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      05-13-2024, 05:20 PM
      Have you heard of DEILD (Dream Exit Induced Lucid Dream) It's an easier type of WILD where you take advantage of the fact that it's easier to enter...
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    I've only had 2 lucid dreams, but I really want to learn how to have more! Any advice and assistance is much appreciated.
    Learning how to lucid dream, reading, writing, drawing, singing, spending time with friends


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    by DreamingInBlue on 05-28-2018 at 04:26 PM
    Dream 1:
    I was swimming in murky, deep green water at the beach. It was overcast and cold, with grey clouds and no sun. Morgan, Isabella, Sam, and the twins were there. They were laughing about something and discussing some object I’ve since forgotten, but I was more concerned by the fact that I could see hundreds of bodies on the ocean floor when I dipped my head beneath the waves.

    Dream 2:
    On a lawn, there was a canopy tent put up and with a blanket under it, like on Founder’s Day. We were having a picnic. Sam sat on the ground next to me, and Isabella sat in a chair next to the twins. I had brought lemonade, but I forgot the fruit I was supposed to bring. Sam asked how I could remember the lemonade but forget the fruit. The conversation somehow got to my hair, and Sam told Isabella to dye it blue. She did, but halfway through she said “oh no”and threw the dye away. I asked why and she said she’d accidentally made it purple, but my hair was blue.
    I then realized I had a flight that I had to be at at 11:33. I quickly tried to finish a plate of pasta and some salad that hadn’t been there before, and then I went to go find my boyfriend and say goodbye before I left. I found him at a school playing soccer with Jan and Lauren. I ran over to him and gave him a hug and said goodbye, and he kissed me on the cheek.
    Then I realized my flight was a virtual flight of some sort, and I had missed it, but there would be another one soon.

    I was in a very weird high tech shower, which I was trying to figure out. There were lots of curtains and smaller subunits with jets and pools of water. Before I could figure it out, I had to go.

    Dream 3:
    Franci and Helen were telling me I had to go to the hospital for my own good. I was reluctant to go. I said I wanted to take a shower before I left. They told me to pack clean clothes and to make sure I got a good roommate. I said I’d ask for a single room.
    non-lucid , dream fragment


    by DreamingInBlue on 05-11-2018 at 05:22 AM
    Fragment: Something about the breezeway at my high school, the color green, and my sophomore year English teacher trying to give me advice.
    dream fragment


    by DreamingInBlue on 05-07-2018 at 04:36 PM
    Dream 1: I was not present in this dream, I was just watching it play out. Kurt Russell was a waiter in a quaint family diner. A couple were sitting at one of the tables with their daughter, who was blond and wearing pigtails. They were trying to teach him how to pronounce her name right, but he kept getting it wrong. He went to get her a glass of water, which he put into a plastic cup with the “Coke” logo on it. He wrote her name on the glass in sharpie and gave it to her, joking that “it’ll cost you a buck”.

    Dream 2: I was spectating again. Harry Potter was in a small stone room with a dozen or so other students. He was telling them that he now agreed that co-ed dorms were a bad idea, because someone stole a very important spellbook given to him by a powerful wizard. Suddenly, all the other students vanished, and only Ron Weasley is left. Harry told Ron he knew he was the one who took it, and Ron pulled it out from under his shirt. He told Harry he was going to destroy him. Harry pulled out a metal sword decorated with purple foam lightning bolt stickers.

    Dream 3: Spectating, yet again. Charlie Bucket, played by Freddie Highmore, was sadly watching an old box television set while sitting on a rug. He was watching his parents being interviewed on a television program set in a living room. His dad was visibly nervous and his mom was crying. It was about something he’d done, though I can’t remember what. He then had to walk onto the set and join them. The dream ended there.

    Dream 4: Fragment. I went on a trip with Renee, Sage, Aspen, Justin, and Emily, I’m not sure who else. We rode in vans in stayed in cabins somewhere in the forest, but I don’t remember anything else.

    Dream 5: Fragment. I was in a dark cabin. It was very modern, tidy, and well decorated, but the lighting was very low. I had to stay there by myself on the highest bunk bed.

    Dream 6: My godmother, sister, and I went to a carnival. There was a large parking lot, and from there you’d have to cross a road to get to the rides. The road was for large trucks bringing supplies for the fair. A Chevron truck came bringing gas for the rides. There were crossing guards to help people be safe while crossing the service road. My younger sister went on a large blue roller coaster that went very fast with lots of loops and twists. My godmother asked me how on earth Anna could do that, and I said I didn’t know. We left after Anna got off, and we thanked the crossing guards, who asked for fist bumps. One of them was Morgan Freeman (?), and he did the “up high, down low, too slow” thing. Then we left.

    Dream 7: Fragment. I was talking to my boyfriend over video chat, and he was sitting in a living room empty except for a couch. It looked somewhat like my friend Arthur’s dad’s living room.

    Dream 8: I dreamt that I woke up in my room. There were some green ceramic bell wind chimes hanging from the light above my bed. I noticed if I tensed my face slightly and made a ringing sound in my ears, I could make them move, like I was pushing them without touching them. I tried the same with the metal heart chimes across the room, and it also worked. I then figured out I could touch things with my mind, so I gave myself a foot massage. Then I went somewhere that was my backyard, except with a huge pond in it. There were giant corydoras and arrowanas, and a few goldfish larger than their usual size. I told my sister to stay away from the two arrowanas, as they could eat her easily. Then I used my mind powers to push a red tricycle a little ways. Suddenly I was back in my room, in my bed. My mom and brother were there, and suddenly I noticed a white ceramic bell chime with colorful designs on it. It was moving by itself, without me doing anything. I was scared of it, and my mom said it was possessed. I grabbed a crucifix and tried to tell whatever it was to go away, but nothing happened. I touched it with the crucifix and yelled at it, but it did not stop. I woke up.
    non-lucid , dream fragment


    by DreamingInBlue on 05-06-2018 at 08:33 PM
    I haven’t been on in a long, long time, but I’d really like to work on lucid dreaming again.
    I’m going to start by dream journaling, like I used to.

    I can’t remember much, except for a dream fragment.
    My freshman year English teacher was congratulating two members of the senior class on their “early marriage”. She said that every year, at least two students would get married before they graduated.
    My boyfriend had an expensive looking camera, and he was photographing the couple. I was sitting next to him on the grass, while the couple walked down a carpet rolled out on the lawn.
    I accidentally got in the way of one of his photos, and he asked me to move.
    I laid down on my back on the grass, and he laughed and said he didn’t mean I had to do that, just to scoot out of the way.
    That’s all I remember.
    non-lucid , dream fragment


    by DreamingInBlue on 08-06-2016 at 07:13 PM
    Dream 1:
    I was at my friend Rachael's house, and I was making a bagel with jelly on it. I was trying to make sure I put the jelly on just right, and I dotted it, glob by glob, onto the bagel. Her mom was talking to me and so was she, asking about the art of putting jam on a bagel. Her dad, who was in the other room, yelled and asked who was over. She told him it was me, and he told me to get out. Then her mom told him about the bagel, and he said I could stay if he could have a bagel.

    Dream 2:
    I was walking in my neighborhood, when I saw a boy who recently graduated from my high school, named Nathan, standing in a driveway with a girl of perhaps 12 who I didn't recognize. They were singing while she played the piano, and it was beautiful. I had no idea he could sing and stopped to listen for a while before heading off to my friend Isabella's house.

    Dream 3:
    I got to Isabella's house, as she had invited me over, and we went inside. He younger brother was lying on the couch, and looked surprised when I walked in. Their mom came up to me and said it wasn't a good time to be over, but that she'd have Isabella let me know when it was. Confused, I left.

    Dream 4:
    I was inside my house, talking to my mom, when I saw Isabella standing in our backyard, watching our neighbor's cat, Bella, who is white with black spots and sits on our fence. I peered through the blinds in the kitchen at them, then moved into the study to get a better look. She turned around and stared at me.

    Dream 5:
    I was at my grandma's apartment complex, and oddly enough, I wasn't in the dream. I was merely watching the dream. A pretty young girl in her late teens with red hair and green eyes was convinced that her brother was downstairs and wanted to introduce her to someone. When she went downstairs and into the parking lot, her brother was not there, and a strange man grabbed her and threw her into his car. He told her that she was now his daughter and that the terrified little blond girl in the backseat was now her sister. The girls tried to escape but couldn't, and eventually they ended up on a tropical island that was somehow back in the era of pirates. The older girl swam out into the water, where pieces of a wrecked ship were floating, screaming that the man was not her father. Concerned citizens stood on the beach in front of a tavern, wearing clothing from that period. The man laughed and told them his daughter was just being silly, and went after her, but she moved away and pushed planks of wood into his path. The youngest girl then escaped the car and started to scream for help. The man grew angry and lunged at the older girl, prompting the townspeople to move towards them to save her.
    Something later on the dream had to do with dark houses and running away... I can't remember.

    Dream 6:
    The world had ended, though I'm not sure how, and I was stuck with the only survivors: a random guy I've never seen and his friend, who was an older woman, and a handful of girls from my highschool who I never really get to spend time with. We were crouched in an old garden, trying to get to the food, when a doe ran past us, screeching and displaying jagged fangs. A buck with tiny points for antlers ran after her, and the man said he'd hate to be on the wrong end of those antlers. I was more worried about the teeth.
    We successfully got the veggies and moved to a wooden deck with picnic tables on it. We were planting whole carrots and broccoli in small wooden boxes in hopes of them growing, and Greyson, and old friend of mine, wasn't planting her carrots right, so I helped her. The older lady loaded the boxes of veggies into a wagon, and promised to come back when they had grown. Then we were sitting at a picnic table, and Victoria and Grace, two girls from my old school, found a clove of garlic the older lady had saved. They wanted to eat it, and I knew they shouldn't because I know how to plant cloves of garlic to make them grow, and every clove was a chance for more garlic. However, I was too afraid to voice my opinion and they ate it.
    Then we were driving in huge semi trucks to find other survivors, and I offered to super-glue some of the broken mirrors and a pair of metal antlers that adorned one of the trucks.

    Talks about weird dreams... At least my recall was better!