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    I am just a confused kid.
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    1. DawnEye11
      DawnEye11 liked blog post by mrspacebootz On : If only...
      I'm in a mall that resembles my school. There's tons of people all around me, some faces familiar and some not. It strikes me as weird that there's so many people around me and yet I have no one to...
      Liked On: 11-19-2014, 09:42 PM
    2. JadeGreen
      JadeGreen liked blog post by mrspacebootz On : pointlessness
      1. I was in a classroom in the form of Sonic the Hedgehog and no one seemed to notice nor care; so I turned into a ball and started spinning around the room and eventually a huge tornado formed and...
      Liked On: 11-18-2014, 03:51 PM
    3. JadeGreen
      JadeGreen liked blog post by mrspacebootz On : Dying A Virgin
      I'm at a local pool. But around me are things that I don't remember. The trees are sadder and less alive than before. The grass is gray and the sky is opaque. Where am I? This isn't Pocahontas Pool. ...
      Liked On: 11-08-2014, 02:36 AM
    4. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked blog post by mrspacebootz On : Dream Within A Dream
      We've just returned from a funeral. My great grandma has just passed away no more than an hour prior. My family is suddenly all in one room and I'm in the hallway thinking of where to go and what to...
      Liked On: 11-07-2014, 05:02 AM
    View mrspacebootz's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    It sucks

    by mrspacebootz on 01-24-2015 at 05:49 PM
    We're in this building of which none of us know. It's me and these two other guys. One being really big and black and the other being really short and yellow. I like the short, yellow one. At this point I'm trying to think of ways to capture his attention. I begin to drink some alcohol to ease up the tension moving around inside me and go in for the kill. As I'm trying to beguile this young lad he ignores me during my fits of flirtation. I feel utterly discouraged and sad at this point.
    In disappointment I walk away, my head downcast and my feet barely moving I bump into the big black guy. He looks down heavily upon me and I shrink in size. He manuevers around me and goes toward the handsome lad. They begin to talk and I feel even more sad than I did before because what did I do so wrong for him not to talk to me but to him?

    Involuntary Lucid Trip

    by mrspacebootz on 12-23-2014 at 06:41 PM
    I wake up from a dream that plays in my room, but I'm not. I look around and see that the mirror on the right-side wall is not the one from my dream. I look to my left and see no one.
    Soon I'm fighting away a man that's trying to chain me up. I start to slip away.
    I wake up again in a crate that's poorly chained. I look around and see I'm in the back of a moving car. There's mountains and trees all around me. A black paved road is beneathe me.
    I think of jumping out. But my arms are tied.
    I see to my left a field of grass. Tall grass that's inaccessible.
    Somehow I manage to get out of the crate and land in the field.
    And I remember feeling free.
    I'm dashing through the field, like a field mouse. Panic is such an understatement. I'm petrified.
    From afar I see a tiny cabin. Involuntarily I run towards it.
    I get to it. I look inside its reaches. Nothing but a table and a plate.
    My mom is coming from the right of me. Talking about me missing my dog's funeral. Screaming now. I run away and don't turn back.
    There's a beautiful man at a gas station. He's pumping gas. Naked. I look down and see I am too. Coincidence?
    I walk up to him. He stares at me. His eyes glossy and dark, as his hair. Then I look over his shoulder and see a crate with chains hanging from it. I freeze and he grabs me. Kisses my shoulder and then my neck. Telling me I'm his. All his. And I surrender, in his arms.
    This time I sit in the passenger seat. We drive for long hours.
    Then before us the road lifts and so do we.
    He dissolves, somehow. I just watch.
    I remember thinking of my only chance at love is gone. And now I'll be alone again.
    For an unspoken reason I end up in my room. The walls are red instead of blue. This slightly pisses me off because I hate red, but this time, I like it. I don't know why but I start to like where I am. As if this red tint is enchanted.
    I ignore everything and stare at the floor.
    My grandma bursts into my room, through the wall, the red wall. She's covered in purple. As though someone painted over my blue wall with red, and she's the outcome.
    She speaks softly. Words I can't recall. And suddenly I feel calm.
    I lie down.

    There's a bus. An ocean. Music.
    Waves jump from the sea. Fishes flop. The sky is hidden by a bed of clouds.
    I see my best friend in the distance. He's on an island, looking at shorts. He decides upon the black ones, as opposed to the red ones. I scream. He doesn't hear me. A shark is creeping up behind him. I scream but it sounds like nothing. My eyes float away, away from what happened.
    I'm in a boat now. A boat that moves itself. I have a cell phone. I'm taking pictures of what's around me. A mountain I see. A few palm trees. An irregular cloud. I put my phone into a bag. Tie it up. Place it in my backpack.
    I see a few old ladies. Arguing over black shorts. I see Daniel, my best friend. He's okay. I smile.
    I ask him what's happening. He points to the shorts. Just points. I ask him what's wrong. He only points.
    I go to see what's the fuss. The ladies scream. Their screams make buzzing appear in my ears. I can't understand their screams. They only hurt.
    I walk away from the fuss and back to Daniel. At least I thought. He's no longer there. I only see his foot-steps. They recede to where the shore breaks, into the ocean.

    Updated 12-23-2014 at 06:45 PM by mrspacebootz


    Gay Guys Get All The Girls? I guess so.

    by mrspacebootz on 12-20-2014 at 10:01 PM
    I'm sitting in mrs.hadaways class and she's teaching about dyslexia. Let me remind you she's originally a business teacher.
    I remember her saying something along the lines of: dyslexia is a dangerous disease. it consumes everything you eat.
    I raise my hand and she calls me: Isn't it weird that a micro-organism can affect our body with great precentage? I recall myself saying. And she just looks at me dumbfoundedly and I look around the class and it's silent. Then she says, "Uhm. Yes."
    I begin to walk out of the class. Then all goes black and at first i think i'm blind/ someone turns them back on and my vision becomes blurry. I fall to the floor in mid-panic until someone comes and gives me their glasses. I look up and see a girl in my view. Her name is Sarah. She takes my hand and lifts me and we start to walk out of the school.
    We're in a room, on a bed. She's lying on top of my with her head on my chest and her arms resting under my back, as though hugging me.
    She starts to kiss on me from my head to my legs. She then pulls off my pants and starts to give me a blow-job.
    After sucking for some time she stops for an unexpected reason-- the tip of my penis comes off. I blink and swallow the spit lodge in my throat. Then I croak: did the tip of my penis just come off? She says Yes. "Well put it back on", I say
    And she does.
    She climbs over me and says: I'm going to bed
    I reach over to give her a kiss goodnight, BUT she only pushes out her foot and tells me to go away.
    Sarah leaves from my dream.

    Soon comes another girl. She's naked, trying to take a picture of herself in this irregular pose. She is on her knees with one hand holding her up with her ass high up in the air with her loose hand trying to capture an image. I remember thinking to myself that her ass looked like the ears of a stuffed teddy bear, then I snicker and ask: what are you doing?
    I don't recall her answering. Then I say something else, like: "I bet you get all the guys."
    She has really long hair and caramel skin. She's lying on her back now with her legs half-way apart. She's gorgeous.
    "why dont you have a boyfriend?"
    She says curtly: "I do. In New York."
    I remember one time she and I made-out but she wouldn't fuck me. It all makes sense. Long-distance relationships get lonesome time to time. I don't blame her.
    " Oh" Is all I can think to say.
    And that's all I can think to remember.

    Updated 12-21-2014 at 02:09 AM by mrspacebootz



    by mrspacebootz on 11-27-2014 at 08:06 PM
    I was awakened by the saliva of a dog. And next to me was a man, a very beautiful man.
    (It's sad because I don't remember his name or any explicit details of his face. But by my fragmented memory it tells me he was attractive.)
    At the sight of each other we felt the need to kiss, so we did. Someone was screaming at us for kissing and he was trying to explain to them that we weren't, that in fact I was trying to wash his hair. He was holding a bottle of shampoo trying to convince them but, I don't think that they were convinced.
    They left(well, he left). I am not too sure if it was a male or not, but by his anger I assume so.
    I was on the ground with two adorable puppies.
    He (the beautiful man) came down and lay next to us (me and the two puppies )and we started kissing again.

    This dream tells me that I yearn for the affection of another man but society frowns upon gays so I'd rather stay out of reach because it's where I feel most comfortable.

    But oddly I still feel a connection to that man in my dream. I woke up feeling nostalgic and sad. I guess part of the sadness I experienced had to do with my ex. The guy in my dream was older than me. Around his thirties or so, the same age that my ex is. But with this man it was something more powerful. I've never felt that much from a dream. It's weird. It was weird[...]

    Shark Bait

    by mrspacebootz on 11-26-2014 at 01:42 PM
    We're (me and a few others of who I can't recall) are in a boat and we're competing with other people of who I can't recall. The objective is to hit one another with a paddle and whoever hits who first, wins. Sadly I get hit and I fall into the water. I remember seeing my breath in the form of bubbles floating ahead of me as I sink farther and farther into the deep blue sea. I remember one thought and this thought only: What if a shark comes and eats me whole?
    So I try to swim to the top but the pressure is too immense and all I can do is sink and sink. But somehow I gain the strength to swim to the stop and I do, but as I'm about to reach it I feel the darkness below me start to pull and above me I see a hand. I reach for the hand and it pulls me to safety. I realize it's a friend from my old school. It's weird because she was always a good swimmer but it also makes sense why she's the one to save me.

    I never knew if my team lost or won. I will never know and it kind of bothers me, but it doesn't matter, I guess.
    After that the rest of the dream was a blur.

    Updated 11-26-2014 at 01:45 PM by mrspacebootz

    non-lucid , dream fragment