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    My next big lucid dream will be tonight!
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    Reading room 5-9
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    1. Finlander
      Finlander liked post by Oneironautic On thread : Has anyone ever killed anyone in their lucids?
      I killed someone (kind of unintentionally). I had just become lucid, and out of nowhere this guy bites my leg!!! I was so surprised that I clapped my hands, (with the intention of geting rid of him)...
      Liked On: 11-07-2011, 03:03 PM
    2. ElizaLS
      ElizaLS liked post by Oneironautic On thread : Has anyone ever killed anyone in their lucids?
      I killed someone (kind of unintentionally). I had just become lucid, and out of nowhere this guy bites my leg!!! I was so surprised that I clapped my hands, (with the intention of geting rid of him)...
      Liked On: 10-25-2011, 01:58 AM
    3. fOrceez
      fOrceez liked post by Oneironautic On thread : Has anyone ever killed anyone in their lucids?
      I killed someone (kind of unintentionally). I had just become lucid, and out of nowhere this guy bites my leg!!! I was so surprised that I clapped my hands, (with the intention of geting rid of him)...
      Liked On: 10-05-2011, 10:05 AM
    4. Rhyan420
      Rhyan420 liked post by Oneironautic On thread : have you ever seen someone do a RC in the real world
      I keep telling all my friends about it and half the time there like "oh, that's how I dream" and i'm like WTF stupid people doing it naturally whilst i'm working like hell to get 2 seconds of...
      Liked On: 08-23-2011, 04:35 AM
    5. XxNamExX
      XxNamExX liked blog post by Oneironautic On : Totm :)
      I DID IT- for the first time :) :) :) OK the dream started in my house where I was having a party with all my friends. I go into my bathroom to do something and end up acidentally drrinking shampoo...
      Liked On: 08-16-2011, 08:56 AM
    6. mjspeth
      mjspeth liked post by Oneironautic On thread : have you ever seen someone do a RC in the real world
      I keep telling all my friends about it and half the time there like "oh, that's how I dream" and i'm like WTF stupid people doing it naturally whilst i'm working like hell to get 2 seconds of...
      Liked On: 08-12-2011, 03:51 AM
    7. [SomeGuy]
      [SomeGuy] liked post by Oneironautic On thread : have you ever seen someone do a RC in the real world
      I keep telling all my friends about it and half the time there like "oh, that's how I dream" and i'm like WTF stupid people doing it naturally whilst i'm working like hell to get 2 seconds of...
      Liked On: 07-27-2011, 07:09 AM
    8. RainbowSigh
      RainbowSigh liked post by Oneironautic On thread : have you ever seen someone do a RC in the real world
      I keep telling all my friends about it and half the time there like "oh, that's how I dream" and i'm like WTF stupid people doing it naturally whilst i'm working like hell to get 2 seconds of...
      Liked On: 07-24-2011, 09:09 PM
    9. jarrhead
      jarrhead liked post by Oneironautic On thread : have you ever seen someone do a RC in the real world
      I keep telling all my friends about it and half the time there like "oh, that's how I dream" and i'm like WTF stupid people doing it naturally whilst i'm working like hell to get 2 seconds of...
      Liked On: 07-21-2011, 01:28 AM
    10. ReachingForTheDream
      ReachingForTheDream liked post by Oneironautic On thread : have you ever seen someone do a RC in the real world
      I keep telling all my friends about it and half the time there like "oh, that's how I dream" and i'm like WTF stupid people doing it naturally whilst i'm working like hell to get 2 seconds of...
      Liked On: 07-17-2011, 05:56 PM
    11. GavinGill
      GavinGill liked post by Oneironautic On thread : Ban the person above you
      Banned for every single reason mentioned previously in this thread
      Liked On: 07-16-2011, 12:16 AM
    12. Oneironaut Zero
      Oneironaut Zero liked post by Oneironautic On thread : Shared Lucid Dreaming, How Is It Possible??
      For anyone interested in shared dreaming, the book "the Holographic Universe" is a must read, as well as AP and various other phernomenom.
      Liked On: 07-11-2011, 05:31 AM
    13. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by Oneironautic On thread : Shared Lucid Dreaming, How Is It Possible??
      For anyone interested in shared dreaming, the book "the Holographic Universe" is a must read, as well as AP and various other phernomenom.
      Liked On: 07-11-2011, 12:55 AM
    14. sloth
      sloth liked post by Oneironautic On thread : 1000+ ways to get kicked out of walmart
      Get an enourmous shopping trolly of items, take to the cashout and say you will only buy with a written contract saying none of the ingredients of the goods comes from countries begining with H. If...
      Liked On: 07-07-2011, 10:14 PM
    15. fOrceez
      fOrceez liked post by Oneironautic On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      2253- eat a cake No one said they had to be the most interesting of dream goals :)
      Liked On: 06-15-2011, 11:42 PM
    View Oneironautic's Dream Journal

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    Totm :)

    by Oneironautic on 08-16-2011 at 08:34 AM
    I DID IT- for the first time
    OK the dream started in my house where I was having a party with all my friends. I go into my bathroom to do something and end up acidentally drrinking shampoo instead of beer I am then in a weird clinically clean white place and still not lucid. I start talking to a young boy who is walking beside me and he tells me he put the shampoo into my dream on purpose to make me lucid- and him telling me this does make me lucid! He also tells me there are dream characters who want to keep me trappeed in my mind and I see them leaving. One is a pinched looking woman and I cannot remember what the other looked like. The kid tells me that I can leave my mind now, and shows me a door leading to outside, which is a quaint village. I step out the door, but decide to change my mind and try to teleport somewhere else. The kid closes the door and I focus on the inside of a volcano (no particular reason) but I can still see through the windows and when the doors open nothing has changed. I try again, looking away from the window and when it opens it is a indian restaurant with a fountain with lights in the middle, the candles illuminating the areas that I had imagined to be glowing lava. I walked through, around the fountain and saw loads of plates of food, which reminds me that I want to eat something in my dream. I decide to teleport somewhere else where there is simpler tasting food. as I walk up the stairs I consider the simplest solution, MacDonalds, where I could get some chips. suddenly, all the DC's behind me start singing the macdonalds song (which really irritates me) Without realising I have compleated the TOTM I turn around and glare at them. I say to one of my friends, 'I will have to think of something a bit more original now'. Irritated by my friends I try to teleport by myself by ripping a potal in the fabric of reality, but before I can I wake up.

    This was a dream full of firsts for me, teleportation (on my private dream tasks), TOTM (even if it was unintentionall) and the boy who told me he was trying to release me from my mind- I'm not sure what I think of dream guides, but...I guess I will have to see if I see him again. I think that he was a younger version of me, maybe from a time when I was less cynical

    Reading room 5 9

    by Oneironautic on 07-12-2011 at 02:13 PM
    I was at my grandparent's house (which didn't actually look like my grandparents house in any way) an I went into the attic. There were ten beds, each occupied by someone trying to lucid dream, except the one nearest the door, which I lay down on. I started to try to lucid dream. It was very dark, but I could see a bit.
    This was the layout of the room
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - -
    x -

    With - being a bed, x being me and _ being the door.

    After a while the person at the far end of the room (also on the left side) left, and I moved to take his bed. Someone else went into my original bed. They were playing binary beats (though as I have never used them I do not know if they sounded accurate). I then went to sleep (in the dream) for maybe half a second, but when I opened my eye's again most people had left the room and it was a bright. I asked the guy in the next bed to me what had happened and he told me that it was morning. I started down the stairs to get breakfast, and that is pretty much all I can remember apart from a flash back of a huge plate of fried eggs. When I woke up from this dream (for real) at 4 in the morning or there about, I thought about it, and wheter it could have been a shared non-lucid. I also remembered hearing the words 'I want to move from (name of the room we were in) to reading room 5 9. I felt that reading room 5 9 was very important.