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    consciousness solves everything. The unified field.


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    Page 2 of 3 FirstFirst 1 2 3 LastLast
    1. Oneirin
      Oneirin liked blog post by Dreamwalkwr On : Seeking my spirit guide
      So since I'm already a proficient lucid dreamer my goal recently has been to search my dreams to see if I have a spirit guide. Maybe there's a trick to it or Im trying too hard because so far even...
      Liked On: 06-21-2016, 12:41 PM
    2. 101Volts
      101Volts liked post by Dreamwalkwr On thread : God is Absolute
      Perhaps god is the spirit behind all science. Evolution maKes sense. It's what organized religion teaches that doesn't make sense to me :) There is matter and there is spirit. God may be the...
      Liked On: 06-21-2016, 03:29 AM
    3. JadeGreen
      JadeGreen liked blog post by Dreamwalkwr On : Seeking my spirit guide
      So since I'm already a proficient lucid dreamer my goal recently has been to search my dreams to see if I have a spirit guide. Maybe there's a trick to it or Im trying too hard because so far even...
      Liked On: 06-21-2016, 03:21 AM
    4. JadeGreen
      JadeGreen liked blog comment by Dreamwalkwr On : Seeking my spirit guide
      Should have taken the time to edit. The dog was wearing a suit not suite 😬
      Liked On: 06-21-2016, 03:21 AM
    5. gTimeJohnny
      gTimeJohnny liked post by Dreamwalkwr On thread : Meditation
      I think you're going to wear youself out and leave no space for real time. You just need to be relaxed, meditate before bed for your 20 mins and maybe read something about what you're trying to do...
      Liked On: 06-20-2016, 07:28 AM
    6. Amedee
      Amedee liked post by Dreamwalkwr On thread : God is Absolute
      I was at a sleepover at a friends house and was warned by her that if the lights flicker or the sterio cuts out it's just the ghost. I thought she was pulling my leg but she insisted that the spirit...
      Liked On: 06-17-2016, 09:35 PM
    7. snoop
      snoop liked post by Dreamwalkwr On thread : God is Absolute
      I still believe that god is spirit and that there is a conscienceness that is a part of all creation because again, as I said before, god created all things and that is how I can perceive god as...
      Liked On: 06-17-2016, 05:08 AM
    8. Amedee
      Amedee liked post by Dreamwalkwr On thread : God is Absolute
      I believe the way I view god, not some old man in the sky theory, and science can coexist. Everything has been proven to be made up of energy, what if (and of course there's no proof either way and...
      Liked On: 06-13-2016, 01:44 AM
    9. Amedee
      Amedee liked post by Dreamwalkwr On thread : God is Absolute
      I have read the bible, I've gone to church, I've listened to what others have been taught in their own respective religions. Some of the teachings are good, some are not. The bible for example...
      Liked On: 06-13-2016, 01:37 AM
    10. Elaineylane
      Elaineylane liked blog post by Dreamwalkwr On : Reprogramming
      Not a lot of physical details to this dream. I went into it with the idea of all those subliminal messages and affirmations one can listen to when they sleep. I'm having a nap and I put my headphones...
      Liked On: 06-12-2016, 02:46 AM
    11. Elaineylane
      Elaineylane liked blog comment by Dreamwalkwr On : Spirit Guides, Chaining & Lost time: I'd like to hear what others make of this.
      Wow, this is some pretty awesome stuff :) Lost time though? Ancient alien theorists say that you weee kidnapped lmao! But really this is very interesting. I don't really have any theories in this...
      Liked On: 06-12-2016, 02:39 AM
    12. Hunter491
      Hunter491 liked post by Dreamwalkwr On thread : God is Absolute
      That's cool Hunter. Like I said, everyone has their own path to walk. I'm cool with that. I don't force god on anyone because I'm not religious and I can't honestly say 'what' god is but I believe in...
      Liked On: 06-10-2016, 04:43 PM
    13. OneUp
      OneUp liked blog comment by Dreamwalkwr On : Odd Dreams from the past week or so
      If you still live in this house, think if there has been anything else unusual. Creepy feeling when alone like someones watching you? Other family members seeing, hearing, or dreaming things? Maybe...
      Liked On: 06-10-2016, 03:39 AM
    14. Mismagius
      Mismagius liked post by Dreamwalkwr On thread : Introducing myself
      Hi. Juat wondering if this place is still thriving or if I'm ebtering one of those abandoned ghost sites? Anyway, if anyone wants to know about me they can check out my dram journal..that's public...
      Liked On: 06-08-2016, 11:40 AM
    15. Elaineylane
      Elaineylane liked blog post by Dreamwalkwr On : Angels
      So, I've already forgotten a bunch. I had a rushed morning but Ill write the jyst of it. I believe it may actually have been actual sunrise when I dreamed being outside walking on a city street and...
      Liked On: 06-08-2016, 12:21 AM
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    View Dreamwalkwr's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Sexual tension ?

    by Dreamwalkwr on 06-27-2016 at 09:05 PM
    I'm in a great big hotel or something where there are a lot if floors and rooms plus kitchens downstairs. There is a man of eastern descent who asks me to get him towels for his shower which is already running and the room full of steam though he's still dressed and outside the shower. Somehow I know that he will be using oil with the towels to clean his skin (before the shower?) so I go downstairs to the kitchen and ask the lady in charge for towels and she knows who its for and gives me this huge stack of towels which I being back to the man. I turn to leave and he tells me to stay, I turn to him and he says to me, you know he's cheating on you, I know he means my husband


    by Dreamwalkwr on 06-27-2016 at 08:24 PM
    Strange dream; I Usually think twice about posting things that might be embarrassing, but hey, dreams are dreams so here goes one of my more silly ones.
    I was a young woman probably mid teens since I Still lived at home. I didnt have my father growing up in real life and that was reflected here since I only recall a mother figure and maybe sisters and brothers but I had gone to find my own space and climed into a building of some sort where I was alone. I fell asleep and heard voices, one was instructing a shadow like figure to take me (yes, in a sexual context) it told the shadow man to make me more meek and powerful... Don't judge lol.... Anyway the shadow replied how it was surprised that I was willing to accept its advance as I was full of fire and then laughed and said how it even had a witness to my willinness. Then the next thing I'm outside on a porch and I think at a small table with crumbs on it so I try to levitate one of the smallest crumbs, its easy so I try on a bigger one and Im surprised how easy this is and so I try to fly through panes of glass, easy. That's about where I lost the dream.

    Stormy encounter

    by Dreamwalkwr on 06-23-2016 at 10:56 PM
    At some point last night I woke up to hearing rain outside my window. It was coming down pretty hard ( my husband says it disn't rain last night though) When I fell back to sleep I realized I'd entered into a dream sequence and decided to go lucid. I was exhausted last night, I thought to wake myself up and write down the details but I chose not to. I just tried to recall the couple details that seemed worth remembering... But its still foggy, should have written it all down. I went lucid and flew out the bedroom window into the storm. Everything was black and white though I dream in colour most always. I entered a kind of town square where a large statue stood (the statue reminded me of a dream Id had back as a kid, it was also a storm and I was in a bedroom with bunkbeds but it was empty otherwise, the window had been open and the curtains blew in with the rain and wind. I looked out and with a flash of lightening saw a stone angel with a dagger in its hand in a garden) the statue wasn't really a focus for me because I was determined to continue my quest for a spirit guide. I didnt really speak my intentions out loud, just thought them and lightening struck. It was a bit scary actually and I said then out loud to whatever was there that it didn't have to show itself if it didn't want but what was it's name I asked. I got a name. I tried to repeat it in my head and remember it in my dream.. It was Pronounced Hi-dan.. Sounded like Hiedi but not Hiedi. I wondered if it was a feminine name or not because I'm pretty certain I feel a very masculine prescence. Anyway, then I'm in front of a turtle, and it's telling me that it's giving me this thing ( looked like an axe handle maybe but instead of an axe head it has like a cord wrapped around in a circle and there are two ends of the cord that cross at the bottom) and I'm told I can ask for something. So I asked to be successful and have a happy life. Then I think I hit deep sleep again

    Looking for spirit guide/ dream is probably a month or so old though

    by Dreamwalkwr on 06-22-2016 at 02:39 AM
    I have dreams where an old friend of mine who was one of the best people ever before he passed away (and at one time had thought he loved me ) in his early 20's visits me. It isn't often but they are always possitive. The last one I had he was sitting at a table and I was with him. I told him how sorry I was for all the foolish things I did growing up. He smiled at me and just demonstrated the most beautiful acceptance and love and said that it was ok because like childhood we all make mistakes. I had done some pretty crappy things though and had a hard life so I was feeling very guilty about it and he told me he wished he had 4 more of me... Which I thought was a really odd thing to say even though it made me feel special somehow. Anyway, I don't think my friend is likely my spirit guide but perhaps my guide has taken that form? Don't know.
    He looks like Russell but always something will be just a bit off, this dream he looked very skeletol but then, my own perception of him is likely being reflected becuase he is dead.

    Seeking my spirit guide

    by Dreamwalkwr on 06-21-2016 at 02:48 AM
    So since I'm already a proficient lucid dreamer my goal recently has been to search my dreams to see if I have a spirit guide. Maybe there's a trick to it or Im trying too hard because so far even though I'm lucid it hasn't gone anywhere. I feel like I have something watching over me though in other dreams where I'm not actively trying to meet that spirit/force.
    So my last quest was short and wierd.
    I was dreaming about taking a part time job waitressing like I used to do on my 20's. I feel pretty confident because I was pretty good at my job then but everything just goes wrong and I can't keep up...I start becoming lucid at this point of stress and recall my goal. So now i'm flying up through layers and layers of building floors and find myself standing in a failu dark hallway thinking about meeting my spirit guide. I see ahead of me this huge dog which I'm assuming from the size and look to be a wolf. It strats leading me down a hall towards the elevators. The elevator door closes and now this wolf is a dog standing loke a man but in a suite. I started laughing to myself at this point thinking how funny dreams are and loose the thread. I woke up.
    I think my dream was influenced from having watched Game of Thrones the night before. Anyways. I'll keep trying