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    Page 11 of 13 FirstFirst ... 9 10 11 12 13 LastLast
    1. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by Queen Zukin On thread : Task of the Year 2016
      I was expecting a much better secret. Fairy Ring ToTY I was at my grandparents house and babysitting a toddler. My mother and her friend told me that they wanted to go swimming somewhere, so I...
      Liked On: 02-03-2016, 02:52 PM
    2. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by JoannaB On thread : Why is lucid dreaming so hard?!?!?
      My own personal theory of why lucid dreaming is so hard is because it has the potential to thoroughly change one's personality and one's current personality may be resisting that. What do I mean by...
      Liked On: 02-02-2016, 08:53 PM
    3. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by DrKraken42 On thread : Hi, and a question
      ya, that's my main concern.
      Liked On: 02-02-2016, 08:41 AM
    4. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by Patience108 On thread : Remembering to do something (prospective memory)
      Hi Hirondelle :) Yes these kind of things are definitely not easy peesy to just "do" - it is a learning curve in it's self seeing how easy we forget etc...no need to get seriously discouraged though...
      Liked On: 02-01-2016, 11:18 PM
    5. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by Redrivertears On thread : Are you meant to catalog dream signs from lucid dreams?
      Hey, For me, I've yet to find a way to effectively 'practice' recognizing dreamsigns. They either seem to work, or they don't. I've long been trying to make myself recognize certain dreamsigns,...
      Liked On: 02-01-2016, 08:38 PM
    6. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by TDHXIII On thread : Remembering to do something (prospective memory)
      Likewise, I found it very discouraging and slightly stressing that I have to keep my eyes in case my targets show up. Right now I have this (and MILD) on standby since my sleep pattern got messed up...
      Liked On: 02-01-2016, 08:34 PM
    7. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by cmind On thread : WILD - To Move or Not To Move
      OP: School of thought #1 is just plain wrong and can be dismissed immediately. No serious, active members of the lucid dreaming community actually believe that anymore. As for the second two...
      Liked On: 02-01-2016, 06:32 PM
    8. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by Verre On thread : WILD - To Move or Not To Move
      I've never watched these lucidology videos you're referring to, but it sounds like the guy has a very rigid technique. If there's one thing these forums can demonstrate clearly, it's that there is no...
      Liked On: 02-01-2016, 06:31 PM
    9. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by BlairBros On thread : Learning to dream. How to start?
      A whole heap of great information has already been posted but I would like to add a little. Regarding your low dream recall, I was in the exact same situation as you when I started my LD journey,...
      Liked On: 02-01-2016, 03:39 PM
    10. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by Spock On thread : Learning to dream. How to start?
      Hi Guayabin, and welcome! I'll try to be as short as possible... Dream recall and awareness are indeed the key things you need for lucid dreaming... About "never waking up at night" - this...
      Liked On: 02-01-2016, 03:35 PM
    11. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by Spock On thread : I don't know what happened..
      Just like RelaxAndDream and ParanoidLlama said, focusing on HH or the paralysis tends to eventually wake you up, and HH and/or paralysis might not even occur the next time you try to wild, or might...
      Liked On: 02-01-2016, 03:20 PM
    12. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by spellbee2 On thread : DreamViews Podcast Episode 7: Dream Journals and Recall
      Episode 7: Dream Journals and Recall We're back! spellbee2 (Caleb) and OpheliaBlue (Lisa) from DreamViews.com discuss dream journalling and recall - starting from scratch in your recall, what to do...
      Liked On: 01-29-2016, 11:32 AM
    13. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by Redrooster On thread : Redrooster's workbook
      My 9 year old son has been asking a lot of questions about lucid dreaming lately and last night he had his first lucid dream! He remembered to do the nose plug RC and tried to push his finger though...
      Liked On: 01-28-2016, 06:48 PM
    14. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by TDHXIII On thread : Remembering to do something (prospective memory)
      Seems like I'm going to do this aswell now that i decided on MILD as my ultimate method to follow. Because 4 targets seem like too much for me.. I'll try practicing 2 targets per-day. I'll report...
      Liked On: 01-27-2016, 09:50 PM
    15. Hirondelle
      Hirondelle liked post by RXC573 On thread : Are you meant to catalog dream signs from lucid dreams?
      I recently picked up a copy of EWOLD and added the dreamsign catalog to my journal. His reasoning in the book is so you can determine which of the 4 categories he's chosen (Inner awareness, action ,...
      Liked On: 01-26-2016, 10:11 PM
    Page 11 of 13 FirstFirst ... 9 10 11 12 13 LastLast
    View Hirondelle's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Competition night 14

    by Hirondelle on 04-24-2016 at 01:25 PM
    Wrote my dream on paper last night, internet wasn't working (stormy weather).

    I woke up with this strange dream, at 5, and tried to WBTB (failed obviously) after it.

    Me and ? are waiting at the bar to get seated in Mirjan's restaurant. Tables and chairs are made of pine. Because she's not giving us a place I asked her about it. She sits next to us, and bents over a bit. I see that her black hair is getting gray streaks in it. She says we'll have to wait a bit to see if there's enough place, or else we can go to "the other place". "You mean the brewery?" I ask her. "No", she says in an angry way, "I'm not with Jules anymore, don't you know that?" I tell her that it's been more than a year since I last was in town. "Can I say something about that?" I say to her. "I never thought you and Jules would split up."Oh well", she answered "I've always known that but I hadn't expected it to take 20 years". By the way, "the other place" was at her sisters. Jules was waiting along with us and other people, he left after a while. Then Lex came in. He came to DJ, apparently that was his new job. He looked good and happy. When I came closer to him, I saw he was wearing make up, but he forgot his neck. I left and took Lex's motorcycle, he'd told me I could borrow it. It was a darkgrey colour. I don't know how to drive one, but I managed to drive of anyway. I drive through the town and try to find the way home. There have been a lot of changes in the roads and I end up on a muddy path. I get stuck. The motorcycle is dirty and in pieces. I manage to repare and clean it and drive of in the direction of my house.

    Competition night 12

    by Hirondelle on 04-22-2016 at 08:37 AM
    This morning I remembered two fragments:

    1. We have to read a book in English class, it is one of the great "classics" that everyone has to read, but I don't remember the title. The teacher and all the other students are sitting at one big square table. I'm the only one that's free to walk around. I sit down on the floor in a corner and try to figure out on which page they are. The teacher is reading out loud. When I go through the pages of the book I see that the first part of it is normal text, the second part is in cartoon form. I think "That's a nice way to make this boring stuff more enjoyable for young people".

    2. There's an assignment that we have to work on. I wonder if I really have to, and what would happen if I didn't. The teacher tells me that it's not an obligation but it would be good if I did show my willingness to work.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Competition night 11

    by Hirondelle on 04-21-2016 at 10:08 AM
    Nothing last night.

    Woke up this morning at 7 remembering:

    I'm in a "school/university situation". The different buildings are in a hilly landscape near sea, it must be summer because the grass is dry and yellow. We are staying in a bungalow with a group of students. One of the walls is almost entirely made of glass, with big sliding doors. It's very windy outside, more than windy, it's a storm. I say to my boyfriend (I'm younger in my dream, he's now my husband) that I'm afraid that the parasol and the sign are going to be blown away. He says "don't worry, it's not that bad". But I see the sign disappeared already and now the giant parasol is going up in the air. I see animals are loose outside, white and brown ones and I ask my boyfriend if they are our calves. He says "No, they're from down there" and he points his finger to show me.
    In the same dream I'm in one of the school/university buildings. I have to get back to the classroom but (of course, I think that happens all the time) I can't seem to find my way back. I walk with a girl I know, when she enters a classroom I want to follow her, but don't recognize the faces of the other students. Not the right place. I continue looking, on different floors, until I finally it. I'm too late, most of the others have already left. I can see that the teacher (my secondary school's maths teacher) has handed out a large book and two big sheets about economy. I wonder how I can get them as well, but I can't even find my bag and my computer. I ask my boyfriend if he knows where they are. He's impatient, wants to leave, to go out, have fun and get drunk. I'm upset, because I'm tired of looking for the classroom and my stuff and instead of comforting me, he only wants to go out and drink. He shows me where to find my things anyway. They're hidden behind a big desk chair.

    After writing this I still felt sleepy so I tried a WBTB. I slept again, quite long, woke up with a headache and no dream.

    Updated 04-21-2016 at 10:10 AM by Hirondelle


    Competition night 9

    by Hirondelle on 04-19-2016 at 09:20 AM
    Game, set and match
    I'm standing on ...... (it looks like a treadmill like you see in a gym). I'm looking in front of me because I have to watch something that is going on there, I'm playing some kind of game. ML is with me. He is standing very close behind me, wants my attention. I don't want to give him any because I have to focus on the game. He talks to me, flirts, puts his hands on my hips and tries to pull me close. I'm not interested but don't want to bluntly reject him. There is a little blond girl (between one and two years old) that I do want to give attention to. I smile at her and she smiles back and puts her arms out towards me. I pick her up and hug her. I love her so much, I feel the love flowing through me and it makes me so happy to hold her on my arm, see how she enjoys being with me. I won the game, and think: Game, set and match!

    Competition night 8

    by Hirondelle on 04-18-2016 at 04:30 PM
    6.45 Lots of things going on in my head....I feel I'm waking up....I say to myself: "Remember it all", but it slips away I lie still for a while, the only thing that stays is: writing something down. Like the day before yesterday... (maybe it is "writing down my dreams"???????)
    non-lucid , dream fragment