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      Hey, unfortunately, i got promoted to the Upper League. So I guess we're not team mates anymore . Wish you luck and go Team Orange!
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      Excellent job my friend, as you can see, Team Orange is currently leading the competition. Keep it up and we'll end up as victors.
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      Ey, looks like we'll be team mates eh? Anyway, good luck and go Team Orange!
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    1. Sivason
      Sivason liked post by lilmacky8abug On thread : Train Your Brain for Lucid Dreams, Have More Luck With WILDs
      I used to play with HH while fully awake all the time when I was little. I used to form shapes with those lights (like a rocking chair) and have them fly around my room. I don't really have the...
      Liked On: 03-05-2012, 07:27 PM
    2. Matte87
      Matte87 liked post by lilmacky8abug On thread : OLD Competition Thread Results
      OMG!!!!! :D :D 3 Dreams= 3 points Become Lucid= 5 points WILD= 3 points Total: 11 points!! I had my very first lucid dream!! It wasn't very exciting and I can hardly remember any details but...
      Liked On: 02-20-2012, 08:05 PM
    3. Avalanche
      Avalanche liked post by lilmacky8abug On thread : OLD Competition Thread Results
      OMG!!!!! :D :D 3 Dreams= 3 points Become Lucid= 5 points WILD= 3 points Total: 11 points!! I had my very first lucid dream!! It wasn't very exciting and I can hardly remember any details but...
      Liked On: 02-20-2012, 06:29 PM
    4. Ocean
      Ocean liked post by lilmacky8abug On thread : OLD Competition Thread Results
      OMG!!!!! :D :D 3 Dreams= 3 points Become Lucid= 5 points WILD= 3 points Total: 11 points!! I had my very first lucid dream!! It wasn't very exciting and I can hardly remember any details but...
      Liked On: 02-20-2012, 04:13 PM
    5. Oreoboy1996
      Oreoboy1996 liked post by lilmacky8abug On thread : OLD Competition Thread Results
      OMG!!!!! :D :D 3 Dreams= 3 points Become Lucid= 5 points WILD= 3 points Total: 11 points!! I had my very first lucid dream!! It wasn't very exciting and I can hardly remember any details but...
      Liked On: 02-20-2012, 03:47 PM
    View lilmacky8abug's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Lucid mania!!!

    by lilmacky8abug on 03-15-2012 at 11:22 AM
    March 15, 2012
    Last night was absolutely FANTASTIC! I don't know how or why, but somehow I managed to have an amazing and long lucid dream- without even trying!! I have been sick lately so when I went to bed I didn't even bother to try and tell myself mantras or anything. I am so surprised at what happened

    Right away I knew that I was lucid. I was in my parent's room for some reason, and on the wall there was some kind of game going on. Since I knew I was dreaming, I decided to leave and go do something fun. I went to the door and tried to act like something awesome was behind it, but all there was was my hallway. For some reason, my friend was there with me and it was like we were just hanging out together. She knew it was a dream as well. I went downstairs and went outside. When I was opening the door I remembered my dream sign (salmon skies) and wondered if it would be like that. When I stepped out I saw that it was nighttime and only a small section had my dream sign on it. I was baffled by how real everything felt. Me and my friend walked down to the street and decided to fly. She told me that she was never reall good at flying, but she gave it a try anyway. I knew I could fly already, because I had done it numerous times before (when I was little). I kicked off the ground and started to float up. The feeling was incredible. I soared around a little bit, trying to get a feel for the air. I tried to fly up, but it was difficult to get very high. I also tried to go faster, but again it didn't work very well. We decided to get down and do something else. I remembered that one of the things I wanted to do was become a vampire. I could feel my body transform in a way, not really physically but more like I was gaining a lot of power. I wanted to see how fast I was and zipped around my yard super fast, it was like I was teleporting myself instead of running . Afterwards I attacked a DC (lol). When my little vampire adventure was over I found myself back inside, standing in a room. When I was there I remembered the competition I was a part of and wondered what I needed to do for my goals. I had fly down, as well as super speed. All I needed to do was eat something. I turned to my friend and said "does blood count?" (from my previous little vampire spell haha). I wasn't really serious, and I also believed that I had eaten sun chips earlier, but I couldn't be sure. So I conjured up a chocolate cake to the best of my ability. I wasn't so sure if I conjured it up well so I asked my friend "do you see a cake here?" I held up my plate for her to see, and sure enough, there was a big, delicious piece of chocolate cake. I dug in. I can't remember if it had tasted good or not, but oh we'll . After I finished my cake me and my friend went to where my brother was sleeping (note: we walked through doors to get do different places). We tried to 'wake him up' to share the dream with us, but he was fast asleep. The dream faded after that.

    After the dream faded it went into a false awakening where I wrote my dream on dreamviews.

    This was my first long and vivid lucid dream!!! I can't wait to have more like this in the future!!

    Updated 03-17-2012 at 02:24 PM by lilmacky8abug

    lucid , false awakening , memorable

    How to Train Your Dragon

    by lilmacky8abug on 03-14-2012 at 12:47 PM
    March 14, 2012

    This dream began at my friend's house. I'm not really sure what happened there but then dream skipped to my school. Our class is sitting at our desks, preparing to watch a movie. They told us that we will be watching Dreamworks How to Train Your Dragon. The whole class didn't seem very enthusiastic about this but I was very excited. I had seen the movie so many times and would have loved to see it again. I remember leaning towards my friends and saying "watch. I am going to recite the beginning word for word." However, something was off about the movie so my wording didn't quite match.

    It's hard to recall what happened during the rest of the dream but I believe my friend got into a fight with her dad or something.

    Pink Goo

    by lilmacky8abug on 03-13-2012 at 09:15 PM
    March 13, 2012
    When I woke up this morning I couldnt remember anything. However, when I took a nap today I had one dream

    I can't really remember how this dream started. The furthest thing I can remember is that I woke up in my bed. When I looked at the clock the numbers kept blinking, and I didn't know why. I messed around with it for a while and found that when I turned it a certain way, it stops. I was curious as to why that direction was so special, but I went back to bed (in my dream). When I 'woke up' again I saw that the clock was still facing in that direction, only it was facing another alarm clock located on the other side of my room. I remember thinking, "wait, I don't have that clock anymore!" but I never became lucid. I think I just dismissed it as some weird phenomenon

    The dream is jumbled so I can't recall when the pink slime came into the picture. All I know is that the pink slime was some sort of alien substance that was everywhere. It disguised itself as different everyday objects. Apparently, the extra clock that was in my room was made out of the pink slime. My dream skipped to a new scene of me watching the news. The news lady on the TV had an update on the slime.

    She said something like: "Imagine this. Your five year old son drops a tomato on the floor. When he goes to step on it it doesn't squirt tomato juice, but turns into a thick, pink goo." (while she says all of this a scene of a little boy stepping on a tomato is playing). After she says all of that it goes to show more footage of things turning into pink stuff. The news lady says nothing after that, and I remember feeling annoyed that the news went through all of that trouble to tell the public nothing about what was going on. After that I wake up
    non-lucid , memorable

    A Magical Connection, College, and a bone/zombie murderer

    by lilmacky8abug on 03-12-2012 at 07:54 PM
    March 12, 2012
    I didn't remember all of my dreams fully, but I still managed to recall three of them

    1) In this dream I am some sort of light sorceress- a force for good. I am somehow magically connected to a dark sorcerer. He and I are friends, spending our time hanging out in secret, trying to avoid others in case we were caught. At one point I am reading a story to a crowd, I believe to test and see if our connection was real.
    The rest is fuzzy and I can't remember a lot. I think at one point Spike from My Little Pony was there, watching me read my story with the rest of the crowd.

    2) I am deciding what college I want to go to. After looking at a few choices, I finally decide on this Military college. While I am there I am always worried that I am going to be yelled at for doing something wrong. I remember something had gone amiss while I was there- like some kind of liquid spilled from a bucket or something. I can't remember anything else.

    3) The last dream was an action/nightmare dream, and it had to do with the TV show Bones. In my dream, Agent Booth (one of the characters) is arrested and taken to a jail cell. In that cell is another man. After they are sitting there for a while, the other man takes Booth and snaps his neck, supposedly killing him. He tosses his body off to the side like nothing happened. However, a few seconds later agent Booth's body starts to morph into this creepy mummy-looking zombie thing. He gets up with lightning speed and kills the man who had snapped his neck not a minute before. At this point it is like I am in the body of the mummy-thing, not necessarily myself but more like I am experiencing things through his point of view. I can feel it as he smashes through the jail cell and takes off down the hall, it is so fast it is as though he is gliding. Alarms go off and police officers try to catch up, but it's practically impossible. He runs down a flight of stairs and reaches the exit door, although it is locked and very strong. I sense his panic as he struggles to get it open, eventually smashing his hand through the door's glass and unlocking it from the outside. Just in time too, because just as he takes off from the exit the police officers had reached where he was.
    Shortly after that Booth returns back to normal and his friends try to make him feel better, saying that what happened to him was a reaction to the man in the cell. Once they were near each other his evil set off his mutation. This seems to make him feel better. The rest of the dream is fuzzy and that's all I could remember when I woke up

    Eragon, Star Wars, and Roadside pets

    by lilmacky8abug on 03-11-2012 at 02:19 PM
    March 11, 2012

    It's hard to tell where this dream started but I believe it began with the theme of Eragon. I remember seeing dragons flying and the idea that they needed to escape to somewhere. They decided to escape to another planet located far away. When they got there they saw a bunch of people with light sabers, battling each other. I believe this to be one of the planets in star wars. The rest is a little fuzzy but I can remember seeing Leah and Han Solo at one point.

    The dream then switches to a new scene. I am sitting in my car with my family, on our way to the grocery store. We are heading down a road when I notice a very large turtle shell in the grass off to the side. I point it out to my family but they don't seem to care. A few seconds later I see another turtle shell in the grass. Soon after we arrive in the parking lot of the store. Off to the side there is a small section of grass where I see something fuzzy. I ask my parents if I can stay outside while they go shopping.

    I go to investigate the fuzzy things and see that it is a pile of kittens and baby chicks sleeping . I thought it was absolutely adorable and get all excited when I see a blue kitty. The rest of the dream is fuzzy but I can remember my family coming back and looking at the animals as well

    Updated 03-11-2012 at 07:45 PM by lilmacky8abug

    non-lucid , memorable