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    Page 6 of 9 FirstFirst ... 4 5 6 7 8 ... LastLast
    1. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by dakotahnok On thread : Meditation?
      Well ill give you the way i meditate. I sit on the couch and out binaral beats on my ipod. I listen to the rythum and focus on it. Im a MILDer so i say my mantra and focus on each word. But in...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    2. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by Invader On thread : Need a dream to be interpreted?
      I don't think that your encounter with death personified has to mean that death is supposed to come your way. If anything (and this is my best guess) this dream has to do with the idea (and fear) of...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    3. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by nina On thread : This Man?
      :lock: Locked for hoax that has already been posted on DV 20 million times.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    4. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by ninja9578 On thread : Audio Aid Repository
      I've gotten a lot of messages asking me about my and other audio files. Seems like they are hard to find and most of the threads dealing with audio files are full of dead links. I promise that as...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    5. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by ClearView On thread : DEILD iPhone APP
      Hello All! I know many of you have been trying to find just the right alarm that will turn off by itself so you can do a DEILD properly. Well hence the title, iPhone app, you just need an iPhone...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    6. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by slash112 On thread : Looking for a good laptop?
      The only reason laptops can be seen as bad for gaming is for their touchpad. It can be annoying sometimes. And if that is the case for you, you can just buy a USB mouse for it. Which are really...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    7. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by slash112 On thread : The possibility of time travel
      Yup. If that theory is true, then yup. Now, let's make a machine that takes us to alternate universes. (See that's the easy bit, now that the theory is sound)
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    8. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by PercyLucid On thread : Task of the month for June 2010
      Well, at least half of it was my idea!! Damn, I wanted to see other people become heartless (heartless mushroom) :( That would be fun!!!! Oh well, fire is it... I think pyrokinesis is easier...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    9. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by ninja9578 On thread : Task of the month for June 2010
      Go for it, it's always nice to already have your wings when the month starts. I've done that a few times, maybe I'll do one of these tonight :D
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    10. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by ninja9578 On thread : Task of the month for June 2010
      Introduction: This topic is for the Lucid Tasks that are assigned by me or voted on by experienced dreamers. Please attempt one or both of these tasks throughout the month. Report back in this...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    11. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by Naiya On thread : Mastering Lucid Dreaming Group
      Hey CV and all, I think now is a good time to start thinking about a more specific purpose for this forum. How exactly would it be run? What would you do with a subforum? What will the structure...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    12. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by Hazel On thread : Healthy Foods for Dreaming?
      First of all, there aren't really any foods that can directly make you lucid. These aids work by basically increasing your brain activity and giving you more vivid dreams and making your thought...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    13. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by MasterMind On thread : If you can't remember your dreams, TRY THIS!
      The last night I just tried a new way to remember my dreams, and when I woke up I almost remembered my vivid dreams instantly. I actually had a lucid dream to, but not for very long because I didn't...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    14. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by Morrigan On thread : Post pictures of yourself here, without discussion
      the Dark http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb78/dysphorikitty/IMG_0021.jpg and the Light http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb78/dysphorikitty/1233076314.jpg
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    15. Skarr
      Skarr liked post by Amethyst Star On thread : Any good online dream journals?
      And we're actually in the process of re-vamping the Dream Journal system here to allow for more features for recording the details of your dreams. I'd recommend starting one here. All in all, let...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    Page 6 of 9 FirstFirst ... 4 5 6 7 8 ... LastLast
    View Merro's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Being scammed at a video game store.

    by Merro on 06-20-2012 at 01:20 PM
    I remember being at this video game store in a dream I've had. I was suppose to have a meeting with someone so I went inside and I was playing Pokemon Leaf Green and I had my game boy advance with me. I was looking around for another GBA game to play. I was taking my time at the store like I usually do at retro video game stores, they sold cards there as well. The guy wanted 20 bucks per card. He made the cards him self he says. Then I had to go, I was told I was going to be left there if I wasn't ready. I noticed the Gameboy Advance section. There were a few games, there was Zelda games there as well.

    I came across a silver Zelda cartridge that hasn't been released before. The guy said, that game is pretty rare, it came with two bonus story lines and he wanted $50.00 bucks for it. I told him, fine I'll buy it, so I bought the silver cartridge and went out side to get to the car. As soon as I've got to the car, all of the sudden I saw the game changing its self into a Pokemon game, And I've got pissed and told my self. "Fuck it I just got ripped off".

    Singing with a girl in a talent show.

    by Merro on 06-19-2012 at 03:08 PM
    I am at a talent show, I am being back stage with some girl. She was getting ready to sing for a show and I was just standing there. She was getting ready so the girls manager said she was going to make her a star. And the lady left and the girl had a mask she was wearing but she took it off and gave it to me. "I was going to give her the mask but she said no thanks you hold on to it I don't need it."

    Then when I was watching her the curtains opened up. She began to sing and a guy was with her. I found my self holding the mask and suddenly I saw my self being under a huge light. Hiding underneath it. I was scared when I looked up because I saw a rope. I was trying to be brave because I don't like heights in dreams. The girl wanted me to sing with her, so I began to sing, Then the dream ended. The song we were singing was Bring me to Life by Evanescence. So the guy backed off and the girl and I were doing a duet.

    Big fight at school, then joining another school's class session's.

    by Merro on 06-19-2012 at 03:01 PM
    I am at school, we are in the Gym doing some jumping competition. Suddenly some guy tried to get into a fight with me. My brother tried to defend me by going up to him and beat the crap out of him. Then I tried to challenge the guy to a Pokemon battle. Then while I was there, they went out side and started fighting. I was trying to break up the fight but they were gone. Suddenly I was in some cafeteria and they were trying to gather the students to find out who started the fight. And out of no where I saw my brother trying to get on a school bus while I was trying to find mine.

    It was crazy when I saw allot of students there. I was one of the last students that were left behind. I realized there was another school being held there for another school session being held at my school when ours was done. So all the students from the bus gathered there and went to class.I was walking around and asked one of the teather's to see if I can call home for a ride, but one of the teachers said that the teacher or principal I was looking for wasn't in. So I had to join the other school's classes.

    Becoming lucid.

    by Merro on 06-18-2012 at 05:50 PM
    I've woke up this morning, well at least I thought I did. I was in the dream and I did a Reality Check, I did the Nose Pinch Reality Check and I was looking around my surroundings, the room looked pretty ood, but the atmosphere felt great. In the dream I finally knew I was dreaming. So I became lucid but I forgot to stabilize the dream. I suddenly saw some huge big lips with lip stick on my face. I was thinking. WOAH Somethings wrong with this picture, I was too freaked out when I figured out what I've saw. So I have woke up after I noticed this weird experience I have seen after the air conditioner kicked on in my bedroom.
    lucid , false awakening

    Playing with a 3 dimensional Box

    by Merro on 06-18-2012 at 12:18 AM
    Well the dream started off with me sitting at a Desk being in a office type room. Here is a image of what it may look like.

    I am inside the building just minding my own business, all of the sudden I was playing around with some plastic box. It looked kind of futuristic. I was wondering what to do with the box. First thing I was doing was I was playing around with the box and it looked 3 dimensional. I was trying to figure out how to use it and it began to do some different things, when I was messing with it a logo appeared in the box. I saw a logo going really far away inside the box so I could barely see it. So I was thinking this was a next generation of computers. It was like a computer case made out of plastic that can do all sorts of things. It looked kinda like this but it was alittle bigger, kinda like the size of a PC Monitor or a TV.

    I was messing around with it again and suddenly it said Dreamviews on the logo. I was thinking for a moment, well that was odd. Then suddenly I heard peoples voices coming from out side, they were coming in the room. One of the ladies walked in and said, "Sorry you have to leave, I am busy with a client right now so you must go" And I was wondering what she meant by "Client" And I saw a girl walking in with her, And the dream ended.