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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      05-05-2024, 08:46 AM
      LD #298 and #299 came on the same night at the end of April, 2024. LD #300 occurred the next night. (I guess I'm repeating myself here) LD #301 was...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-29-2024, 11:09 AM
      FryingMan replied to a thread Maple's Workbook in DILD
      Keep it up! I'm seven week in to my renewed practice, and I had 3 LDs in the last 3 days (2 LDs 3 days ago, 1 LD yesterday). Consistency is...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-29-2024, 11:07 AM
      LD #297 a couple weeks after #296, also a brief waking moment. I continue to practice the Four Foundational Practices of The Tibetan Yogas of...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-12-2024, 12:35 PM
      Competition night #14 (containing 00:00 2024-04-12) Final Night + all-day lucid presence day work - excellent: 2 + meditation 20 minutes...
      189 replies | 4958 view(s)
    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-11-2024, 09:14 AM
      * basketball, playing vs. <my uni> team, they're all black and super tall, I think how I'll play against them. Coming on to the court someone says...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-11-2024, 09:01 AM
      Finally, a (brief) LD! Competition night #12 (containing 00:00 2024-04-10) + all-day lucid presence day work - excellent: 2 + meditation 20...
      189 replies | 4958 view(s)
    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-10-2024, 10:26 AM
      Some late morning vivids, lots of wakeful time during the night Competition night #11 (containing 00:00 2024-04-09) + all-day lucid presence...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      04-10-2024, 10:25 AM
      Some late morning vivids, lots of wakeful time during the night Competition night #11 (containing 00:00 2024-04-09) + all-day lucid presence...
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    3 Visitor Messages

    1. View Conversation
      I have about a lucid every three weeks now, but I hope to have one every week very soon. As for how they are, I have managed rather easily to have quite vivid lucid dreams. Normally, if you perform a couple of reality checks and take a few seconds to understand what it means to be lucid, the vividness will increase a lot and it will feel quite real. But of course, this will be getting better as you have more and more. My first few lucids were short and not very vivid, but I found it easy to get past this. It really is worth the effort, but try not to stress yourself too much.
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      Well, I've been into this for a bit over a year now, but it was hard for me to keep my motivation up the first months, so I've been really working on it since February or so. Maybe at the beginning it can seem hard, but just keep at it and think that what matters most is building experience over the months, and it will get better. You can easily get a lucid a month in a short period of time, and from here you work your way up, which is where I'm at now. But of course, some people will learn faster than others. I hope it goes well for you, lucid dreaming is indeed a life-changing skill to learn
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      Hey, saw you registered a few weeks ago. Welcome to DV!
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    29th of July, With Debby at the grocery store

    by LaBenezra on 09-01-2014 at 05:03 AM
    State - Non-Lucid

    I am with Debby in a store and we are walking out from it. She is about to leave with her grey Honda Civic (which is red in WL) and I notice a guy on the passenger seat (her dream boyfriend). I also notice that the car is roofless. I can clearly hear his boyfriend say to her that if he sees us together again he'll be mad or somthing along those lines. Instently, I reply by telling him that he is a pure imbecil and that he doesn't deserve his girlfriend. As soon as I say so, Debby gets of the car, takes my hand and we are going back into the grocery store. On our way inside we pass in front of a platform full of people and I then tell her: It's the perfect moment to show-off. I then take her in my arms and i kiss her. Once inside the grocery store (which looked familiar because of the colours), Debby is looking for something. We are in front of a casual store feezer where meat is usually displayed and I try to kiss her again. She turns her head and steps back but I took no offence because it's like she was playing. I then decide to go do something else (to play her game) and it's when I'm about to take off that she then tries to get to me and kiss me. I told her I was going to find the toilets. I am walking and I am near the desks where you pay and I notice that a cashier is having trouble with weed grinder on the counter. I go on and before I arrive to the toilet (which I seem unable to find) I end up in the row where those grinders were. It's funny because they were packed as toys in the cheap paper and plastic boxing. I take one and put it in my pocket as if I was going to steal it, but I knew it wasn't my intention. So I am in a row where it is dark and when I turn the corner, it's a dead end and it's very narrow. I go back from where I came and a boy passes beside me, going in the dead end. I think and I turn around to see if he'll come back because it's a dead end. He does. I see some kind of shortcut in the shelf which I use and end up in the main area of the market. At the moment, a basket ball spawns. Eventhough Debby is there, I do not interact with her anymore and I am no longer looking for the toilets. I am dribbling the ball and I suddenly loose control over the ball and I can see it boucing and a very crazy way all over the place.

    28th of July, Weird and brief Dreams

    by LaBenezra on 09-01-2014 at 04:33 AM
    I dream that I am in an unknown house in which I am conversing with my stepmother's dad (whom I have ner met because he lives in Brasil). So i speak with him and I notice that his french is perfect. I have to interupt him a couple times while we're speaking because I feel like I am about to loose a tooth. An it does happen and during this dream I must have lost 4 teeth.

    I dream another dream in which a girl I know sits on me and it really turns me on. I dream another dream in which my left nostril is completely stuck.

    27th of July, Dad and Carmen at Mom's + Dam breaks at Slipknot concert.

    by LaBenezra on 09-01-2014 at 04:03 AM
    State - Non-Lucid

    Dad and Carmen at Mom's

    I am standing in the kitchen, at my mom's, but I amd with my dad and my stepmother Carmen (which is impossible). Dad is at my right and Carmen behind me, it's like we are cooking something. We were talking when suddenly an heavy-metal-like song starts playing from my Ipod on the counter which we were using to listen to music as we were cooking. As soon as the song starts dad says something like: It's always the same in these songs. I say something like: Are you done with not being able to appreciate music?! I swore and yelled at him. I turn back to what I was doing (which was cuting red peppers) and dad is by the sink. I can't remember what I said exactly, but I insulted him and told him he was ruining his life. At some point he turns red and tells me he wants to punch me. Carmen says that she would never do such a thing and tells him to leave me alone. Later on, dad turns even reder and takes my Ipod disconnects it and throws it on the ground like he's about to jump on it. I manage to pick it up before he breaks it and the dream ends with my dad and Carmen going downstairs (I don't know why).
    This was obviously a dream.

    Dam breaks at Slipknot concert

    I am in an enormous crowd and someone I know is near me. We are at a Slipknot concert. I knew it was Slipknot because I had clearly seen the singer Corey Tailor (like my vision zoomed on him) and had seen his mask, which was a bit different. So, I am jumping and jumping to the song and the people behind me are helping me jump higher and higher and at one point, Corey asks everyone to step back so everybody can jump forward big time, all at once. At this time in the dream, I notice that the concert was located right before a huge dam, such as the Manique 5 dam in Québec
    and they were playing and a stage just in front of it, the crowd facing the dam. Now the scene changes and it's I am located in a sort of wooden lodge on the side yard of the concert (as in a theater) and I can see the show slightly from above. Suddenly, people around me start to get agitated and they actually panic as the dam begins to collapse. I hold-on inbetween two trees and fear nothing for my life eventhough i hear people saying that this will cause a lot of deaths. As the dam collapses, an immense wave of water submerges everything in its path. I could see nothing else but water and tree trunks. Even the wooden lodge in which I was and the people in it are gone. I was simply admiring the chaos until it calms.

    Updated 09-01-2014 at 04:27 AM by LaBenezra


    25th of July, Skateboarding with Dann

    by LaBenezra on 09-01-2014 at 03:49 AM
    State - Non-Lucid

    I am dreaming that I am skateboarding with my friend Dann in a huge interior skatepark. I am then standing by the doorway when my friend Dann is telling me that he has to go out to buy cigarettes (which he doesn't smoke in real life). I also notice how blond, curly and long his hair are.

    22nd of July

    by LaBenezra on 07-22-2014 at 08:23 PM
    I hate when I go to bed early to make sure I get enough sleep and firmly command my brain not to forget my dreams in the morning, I sleep on it very well yet when I wake up, naturally, I can't remember a single thing! It doesn't discourage me but it'd be cool to remember a dream or two and then have some lucid dreams . Anyway, let's see what happens tonight !