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    1. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by MasterMind On thread : wild using visualisations
      chitrarth I used to try the same thing as you do, wait for the automatic teleportation into the dreamworld, and sure it have worked a few times. But now later on I have realized that this kind of...
      Liked On: 07-25-2013, 05:55 AM
    2. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by RareCola On thread : DreamViews Podcast Episode 6: Dry Spells
      Episode 6: Dry Spells With a new way to record and fresh motivation, RareCola and OpheliaBlue are back! In this episode we talk about dry spells, how to come back to lucid dreaming after a break and...
      Liked On: 07-24-2013, 06:03 AM
    3. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Attaining Lucidity, Losing it, Reattaining(Vicious Cycle)?
      Definitely let me know how that goes for you. I know I make myself remember 2 or 3 things that I really want to do, then remind myself before bed, then again when I WBTB. That way they pop in my mind...
      Liked On: 07-23-2013, 08:41 PM
    4. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Attaining Lucidity, Losing it, Reattaining(Vicious Cycle)?
      Haha nice. 9 times out of 10, I wake up before "finishing" in sex LDs. And that's after years of trying to control it. So, what I've done lately as a compromise, is I'll start out my LDs doing other...
      Liked On: 07-23-2013, 07:03 PM
    5. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Attaining Lucidity, Losing it, Reattaining(Vicious Cycle)?
      Yeah that's an annoying aspect of dream chaining; you can get alot of back to back mini-lucids. I was going to say that it could have been due to the fact that it was time for you to naturally wake...
      Liked On: 07-23-2013, 06:29 PM
    6. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by MasterMind On thread : The REAL Inception Device
      Hey you should not try this because I recommend it or not, you should try it because you are currious and want to learn something new, which it seems like you are. I realize now that REM doesn't...
      Liked On: 07-15-2013, 05:59 PM
    7. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by Sageous On thread : Lucid Dreaming Fundamentals -- With Q & A
      Well, they are noise, but they're not WILD noise,simply because you're not in the midst of a WILD. You're certainly going to experience hypnagogic imagery (HI) if you maintain awareness when falling...
      Liked On: 07-12-2013, 10:01 PM
    8. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by woblybil On thread : Task of the Month for July 2013
      I thought the whole reason for dreaming was to be able to run around naked without getting arrested :P
      Liked On: 07-09-2013, 05:44 AM
    9. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by LittleStar On thread : Twitching eyes
      I think I had a similar problem (and still do to some degree) it never used to happen, but then started all of a sudden. It plagued any attempt to visualise, or focus, or meditate, and no one seemed...
      Liked On: 07-07-2013, 09:03 PM
    10. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by Sageous On thread : A revolutionary induction technique - R.W.I technique
      I agree with Zoth; this is definitely a form of MILD ... but that doesn't make it a bad thing! Indeed, it is a very pleasant surprise to see a simple, workable MILD technique introduced in these...
      Liked On: 07-01-2013, 06:04 AM
    11. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by LogicInLife On thread : A revolutionary induction technique - R.W.I technique
      The R.W.I (Repetition of Writing Induction) Technique By LogicInLife Origin: Before I describe the technique, I would like to give the readers some background information on how I came up with...
      Liked On: 07-01-2013, 04:55 AM
    12. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by woblybil On thread : Yuppie's DEILD guide - The easiest way to lucid dream.
      This is what I mean, It can only go uphill from here :panic: http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/woblybil/bad-47638/
      Liked On: 06-20-2013, 02:30 AM
    13. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by Sageous On thread : Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (SSILD)
      That went well...
      Liked On: 06-19-2013, 01:50 AM
    14. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by tofur On thread : ADA: Right or Wrong for Lucidity?
      Ron Burgundy - That Escalated Quickly - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FONN-0uoTHI)
      Liked On: 06-19-2013, 01:43 AM
    15. EmptyBucket
      EmptyBucket liked post by CosmicIron On thread : Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (SSILD)
      SSILD is sort of a hybrid of WILD and DILD techniques. I say that because it is possible for it to cause both types of dreams to happen. However, to use SSILD more effectively we should lean more on...
      Liked On: 06-06-2013, 10:13 PM
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    View EmptyBucket's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Bullet Jumping

    by EmptyBucket on 06-04-2019 at 01:37 AM
    This dream occurred during my brother in law's bachelor party, after heavily drinking, went to bed at 12:30 and passed out quickly.


    I was walking through a long exit hallway out of a building, I find myself to be in what seems to be the city I live in. As I'm walking towards the exit, I see a cartoon-like ghost floating by the exit- I become lucid immediately. I do the nose plug reality check to ensure I am in fact in the dream world. The odd thing was that ghost was outside of the building but I could see it both when it floated in front on the exit and when it went out of the exit's view (aka see thru vision).

    After that I go outside and my friend and my brother are there with me and I run over to the train tracks and feel the rocks with my hands to ground myself in the dream, it seemed to work. After this I wanted to travel a fair distance and ended up performing what I called a Bullet Jump
    1). Run and Jump
    2). Morph into a bullet
    3). "Fly" a distance of 100-200 feet
    4). Morph back into a human and land

    We then went to some store and bought some stuff.. I suspect I was slowly losing control though because I don't remember wanting to do this or if I was just following along. Either way I'm in line waiting for one of them to buy stuff and I open up my phone which has a notification for 3000 points... I don't know what for but I felt happy.

    I turn around and I notice I'm in an airport. At this point I know the dream is falling apart and I just want to have fun. I take all of my clothes off in front of everyone sitting down at the airport and look for a dc to have sex with As I'm walking around I see nobody that looks appealing and rather everyone just seems sort of hostile and some people are just pissed at me. Then someone knocked all of my belongings over and I feel as though I need to get them back, I start looking for my clothes as I realize this venture was unsuccessful then all of a sudden
    I time shift and I'm on the ground picking my backup and belongings up.


    Planning on working more on my dream stability, I had a good start but I want to try out verbal commands next time.

    High-End Restaurant Exhibit House - Man I Fucking Hate Gout

    by EmptyBucket on 05-29-2019 at 03:16 AM
    Hello DVers, I have returned once again. Just a little update- I've stopped smoking weed (for now) and plan to at least have a few lucids, I've been working hard on dream recall and just taking things at a slower pace to avoid getting excited then losing motivation at the first sign of failure.

    Anyways, here's an interesting dream I remembered Non-Lucid

    Anything in orange is a potential dream sign for my own reference and improvement

    The dream begins in an open space, It looks similar to my old work, but a lot nicer with some more expensive equipment. I work on Interactive Media at work (virtual reality, augmented reality, motion tracking, etc)

    It appears that I'm also with mostly coworkers from said older company. I'm standing in front of what looks like 3 wooden shelves, all in descending height coming toward where I'm standing, creating some sort of augmented reality app in which the holograms have some placement element within the shelves. For whatever reason, I didn't seem to know the specifics of what it was.

    Then I see a Robotic AI tripod that has miniature tank track like wheels on it, on the top of the tripod is an advanced 360 kinect sensor I didn't see any details that would suggest it was kinect but I seemed to just assume as that's a sensor I use fairly often at work. But back to the AI Kinect (Let's call it KinectX).. this thing moved unexpectedly fast, and the idea of it was that instead of a person moving in front of a static Kinect, this thing would calculate the distance from itself to a person- then use it's tank tracks to accelerate around it's target and apply cool effects to their person and stream it to a display wall somewhere in the restaurant. I never gathered this from any DCs but for some reason I just had that information in mind. This device looked super high tech- it was jet black with some space white indents and really sleek looking rotatable joints where it could transform for different angles and such.

    Photo of concept below drawn from memory (drawing doesn't represent how cool it was, sorry)

    Anyways Richard my old coworker came in, at my old company, he was always the one on the kinect applications, so this really fit the bill.

    After a little bit we had some user testers come in to try out the apps and vet out some bugs and any edge cases, which is fairly standard protocol. My testers consisted of about 10 guys, and one of those 10 guys was Lebron James. At one point during the testing we all jumped in unison, at this point I'm assuming it was basketball related but after the jump I did a nose plug reality and test and failed! I remember thinking "Yeah I'm busy but this might be a dream.. test.. nah".....

    After the failed attempt I seemed to just appear inside the seating area of the restaurant. Every table was filled, all people there had on black clothing.. suits for the men and flapper dresses for the ladies. There was a fancy plethora of Edison light bulbs chandeliers above all tables, for some reason I was going around switching out the lightbulbs in front of everyone eating...

    After that I saw my old boss walking around to make sure the installation was going good, then I saw him walk back to the staging area I was in before and he was sitting at a table with other old coworkers laughing and not helping .. I got hungry at this point so I found some raw pizza and ate that After this I went to the other side of the seating area of the restaurant and found that there was a resort attached to the side of this restaurant, so it was half outside and half inside, on the resort side it was a long strip of beach chairs that were in the water and a little further in front of those chairs was about 5 feet deep water that was super warm like a hot tub.

    I seemed to timeshift again and found myself traversing the water, I remember it feeling super warm- went to the end of the little pool extension and saw a few guys sitting on beach chairs. One of them was talking kind of loud and I just remember him talking and saying "Gout fuckin sucks man, yeah it just sucks bro", don't remember what else. I swam back and I remember there was a very busty woman in the water and she was getting in my way as I swam back, I don't recall doing anything with her but man it was feeling extra steamy at that point.

    I time shift one more time and I'm near where the pool extension and the restaurant meet, I then see speakers that are floating on a ledge and see the cord dangling, I was trying to find an outlet to plug it into then I heard my coworker from my current company on the phone and in a black suit and sunglasses saying "Man I fuckin' hate Gout, DUDE IT FUCKING SUCKS" right near where everyone was sitting and was just venting about it


    End of dream, not a lucid but it was interesting and vivid. I will have a lucid dream soon so stay tuned if you happen to read these.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Stop Eating My Fucking Pets

    by EmptyBucket on 06-19-2018 at 03:09 AM
    Don't recall any predream rituals or bedtime conditions this night, I've been working a lot of overtime lately so my note taking habits have taken a hit


    So it started being in a big house/mansion hybrid with a lot of rooms, and a lot of gate-like structures where I could see my mom's 8 pets + a huge zoo of pets that I didn't know at all. Suddenly time seemed to shift a few times where I caught glimpses of these pets, then all of a sudden a dinosaur raptor showed up and started destroying rooms. At this point I recall feeling anxiety as I feared for my pets getting hurt or killed.

    I remember feeling myself boomerang in and out of lucidity and I finally crawled into myself on the floor feet on the ground, and I tried to imagine my dream body move instead of my real body, and was guiding my attention to my thoughts exhaustively until it was my dream body rising up from the balled up position to standing up straight. I became fully lucid. At this point I remember following the dinosaur in these dream glimpse sequences, then eventually I somehow made my way into a room which revealed the outer part of the structure I was in, and the sun shined as I NOTICED THAT THIS IS A HUGE MANSION/CRUISE and it looks great out and that hostile feeling from before seemed to subside.

    I looked to my left and see a beautiful woman who looks to be a mom.. of sorts So I walked up to her slapped her with my dong and had her perform oral on me.. and I yelled at her and said "STOP EATING MY FUCKING PETS", and sooner or late, time seemed to shift and boat seemed to be broken on our side and that hostile feeling seemed to come back. So I pushed her right into the ocean, just .. right away, she floated away half-naked, screaming for help and then
    I woke up.



    Pretty good lucid, better vividity as well, the lady was fun
    The hostile feeling kind of sucked while combined with pet anxiety

    Updated 06-19-2018 at 03:12 AM by EmptyBucket


    I am in control here *wakes up*

    by EmptyBucket on 05-27-2018 at 04:16 AM
    Went to bed around 2 AM, ended up smoking a little weed and watching one piece at my buddy's place, I recall being very very tired.


    I wake up in one room and seem to be resting, I then shift to another dream scene, and I end up in my coworker's room (whom I have a bit of a crush on, but quite moderately), I remember her seeming really chill (even though she usually isn't )

    I then seem to lose sense of time AGAIN, I appear in a room giving an entirely different coworker (whom I have a bigger crush on) a massage... but she kept kicking me in this weird way... it's hard to describe at this point, but I seemed to then shift to a bed aside her, when I then saw my sister who expressed concern about something I can't remember..

    At that point I grabbed my phone on the bed .. to ya know .. do the phone reality check (At this point things felt very vivid, as in I can remember it feeling extremely real), then I looked at my phone, it said 6:00 AM- looked away willing the number to change, look back- phone said just 6, no 00s , and then the formatting was a bit off as well and that's when I cracked the case, I'm lucid as fuck bro I remember being so excited and I tried using the voice commands to try and stabilize the dream, shouting to everyone in the room, "I AM IN CONTROL HERE, OF THIS DREAM" and then I immediately woke up.


    It seems that the phone text reality check is really effective, 3 lucids this week and I usually get one every now and then? That and I think that the quality of the focus I've put into critical thinking while reality checking (where am I, why am I here, how did x appear, etc ). But my Dream stability is still shit, my dreams keep ending rapidly, the longest I have this week was like 2 minutes in perceived time. Perhaps I should focus on my hands? I've heard this works well.

    Dream Incubation -

    I want appear with my coworker in the hotel we were at on work trip, I want to make love to her endlessly

    Sorry I'm pretty high while writing this might be worded harshly.

    I'm Getting My Money Out Of My Wallet

    by EmptyBucket on 05-23-2018 at 02:43 AM
    Went to bed at 11:30 PM, ended up doing a short 15 minute WBTB, experimented with playing a game of 2048 on my phone to wake up the logical centers of the brain a little, but not too much, as I needed to get back to bed.


    The dream began with me in the bedroom of my apartment, I assumed that I had just awoken, I had checked my front door to see that it was open.. I'm typically a freak about locking my doors, so this wouldn't happen normally. I then checked my back door by the den and noticed that the door was partly open... weird. One other detail I noticed was that the doors were seemingly doubled in thickness.. as if there were 2 doors.. as 1 door. I walked back to my front door to confirm that detail when I decided to do the phone time reality check, and sure enough I didn't even have to look away and look back, the text was all jumbled to hell. the excitement rushed in as I realized I was dreaming, great fucking deductions I thought, my lucid dreaming practice in RL in paying off, and this reality check is proving to be pretty solid.

    Shortly after I finished boasting to myself, I closed my eyes on accident... and panicked a little at the possibility of squandering this lucid dream I earned, I appeared at the front of a long line inside of some coffee shop. It seemed as if I had already ordered??? I then remembered something that Daniel Love had mentioned in his book for dream stability, which was to vocalize everything you are doing to ground yourself in your dream reality. So I pulled my wallet out - "I'm pulling my wallet out" (saying all of this like an idiot in front of the big line and the cashier), then I started taking money out of my wallet - "I'm getting my money out of my wallet", it seemed to sort of help extend me further than my last short lucid, then she took my money
    and the dream completely collapsed.


    Lucid Streak - 2

    It seems the vocalizing of the actions is a valid technique, but I think I need to focus first on my other senses and perhaps feel my hands or touch stuff, after the fact, it almost feels like it was a non lucid dream. Maybe I am just getting a crazy impulsive tunnel vision, instead of just looking at things and observing detail but rather just filtering a lot of things out and essentially just riding the excitement until I hit an overflow and just wake up. It also feels like this occurred closer to the end of REM phase, not sure though.

    Dream Incubation -

    For my next lucid dream I want to recreate the floor of the hotel I was in with my project manager, and also recreate the scene of me and her walking back from the elevators to our rooms and where she expressed her griefs about the project we were out for.

    The goal is to make a move on her in a very controlled and aware manner (so I can enjoy it), after completing this, as a wish list action item, I will attempt to fly out of her window and explore the city.

    Updated 05-23-2018 at 02:47 AM by EmptyBucket

    lucid , false awakening