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    1. Clidu
      Clidu liked post by Octeciano On thread : Just achieved MILD lucid dream consistency!
      Well you'll see results in 1 week. In 2 weeks you're only problem with MILD is not falling asleep hence, not using the the phone for better sleep. If you fall asleep while performing MILD after 2...
      Liked On: 02-05-2017, 02:51 AM
    2. Clidu
      Clidu liked post by Octeciano On thread : What Practise/Technique Has Gave You Best Results?????
      Mine is MILD and regular reality checks.
      Liked On: 02-05-2017, 02:47 AM
    3. Valor
      Valor liked post by Octeciano On thread : Just achieved MILD lucid dream consistency!
      Hey guys! I recently finished my prospective memory training program and I've had a guaranteed MILD as long as I fell asleep. The only problem with MILD not working is when I don't fall asleep after...
      Liked On: 02-03-2017, 09:13 AM
    4. dolphin
      dolphin liked post by Octeciano On thread : MILD prospective memory training results
      Hey guys! I wanted to test out the MILD prospective memory training in LaBerge's book. I saw a thread in reddit how a redditor boosted up to 40 lucid dream in 30 days. Crazy huh? I decided to try the...
      Liked On: 01-22-2017, 01:45 AM
    5. Venryx
      Venryx liked post by Octeciano On thread : MILD prospective memory training results
      Hey guys! I wanted to test out the MILD prospective memory training in LaBerge's book. I saw a thread in reddit how a redditor boosted up to 40 lucid dream in 30 days. Crazy huh? I decided to try the...
      Liked On: 01-22-2017, 01:30 AM
    6. Sensei
      Sensei liked post by Octeciano On thread : Need help on Turbo charging awareness
      Hmmm very interesting. I did have good stabilizing technique but I seem to not have done this. Thanks for the reply Sensei! Much respect to you :)
      Liked On: 01-09-2017, 02:25 PM
    7. Jacob46719
      Jacob46719 liked post by Octeciano On thread : Forgetting to perform basic things on becoming lucid.
      That's where prospective memory comes. Prospective memory is more important than lucid dreamers give it credit for. It's the memory which allows a person to remember to remember a task. I suggest...
      Liked On: 01-08-2017, 06:34 PM
    View Octeciano's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Unsure purpose

    by Octeciano on 02-11-2017 at 11:34 PM
    I am inside a Mall. I'm not sure what our purpose is but I am with someone I know. We we're walking and doing something. Now I find myself with my classmates and they're huddled while my other classmate and I was not in the huddle. She was looking at the photos in the camera and I kinda looked down to see her pits. She saw me and she put it down. She said something like "(My name) is sneaking simply" I quickly looked down and pretended I did not hear what she was saying. Now i find myself walking with n adult. Maybe she's a teacher. We made it to the outer part of the mall like in MOA. Anyway, we're walking and she's asking me where are the others. I'm telling her. She's mildly disappointed of this.

    Old friend's youtube channel

    by Octeciano on 02-11-2017 at 04:56 AM
    I'm inside a moving our moving car and we made a right turn to Del Pilar. I can feel that we're headed to the country's capital. Other than that, it's also around 4 am. I now find myself inside a room with my old friend. It turns out that he has a youtube channel that's all about his day to day life. It's also very funny. I'm teasing him about it and the goofy actions he made. A part of the video that stood out to me was when he forgot his line and he started smiling and then laughing. He asked the other person who's not seen in the camera what his line is before that. The lighting of the video was orange and I think he did a good job of putting it in if he actually arranged the lighting.

    Now I find myself with my sister and we're entering this place. You know the place/store connected into every gasoline station? Well we got in there. This place does not look like a store. I'll describe it as a view you'll see when you look at a kaleidoscope except that it's dark. I'm not sure what we did there. Maybe we just explored.

    Pursued by Agent Smith in China

    by Octeciano on 02-11-2017 at 03:24 AM
    I knew I was dreaming but I don't know exactly what triggered it. I found that I'm running away from someone. I was enjoying at first but the fun it was not fun anymore because of the guy chasing me. It's night and I thought to myself that it was kind of bad that some guy is always there in my dreams chasing me. For now, I lost him. I continue to hide by flying and running. I now find myself in an open view. I'm seeing that the view was incredibly vivid. A young kid told me that I am in China. It was very beautiful. The sunset stood up to me. This looks even realer than real life. I asked bit more questions which I can't exactly remember to which the asian kid answered. I'm off to run away again cause I knew that guy was gonna catch up again. I think before I flew away, saw him. I'm doing the green lantern's way of flying and took off. I never thought he'll catch up that fast...

    My only problem with this guy is I can't beat him even if I confronted him. I'm now on a dark place now. I'm hiding on an apartment's balcony. I'm seeing the coated guy really close and I hid. While hiding, I thought that this guy was Agent Smith from the Matrix. I also thought that all I had to do is to think that I am "The one" and challenge him. I got confidence and confronted him. We're fighting and I was able to block most of his shots without effort. I ended up beating the hell out of him. I'm not sure what happened next.

    Flashbacks with a million meanings

    by Octeciano on 01-22-2017 at 06:45 AM
    I'm inside a mall and I'm seeing Ein. He's getting outside a store and now he's walking on the escalator. I'm seeing a tall guy wearing an Americana which I perceived to be me in 3rd pov.
    Now I'm walking and I realized that I was just falling asleep a while ago. I did a nose plug RC and got lucid. It was hard to control the dream but I remembered to dream spin. I'm now dream spinning. After 3 seconds,it's getting harder to spin. I'm seeing now a kind of distorting picture of what I am seeing. The color is yellowish. I'm now underwater and I'm seeing shadows. When I got up,I'm seeing my classmates in my last school and I think it was years ago. All of this made me think of what my mind was trying to tell me. The scene was very vivid. I'm not sure but I think I was back st the water and when I barely got up I shouted "Show me Marika!" The dream did not respond that well. I'm coming out and when I stepped my foot,I felt that it was soft and sticky. Everything was bright by the way. I made my way and ran into this two people. The woman from the left introduced herself. With their reaction,they knew I was looking for Marika. The one from the right,which was a fat hideous lady introduced herself. "My name is Mari.." I shot her before she could even say it. I was filled with anger by this. She's holding her head and she's getting mad. Before she could attack me,I used the expectation effect and shot her with my finger. The gun sign. She's falling heavily on the ground. It looks like she's dead. The other woman dared to attack me but I'm warning her. "I am the one with the power of expectation." She got mad and she slammed the huge round steal door. I'm stepping back and forming a ball of fire. I'm shouting a mantra while doing it but it was not so effective. I am now summoning my green lantern ring to surely use my powers. I said ring on and ready to fight as she got out. I did not see a ring on my hand though. Suddenly everything turns 3 point of view and I'm at the left. Everything gets distorted in a bright yellowish color. I slowly woke up..

    The justice of the sword and the yellow wii

    by Octeciano on 01-22-2017 at 02:22 AM
    I'm currently with someone finding guy named that holds the sword that we need to defeat the enemy. We're able to meet him in a classic ship like plates that pirates use. He gives us this brown sword. It is said to be very strong! Our goal was to kill and defeat a very strong enemy and his force. Now I find myself in a 3rd point of view watching Izayoi slay the flying creatures. I almost can't believe it because the enemy's very strong and he only hit them once. Now I suddenly took control of Izayoi and I'm the one slashing the creatures. From what I know, we were successful.

    Now I find myself in a room. Maybe this was my current room. It slightly resembles it. I foun my white wii and what surprise me was yellow wii. I presume that all my items in province have been put here. I thought a yellow wii was what was missing an it turned out it was found. Yes! Almost everything I'm seeing are things that gone missing from when I was younger. This yelllow Nintendo wii has my nintendo gamecube memory inserted in it and another memory. I dont' remember having another memory but I thought it might be a lost one. There's also controllers here. Lots of 'em. I'm going to the front and I saw my white wii an it has the my controller which my friend gave me. It's weird cause I don't remember having this much controllers...