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    College student who just hates not knowing her dreams (and I usually only remember one dream a week). I've been writing things down, meditating, and trying to get into lucid dreaming, just need need some practice. Most of my dreams are in third person to where I'm like God looking over me and the people/sitiuation of the dream. So it's like I know it's a dream, and I can't do anything about it, can't control "the me I'm seeing", if that's the best way to describe it.
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    View giraffe's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    It was like INCEPTION!

    by giraffe on 06-16-2011 at 07:46 AM
    So a friend of mine who got me interested in this site has been telling me about the whole "reality check" things to enduce lucid dreams, but I've always failed in them UNTIL TWO NIGHTS AGO...

    In my dream, I was in this big city that kind of looked like a tiny packed street in China or Japan or something, with tons of lights and words I couldn't recognize on tons of signs all over the place. My friend Lupe shoes up and she's all "hey, wanna go to this knick knack store?" or however she worded it that made it seem like we were going to some junk shop down the street. I said sure and we headed for the store. When we get inside I see tons of shelves and tons of figurines and such but I can't make out what they are or what they mean, but I somehow know what they all are. There's a clock near the door and a few people in the store. Lupe sees somebody she knows in the store and starts talking to them while I aimlessly wander down an isle of knick knacks. I check the time but the clock is all topsy-turvy like I can't make out the exact time every time a blink it changes or the hands move in funny ways (and that's normal for me in dreams, I can never read clocks. That COULD be a reality check but it never registers for me, I just think it's completely normal and that the clock will tell me the time later haha).

    I turn back to the shelves and overhear Lupe talk about her class schedule with the person she ran into in the store. Whatever she said made me think, like "hey, she doesn't have that class this quarter" or "wait a minute, she's graduating next quarter not next year" or something that made me realize what she was saying was wrong. And then it hits me:


    HOLY SH*T.

    I start floating.

    I'm all in my head "woah, I'm floating, this is a dream and I'm floating YES! I can do anything I want in this dream this is fantastic!"

    And then like amnesia, I find I'm back down on the ground and everything in this dream is considered "normal" and I'm back to my fantasy in the dream not knowing it's a dream anymore. I just go through the isles, Lupe catches up with me, and we leave for another store a few blocks away. We don't get to it because I "wake up."


    I'm in bed, in a room that is basically my apartment but the scenery is mixed with my apartment and Lupe's living room. I sit up in bed, stretch and see my friends Jackie and Sam are there but Lupe isn't. I groggily great them, head towards the kitchen (I'm suddenly wearing a white robe for no good reason), and pour myself a glass of iced tea like I would do if I actually was awake. I nonschalantly tell them about how I had a lucid dream but I wasn't reacting to it as I the actually awake person I am right now typing this. Everything after that becomes fuzzy and then I'm ACTUALLY awake finally.

    So basically two momentous things happened that I'm not even sure really happened: a dream within a dream, which I never have, and a lucid dream, which I apparently had. But it was like I only noticed I was lucid for a few minutes and then I was sucked back into the dream reality. BUT after I was back in the dream reality, I had "split personalities" again, where I see myself in the dream doing stuff like I'm narrating or filming it or something but I can't do anything to change its course. Up til the lucid point in the store, I was in my own point of view FINALLY. I rarely have my own point of view dreams.

    So I kind of want an opinion... was this really a lucid dream? Or was this my dream person making myself think I had a lucid dream? It's confusing...

    TA DA

    Matched guy update / fragment.

    by giraffe on 05-01-2011 at 09:51 PM
    So for those who read the DJ before this one regarding me and the guy I found on an online dating site... dinner went AMAZINGLY well so I'm hoping this guy is a keeper. <3 AND when I got home from the date last night I had a dream about him AGAIN! My subconscious is working in mysterious ways lately haha.

    It's only a fragment that I can remember because I didn't get much sleep last night. (Keep your mind out of the gutter, fools, I got home and tried to sleep in my own bed alone, haha.) The fragment was... the best way of describing it was a giant gridded chart of my life? I remember cubes stacked up in a grid form with moving pictures of moments that happened at the date I just had, some generic moments that I made up like seeing both of us smiling on one cube or our hands holding, stuff like that. The cubes were turning every once in while, but all of the sides of the cube had the same moving picture on all sides. I remember seeing the matched guy standing on top of one of the cubes with his hands in his pockets... and... I woke up. I'm all "DAMMIT" haha.

    Those who wanna interpret what that means go right ahead, but I'm stumped... maybe it was about how my subconscious thinks I'm gonna have some awesome moments with him in the future? Or was it just my subconscious arranging memories for me in this cube affect just because I was running on lack of sleep...? This fragment I remember only lasted about an hour, so not much to go on.

    TA DA

    Updated 05-02-2011 at 07:53 AM by giraffe

    dream fragment

    Apparently my subconscious likes him too...

    by giraffe on 04-30-2011 at 08:27 AM
    Finally a positive DJ entry from me.

    So recently I've been getting into online dating. Just a few meet-ups more than dates w/ guys, not much to say successfully in that department BUT a few weeks ago I decided to join one of the large ones with all those compatibility questions so it seems like I'm getting more SERIOUS. My first match on that service messaged me and it's not been a few weeks of constant texting. I'm meeting him tomorrow, and the dream I had last night relates to that.

    In my dream, it starts out with me in my roommates at my apartment at night. I get a call from this match saying he's outside. I know that in the real world I'm supposed to meet him at the restaurant, which confuses me why he's here and knows where I live but I blissfully head outside to meet him anyways. He's in the parking lot walking towards my building and smiles when he sees me. Suddenly there's all these friends of mine surrounding us. I suddenly hear a plan in my head that all of these friends of mine and this match are all going out to a mall together.

    We get to the mall and it's mostly empty. Apparently we're there pretty late but nobody's closing the stores. Most of the mall store-wise is empty too, there's empty stores, and big blocked off stores that say things like "coming soon" and such, but there is a pawn shop store so we all go in there and take a look around. Inside the pawn shop, there's a few people in my life I recognize, including a past crush. My heart sank seeing him, but in a sinking way of "oh geez he's seeing me with another guy, idk how I feel about that." I tell my match about him and tell him to move away and ignore him, and he was successfully ignored. We get up to the register and check out some trinkets that I can't remember now what they were. I'm now realizing my body language with this guy: super duper close. I have one arm around his back and the other against his chest in a "you just saved me, my hero!" kind of pose, and it feels AWESOME. I look around and people notice the attraction between us. The guy behind the counter even winks at us.

    We all then head for a food court, where there's a lot more people and a ton of long rectangular chairs. The match guy and me head for a buffet and grab out food, realizing all of my friends have gone elsewhere to get food. There's an open almost empty section of tables we sit in waiting for the rest of my friends to join us but they never show up. Match guy and I are on our own.

    After this it's more like a montage of us roaming around a mostly empty mall, all smiley and happy and the whole timing in general just slows down. Like I'm completely happy and whole and just enjoying his company. So yeah, before this dream I knew this guy is super awesome, but now that I've had a dream with him and how I feel, I guess I can say that my subconscious likes him too.

    And if I have any more dreams about this guy I'll post em, but I don't want this to be a gossip journal all about this one guy and updates on him and me and all that jazz. I'm just focusing on the dreams if I have any more.

    TA DA

    Updated 05-01-2011 at 11:55 PM by giraffe


    My first nightmare I can remember (repetitive).

    by giraffe on 04-10-2011 at 08:21 PM
    (I promise you not all of my entries will be about nightmares, haha, just gotta get this one out of the way first.)

    I was 8 and living in Wyoming at the time when I first had this nightmare, and it's the first nightmare I can remember (and like I said in my other posts I mostly have anxiety dreams, only have had 2 nightmares I can remember). I've had this come up when I was 8 twice (about 6 months after it first happened, right before I turned 9), again when I was 12 right after we moved to Nevada, and when I was 15 I had a dream that spotlighted a scene from this particular nightmare.

    It's mostly in first person, which I rarely dream in. I'm my 8-year-old self, walking around my house in Wyoming like it's a regular old boring day. It's really sunny outside, so all the nights are turned off and all the fans are turned on. My sister's nowhere to be found, I assume she's at a friend's house or something. My parents are out in the backyard, so I find myself wandering the rooms looking around aimlessly. I go back in my room and find my doll, who turns out to be Cynthia, the same doll Angelica has in the Rugrats cartoon. I held her up, exaimined her, and then looked at my bed. Normally I had a few of my stuffed animals surrounding the pillows, but all of my stuffed animals had turned into dolls or stuffed humans. The moment I see these on my bed, the sky outside turns orange and thick, like there's a fire nearby. I glance at the window then glance at the door and run for the backyard. The sky is so thick it's almost red as I run out through the garage and patio onto the grass. There I'm horrified to see both of my parents are engulfed in flames. But what makes this less horrifying is that they are giant stuffed bears, almost like they're wearing mascot costumes. I know they are my parents, but I'm suddenly understanding that all humans are now stuffed bears and all stuffed animals are dolls or stuffed humans. My parents are running around in circles, screaming and on fire, making little footprint-shapes of fire on the grass which is starting more of the fire. I'm hearing dramatic music in the background that's telling me it's gonna get worse. I can't get my legs to move so I can get to them to help them. I'm screaming for them and going "No!" and all that dramaticness an 8-year-old can possess as she's seeing her parents go up in flames. As I'm screaming, I wake up, realizing my face is wet from crying and I'm mouthing the words "No, no no no..."

    The waking up bit has happened each time I've had it until the dream I had at 15. The only thing I remember from it was that my parents were in it asking me "remember what happened 7 years ago?" and I have a little thought bubble pop over my head with the scene of my parents as giant stuffed bears screaming and running around on fire.

    TA DA
    nightmare , dream fragment

    My first nightmare in 13 years.

    by giraffe on 04-08-2011 at 07:33 AM
    So hi, this is my first Dream Journal entry. I have a few friends on here who got me into this whole dream journal thing, so I've been writing a few details I can remember of my dreams in a notebook next to my bed. And what a better way to start out the first DJ with a nightmare?

    I literally don't have nightmares, I can only remember one nightmare and it's a repetitive one I've had a few times between the ages of 8 and 16 (I shall DJ that one later). I get more "anxiety" dreams than nightmares where I'm just unsettled and panicked but not literally frightened BUT this one's really intense. Let it be known that it took place in my old room back at my parents house who I only visit a few times a year.

    (Disclaimer: I've told this to a friend, and she suggests it's deep enough that it could be a story or a book or something, so if I end up doing that, TOO BAD it is my story and if you claim it as yours I will be really... sad. I won't be 100% specific for this reason. That is all.)

    OK the nightmare. Sorry.

    I had this dream the night of March 28th, 2011. Basically, I'm viewing myself in a third-person kid of way where I'm birds-eye-viewing the whole nightmare so I can't do anything about what's going on, but I am able to see my character (I'll explain later).

    There's a "devil" - more like a white guy w/ black hair and a red suit and black collar - who is a completely real person with evil intentions. He sends out a massive call to the world that he's got a bounty list of people who are doing good things against the devil in some way. The public's reaction is "well this is scary but we can't do anything about it so just go with it I'm sorry." The list is sent out through the media but me as the dream-viewer can only make out a few names that I can't read. But then the last two people on the list are both my character and my partner's names. Then in comes my cheesy dramatic transitions I get in my dreams, where its like my birds-eye-viewed self is filming it, so my birds-eye camera zooms in to the character's dramatic facial expression, there's dramatic music, all that.

    Then I - and my character - has a vision of sorts, seeing what the devil does to the "devil offenders." They're in a blood-red room that has no walls or ceiling (so big it's endless), and there's several people sitting in the center of the room in those old-school hair dryers that go over your head like a space man helmet. But instead of a space man helmet it's a stove bruner, the coils hovering over the person's head like an angel's halo. The devil says the word and the unforeseen henchmen pulls some level somewhere that lowers the burners down against the people's heads that burns their head and brains and BLEH, along w/ some electricity that eletricutes them dead. I see my partner in the corner handcuffed to a metal bar on the side, looking distressed.

    Insert dramatic music transition here. From here on assume when I mean "I", I mean my character of myself I'm seeing.

    I am kind of like Temperance from the "Bones" TV show, where I'm an investigator of some sort with a slightly goofy/gorgeous partner and we bring justice to bad people. I'm in the same haircut as her, the same kind of outfits and all that but I can't recall if I'm actually HER or not. My partner - whose name is unrecognizable to me, I literally hear gibberish when I'm saying/hearing/reading his name - is a more tan-colored-trench-coated-blond version of Booth from Bones, but he's definitely not supposed to be him.

    ANYWHO, I've seen the coverage on the news on a TV, then had my vision and realized I'm on the list. Here's where I'm all omgomgomgomg in my head. What the media also says is that there's a helpline for the people who are on the devil's list. There's some announcer going "Are you on the list? Call ###-####" or whatever in a cheery "nothing's wrong everything's ok" kind of voice. I reach for a phone and dial anxiously. I get the same girl's voice as the operator. I then tell her I'm on the list and I'm trying to explain to her that I'm an investigator and that's probably why I'm on the list but I don't know what to do I don't want to die. As I'm explaining, I see on the TV set in front of me that there's one person who survived the list - an actress who played a private investigator role on a TV show - and her interview was coming up next. I focus back on the call, and the girl operator takes everything I say into consideration and says she can help me. In mid sentence of her transferring to somebody who can help, the line goes dead. again. I instantly think I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die. Dramatic music like it's gonna go to another transition, and I FREAKIN' WAKE UP.

    It's about 6am. I feel suddenly anxious, lots of adrenaline, and then I see the shadow on the ceiling. Part of it looks like a horn and a shoulder. I'm all and move the items on my desk haphazardly so the shadow goes away. Then I feel like and can't believe I just had a nightmare. I'm unable, thank goodness, to get back into the nightmare.

    TA DA
    nightmare , memorable