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    Page 7 of 9 FirstFirst ... 5 6 7 8 9 LastLast
    1. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked blog post by Narwhal On : 1/25/14 - old film doppelgangers
      I'm walking down this street, it looks like somewhere in New York city. Then this double decker bus pulls up in front of me, and I stare at the side of it and zone out into and old film from like the...
      Liked On: 01-28-2014, 12:44 AM
    2. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked post by Narwhal On thread : Trouble Levitating
      I'm having a hard time with flying and levitating as well. In my DILD workbook I was told it is nothing but a mental block, just knowing that alone has helped me. Maybe it will help you too. But...
      Liked On: 01-28-2014, 12:43 AM
    3. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked blog post by Narwhal On : 1/26/14 - phone book
      I'm walking about in a walmart. I realize that the store seems to be getting ready to close, even though it's bright daylight outside. I get to close to the register line and it sucks me in, I panic...
      Liked On: 01-28-2014, 12:42 AM
    4. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked blog post by Narwhal On : 1/26/14 - grandparents car trunk
      I'm with mt mom, she's driving my grandparents redish orange car. For some reason I can't go in any of the car seats, I just assume because they have too much stuff in there. So I have to lay/sit in...
      Liked On: 01-28-2014, 12:42 AM
    5. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked blog post by Narwhal On : 1/26/14 - dead light bulbs
      Me my mom and sister are in my half sisters room. We are sitting on the floor, suddenly the light goes out. I complain about how all the light bulbs are going out, and how we should really stock up...
      Liked On: 01-28-2014, 12:41 AM
    6. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked blog post by Narwhal On : 1/26/14 - kid anti bully commercial
      I can't remember most of this dream hardly Dream Fragment: I'm watching this commercial, but not on a TV, like as if it's being performed for me in front of me. It's for anti bullying and when the...
      Liked On: 01-28-2014, 12:41 AM
    7. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked post by Narwhal On thread : RIP to loved pets
      Just a thread for you all to pay respects and to remember your loved furry family members. RIP Chynna, she passed the day after Christmas 2013 aged 14 6441 RIP Hatter, she passed October 2013...
      Liked On: 01-28-2014, 12:41 AM
    8. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked blog post by Narwhal On : 1/26/14 - fuzzy fragment
      (I can only remember a glimpse of this dream) I'm standing in this baby blue tiled room, scott and styles from teen wolf are standing in front of me arguing. I think to myself "why am I having...
      Liked On: 01-28-2014, 12:41 AM
    9. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked post by Narwhal On thread : Teeth
      That's like saying it's ironic to not know people have butt sex even though I have a butt-hole, doesn't make sense. A Narwhal and a tooth dream, while both relative by teeth go down two different...
      Liked On: 01-28-2014, 12:40 AM
    10. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked blog post by Narwhal On : 1/27/14 - not my party
      There's a party being had on the side of my house outside. I see family I haven't seen in awhile. I have no knowledge of this party, I'm looking at the party from out the kitchen window, so I get the...
      Liked On: 01-28-2014, 12:39 AM
    11. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked blog post by Narwhal On : 1/27/14 - ended up at an event
      So I'm sitting on my couch, and I'm looking through photos of people and stuff, and suddenly I dissolve into a photo, and I see my friend at an even laughing and smiling and winning stuff, then it...
      Liked On: 01-28-2014, 12:39 AM
    12. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked post by Narwhal On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I just wanted nachos really.
      Liked On: 01-28-2014, 12:39 AM
    13. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked blog comment by Narwhal On : My boyfriends dream or OOBE keeps happening
      It's still completely possible that it's just his made fears in his dream, in a recurring dream. But if you believe it's a spiritual attack, why don't you bless your house with oil over every door of...
      Liked On: 01-28-2014, 12:38 AM
    14. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked blog comment by Mindraker On : 1/22/14 - Kitchen Dancing
      *Grin* trust me, if you associate Grandma with chili beans like that... 20 years down the line if you get a whiff of chili beans anything like grandma's chili beans you'll get a super-hard memory...
      Liked On: 01-23-2014, 08:36 AM
    15. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked blog post by Narwhal On : 8/8/13 - oi
      I'm just standing in the kitchen faced the window, my sister is in the living room sitting on the recliner watching the television, when suddenly my mom appears beside me, she looks like she's trying...
      Liked On: 08-09-2013, 03:45 AM
    Page 7 of 9 FirstFirst ... 5 6 7 8 9 LastLast
    View Lumenia's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    9/27/17 - Loving Silhouette

    by Lumenia on 09-27-2017 at 06:54 PM
    I woke up and opened my eyes. I couldn't see because it's pitch black. but i felt that there was a person in bed next to me. They were in front of me, our faces inches apart. I have no idea who the person is but I feel comfortable. I don't feel like they are going to hurt me. And I feel like they love me. I close my eyes again and the person moves closer to me and puts their arms around me. I take a deep breath and go back to sleep.
    non-lucid , false awakening

    9/27/17 - Late Night Trips Outside

    by Lumenia on 09-27-2017 at 06:47 PM
    Mom keeps making trips outside. It's well after midnight and every time she goes outside I get nervous. She grabs something that looks like a plate and heads out the door again. I follow her and while she walks towards the gate, i yell for her to come back and stop going outside because it's dangerous. She wont listen and while shes at the gate, I notice a black truck is parked in front. and a dark figure walks towards the gate. They say something to my mom. I cant hear but i know they are trying to get in. Mom says no to the figure and so I yell for her to come back and to hurry. She runs to me and we hurry inside. I close the door and lock it.

    9/26/17 - Holding Hands

    by Lumenia on 09-27-2017 at 06:42 PM
    I'm standing in grandma's dining room next to Hyuk. He's holding one of my hands and with his free hand he's holding out a piece of paper for me to see. From what I can tell it's a kind of permission slip that i need to sign for some reason. I reach out and grab it from him. Hyuk then leads me by the hand to Hongbin, Leo, Ravi and Ken, who are all standing in the room as well. One by one I spend a good minute holding their hands. Hyuk says that I have to bond and it's important. I don't question him and hold each members hand happily. Then Hyuk pulls me by the hand towards a sliding glass door that leads to a porch. Sitting outside is Hakyeon. Hakyeon looks up at us and smiles. He pats the spot next to him and so I sit down. Hyuk stays standing, holding onto my right hand. Hakyeon grabs my left hand and our fingers interlock. I feel really happy to be holding their hands the most.

    9/7/17 - Monsters and Puzzle Pieces

    by Lumenia on 09-07-2017 at 05:32 PM
    I'm in a cave. It's a tight fit and I'm searching for all the pieces to a puzzle. I see tons of pieces scattered all over the cave floor and I start to gather them. Suddenly I hear noises and look up towards the entrance. I see a group of dinosaur-like monsters. They are huge and they can talk. I back up further into the cave and try to hide behind a column of rock. They pass by slowly and I hear them talking about finding the puzzle pieces as well. Before they can all pass one of them sees me and immediately comes after me. I take off running. I make it to the edge of a cliff. There's a waterfall and huge river. I turn back around and the group of monsters is close to me. One by one they throw themselves at me. I'm scared but each time they come at me I reach out my hand and they are defeated. They either disappear or become an inanimate object. And each time it happens I become more and more confident by my hidden power. Once I defeat them all, I look at the river and notice a boy in a spider-man mask floating closer to me. He's about to go over the waterfall. I jump into the water and catch him. He has a giant floating device stuck to his feet that's keeping him from standing upright. So i grab his waist and take off the device. I notice it's also attached to his pants so I take those off as well which leaves him completely naked from the waist down. He stands up and I take off the mask. He smiles at me and thanks me. I smile back and place my hand on his lower back. He's taller than me. He has dark skin and wavy black hair. He's maybe 15 or sixteen. I stare at him and I know that he is mine and that I'm meant to protect him and love him. He's precious to me somehow. I wrap my arms around his waist and hold him tightly.

    9/7/17 - 3 Guns and a Schedule

    by Lumenia on 09-07-2017 at 05:19 PM
    I'm walking around a school campus. It's palms. I'm late and walking towards a portable classroom with a group of people. I pass by a statue of scooby-doo. I stop in front of a ramp and there's a group of kids blocking the entrance. I shove my way in. When I enter I say "Excuse me" and the teacher, a male, looks up and tells me I needn't be so polite. I smile and ask him if he can help me. He starts looking for my seat but I tell him I'm not in his class. I ask him if he thinks that the office will print me a new schedule since I accidentally left my backpack as home. He smiles and says that shouldn't be a problem. I smile back and thank him. I turn to leave and notice that the door is block again by students. I walk to the door and the kids are swarmed around another student. He's popular and a group of girls are the ones blocking me so that they can stare at him. I get annoyed and shoe them out of the way. As I'm walking down the ramp and about to leave, the girls come up behind me and try to pick a fight. I turn around and a girl hands me a gun. I smile at it because I know its the good one. Shes holding two more but they aren't the best ones. Then the teacher comes out and acts surprised that the girl let me have the good one. I smile and say it's because she trusts me. I then hand the gun back to the girl and walk away.