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      Hey Dodge, that's great to hear! I have the same experiences. I often really worry about some silly stuff, haha. But I've always believed that in the end everyone should just be themself. If you think about it, people look up to people who dare to be different all the time. Like artists for example. In the end you just gotta be who you wanna be I'm very happy for you. Thanks for letting me know, you also made my day!
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    About Dodge631

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    About Dodge631
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    Always willing to learn more.
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    Fishing,Lucid dreaming,Geology,Marine Biology
    How you found us:
    Google search on lucid dreaming


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    DILD: 8 WILD: 2 DEILD: 1


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    03-03-2015 10:41 AM
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    Recent Entries

    [February 23, 2017] One Step Closer (LD)

    by Dodge631 on 02-24-2017 at 05:48 AM
    I've had a long standing goal I have been trying to achieve since beginning LDing so long ago. Well I made it one step closer. Just wanted to put this journal up as a marker. It started out okay, but it kind of went down hill as the DC kept changing randomly, and try as I might, I could not bring it to who I wanted it to be. I only say that since I was trying to work with what I had. The "what" was out of place, should have been something different. I thought about the what but I didnt think I could bring it so I didnt try, maybe that was my mistake. The concept is quite physically impossible outside of the dream world. keyword "AV"!
    lucid , memorable , side notes

    [September 1, 2016] Finally, another break-through

    by Dodge631 on 09-01-2016 at 10:43 PM
    (This may be a repost, my previous entry does not to appear to have posted though)

    After weeks, maybe months of no Lucid activity finally one has shown up once more. It was basically an accidental WILD.

    So I fall asleep and am immediately brought into the dream world lucid. I am sitting cross-legged in a grass field that has been well kept/mowed. The grass is a dark but vibrant green. There is a heavy overcast causing the whole dream to look like a dark cloudy day. I am not aware of the far surroundings. As I sit cross-legged, I also feel the sensation of weight in my lap, but there is nothing visible there. It feels like latex filled with water. When I push down on the invisible sack I can feel it with my hands, the rubber stretching inward and the water moving around and shifting weight. I decide to try to make this object visible. I concentrate really hard on the task and surely enough the object becomes slowly more visible from a faded outline to the full object. Oddly I find that it is actually a condom full of water and tied off. I push it off my lap and it begins to increase in size, now larger than I so I try to open it to pour the water out. When I open it, the liquid stays inside, even when I pull the opening to the ground. The water appears to be held inside by some sort of invisible force. I go to stick my feet into the wall of water but all of a sudden I feel the dream begin to collapse, soon I see nothing but a blank light gray nothingness and I am awake again.

    A rather odd lucid dream, it only lasted about 30 seconds but it was fun to interact with objects and play with the dream world's differing physics.
    First time creating an object l concentrated on.

    [January 13, 2016] More orca

    by Dodge631 on 01-13-2016 at 02:09 PM
    Had a great non lucid last night. I was a marine park, not my favorite place to see the orca since I am anti captivity but at least I got to see them. It was a long dream too. I spent a lon time just looking at them casually swim by. Various orca were there from young to old. I just sat by the waters edge an watched, perfectly content to just stay there for hours and watch.
    non-lucid , memorable

    [January 5, 2016] Random Lucid

    by Dodge631 on 01-06-2016 at 02:41 AM
    Hey hey long time no see. I have been out of practice with my LDing for sometime but I got a very very low level one recently so figured I'd type some details.

    The dream was cool, I was running through quite a maze from docks by an ocean. they went for twist and turns all over the place. must have gone for miles. At some point i was laying down on a dock and there was this orca anthropomorphic person laying there looking at me. Then I realized I was in a dream, and the orca person began trying to eat me alive, and I tried to help it accomplish that goal, but I couldn't fit. So we just started doing other stuff. I was lucid, but barely. Kept on the edge of losing it. Thats really about all I can remember.

    I think, dont know for sure, that I had one other low level one before this and forgot to record it. Until I remember for sure though I'm not going to count the other one.
    lucid , dream fragment

    (September 23,2015) Destiny, and a dragon

    by Dodge631 on 09-24-2015 at 01:02 AM
    Trying to get back into dreaming stuff.

    So im writing this a little bit late, but its better than not writing it at all.

    I find myself in some sort of futuristic building, with blue lights around me in tight hallways. I have a red and blue shot gun in my hands as I am in danger. Servitors from the game destiny, appear and tha map goes into lockdown, sounding alarms and closing certain path ways. I fight the servitors with my shotgun successfully and fight my way out into what looked to be a junkyard full of old metal and trash. when I walk out of the building, the exit is very tall and wide, and then a dragon appears at the exit after I have left and it sees me. I quickly run behind a pile of metal as it starts breathing fire outward towards me. I can see the flames shooting around the pile of metal I am hiding behind and I can feel the heat of the flames. I then wake.