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    About ishamil

    Basic Information

    Date of Birth
    October 27, 1991 (32)
    About ishamil
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    hampton, virginia
    video games, all things related to the astral realm and lucid dreaming, music.
    pharmacy technician
    How you found us:
    through an internet search about lucid dreaming


    "Nothing is true; everything is permitted... Our Creed does not command us to be free. It commands us to be wise."
    "looking into the future is alot like looking at a cake, until youve tasted it, you dont really know what its like. but when you do, its too late anyway."
    Current goals: Give another person a dream, have my first lucid dream again, have a dream of death


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    Most Recent Message
    10-28-2011 01:49 AM
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    10-16-2011 04:59 AM
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    1. ishamil
      ishamil liked post by Artie J On thread : On my bench when I arrived at work this morning...
      2447 Needless to say, I immediately did a reality check. Sadly, the RC revealed I was awake and at work.
      Liked On: 08-20-2011, 03:26 AM
    2. ishamil
      ishamil liked blog post by Suena On : Kelso
      I was sitting under a bathroom sink with Kelso (Yes, from that 70's show and no not Ashton Kutcher, it was KELSO) and he's on the phone with my grandpa. He has his hand in this hole in the wall under...
      Liked On: 08-08-2011, 11:51 PM
    3. ishamil
      ishamil liked post by littledreamer On thread : Anyone ever talked to God...
      I would love to try it. I would just have to keep aware that the God I see/hear in the dream is but a fabrication of my mind, and to not fool myself into believing that I am actually communicating...
      Liked On: 07-24-2011, 04:07 AM
    4. ishamil
      ishamil liked post by Matte87 On thread : Anyone ever talked to God...
      I am God in my lucids, and yeah I have probably talked to myself in one. It's sane to talk to oneself, it's when you're talking to people who don't exist that you're insane.
      Liked On: 07-24-2011, 04:06 AM
    5. ishamil
      ishamil liked post by Raspberry On thread : how do you fly?
      Run. Jump. Fly.
      Liked On: 07-21-2011, 09:29 PM
    6. ishamil
      ishamil liked post by ninja9578 On thread : how do you fly?
      I use my arms as wings and glide. Take a running start
      Liked On: 07-21-2011, 09:23 PM
    7. ishamil
      ishamil liked post by Alpha502 On thread : Want to play a game?
      Punch someone so hard that they change genders. I saw that posted somewhere, but I don't remember where.
      Liked On: 06-19-2011, 02:31 AM
    View ishamil's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    dream in a dream in a dream in a dream + double consciousness

    by ishamil on 10-16-2011 at 04:52 AM
    I was sleeping in class the other day,(keep in mind that im asleep throughout this entire thing) I get up to go use the bathroom, and my being sort of splits, i get up, and halfway to the bathroom, i feel myself sitting down in the chair asleep, then i "wake up" and go to use the bathroom again, i realize everything around me is so highly detailed, i hear everybodys individual conversation, everything is sharp and focused. i get to the bathroom door, and i "wake up" again. this time, i decide to not et up, suspecting that its still a dream. so i lay my head back down, and drift off to a dream of me at a party. it took me a while to figure out what id done, it was so confusing T_T

    double consciousness

    by ishamil on 10-13-2011 at 12:45 AM
    I began to drift off to sleep one night, and i began to feel aware of my presence in two separate places. one was me sleeping on the bed, the other was me sitting on the edge of my bed. i felt completely in control of both, in a very calm state of mind. using the one sitting up, i leapt off my bed, and crouched down on the floor, pausing a moment to stabilize the dream. i made a sword materialize on my back, able to define every detail of it. my thought drifted to my baby brother for a moment, and i found myself outside a hotel room, it was snowing. i looked through the window, and saw my stepfather holding my brother, my mother on the bed with my other brothers. i felt a sense of dread as i realized i wasnt there. i realized this was my family without me. feeling endangered, i ducked around the corner, slipping and falling. i concentrated on my other consciousness, and woke up. this was a great step for me in lucid dreaming and controlling myself.
    lucid , nightmare

    my first lucid dream

    by ishamil on 06-19-2011 at 05:17 PM
    the first time i ever had a lucid dream, it was through the DILD method, i was on my way to school, and my cousin approaches me, and tells me he wants to introduce me to a group of people. they turn out to be a cult following an old prophecy: an individual will be sent to the moon, and destroy it. this individual would gain the power to control the universe around him, a sort of lucid dreaming technique existing in reality. (keep in mind that this was a dream, so fulfilling this prphecy would mean attaining lucid dreaming) this group means to use me to destroy the world. causing the extinction of life. I agree to destroy the moon (with my own intentions in mind) i destroy the moon with thier weapons, and in the moments after the debris from the moon clears, i look around, and the positions of all the stars and planets are off. i feel fear at first, but then i began to realize i was dreaming, and did the levitation reality check to prove it. after more experimenting, i woke up. so thats my first lucid dream.