. I can't remember if it hit me or not in dream. I then remember running out of the classroom crying till I got somewhere ( can't remember where) and someone whom looked like my Gr.3 Teacher talked to me and the dream ended
    lucid , memorable , dream fragment