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    1. View Conversation
      How did I miss your presence, I wonder? I guess you don't post on the boards much...
      You seem interesting, I'll be keeping my eye out for you. I hope you start posting your dreams more regularly!
    2. View Conversation
      Have a look for yourself
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      Yeh pretty much
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      Nearly all your dreams are about games
    5. View Conversation
      Hey thanks dude for the comment
      That first lucid dream was two days ago, so I still have the other one to put in.
      You are awesome, and thank you again!
    6. Right back at ya Nomad! if it weren't for you, I probably would have abandoned this website long ago. your dream journal was the first one I remember reading on dreamviews, something about it just called out to me, subconsciously, saying "this guy is awesome"

      The awesome guy has now called me awesome, I am now an awesome guy! it makes me so happy
    7. View Conversation
      Dude, you are an awesome dreamer! I can see your dreams so vividly when you write. Next time go through the mirror! Keep rocking and thanks for the inspiration!
    8. Thanks Nomad, that means so much to me

      Maybe one day we can kick ass together, IN THE DREAM REALM!
    9. View Conversation
      Robo, keep kicking ass man! You are amazing.
    10. What does that mean? is it just a matter-of-fact thing? or is there some significance of that?
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    1. Robo
      Robo liked blog comment by GoldenLight On : Kaomea's Friend?
      That actually sounds very wise. :) If you are trying to move yourself in one direction in life - let's say trying to pass a certain test or get a particular degree- but you are actually working...
      Liked On: 04-17-2012, 03:52 PM
    2. Robo
      Robo liked blog comment by TheForgotten On : Kaomea's Friend?
      Hehe, that's funny. I wonder which friend that was O.o I'm thinking homeslice but I don't think I've seen him in wings... but then I suppose my dreamself would probably have friends my waking self...
      Liked On: 04-17-2012, 03:35 PM
    3. Robo
      Robo liked blog comment by GoldenLight On : Kaomea's Friend?
      You're welcome. :) I'd say Kaomea's friend gave you some good advice - advice we can all use. ;)
      Liked On: 04-17-2012, 12:14 AM
    4. Robo
      Robo liked blog comment by Linkzelda On : Kaomea's Friend?
      Interesting.....when I think of Kaomea's friend, I think of her friend GypsyKiss, seeing as that's the only female I know of that could do these things with Kaomea.
      Liked On: 04-17-2012, 12:14 AM
    5. Robo
      Robo liked blog post by Raven Knight On : 04/10/12 Recent Dreams
      04/10/12 Note: It has been a long time since I have posted any dreams. I have been sooooo depressed lately that all I have really wanted to do is crawl into a hole and fall asleep and never wake...
      Liked On: 04-11-2012, 02:12 AM
    6. Robo
      Robo liked blog comment by TheForgotten On : Lucid, Expectation Training, Long Dream
      Well sure. I mean getting texts in dreams are fun when you can read them.. and then you actually saw the sender as 'Adventurer'... which is awesome because it's not a real name, LOL. The real...
      Liked On: 03-27-2012, 05:57 PM
    7. Robo
      Robo liked blog comment by TheForgotten On : Lucid, Expectation Training, Long Dream
      Oh that's just awesome ^.^ It sucks journaling in dreams just to wake up afterward. The only good thing about it is that it allows you to consolidate your thoughts before you actually wake...
      Liked On: 03-27-2012, 05:57 PM
    8. Robo
      Robo liked post by Dannon Oneironaut On thread : Is it possible to attune yourself to reiki?
      If you want to be a healer then you are one. Just practice. Eventually a teacher will find you when you are ready. Until then keep practicing.
      Liked On: 01-30-2012, 04:51 PM
    9. Robo
      Robo liked post by labyrint On thread : hacking hacking waking life
      Sanity has it good sides. Apollonian, logos and all. Sometimes bit judgemental. Insanity is getting into wholly cosmos of sanities.. whole contraditions, diverce worldviews and old bubbles breaking.....
      Liked On: 01-30-2012, 12:06 AM
    10. Robo
      Robo liked post by Sageous On thread : A portal to a plane
      Now let's think about this for a minute; Monster99d, you might be on to something. I too read regularly here that these dream and astral "planes" are actual places, often with unique physics,...
      Liked On: 01-28-2012, 07:14 PM
    11. Robo
      Robo liked post by shadowofwind On thread : A portal to a plane
      Astral projection, which would presumably involve 'astral matter' on the 'astral plane', is definitely possible while awake. Under the right conditions a person could also have conventional lucid...
      Liked On: 01-28-2012, 07:14 PM
    12. Robo
      Robo liked post by shadowofwind On thread : Whoa, PSI balls?
      The brain needs to have a finely tuned model of both strength and resistance to movement, so that it knows the strength and quality of the pulses to send to muscles. By actively screwing with that...
      Liked On: 01-19-2012, 01:23 AM
    13. Robo
      Robo liked post by shadowofwind On thread : How to proceed?
      If it were me, the first thing I'd do, before deciding not to care about the fear, is try to understand better what's inspiring it. As often as not, fear is an indication of something dangerous or...
      Liked On: 01-18-2012, 05:27 AM
    14. Robo
      Robo liked post by Dannon Oneironaut On thread : Is it possible to attune yourself to reiki?
      As usual, there are a lot of misconceptions and assumptions I find in the preceding posts. Let me try to clarify: 1: Reiki is a Japanese word for Universal Life energy. It is the same energy that...
      Liked On: 01-16-2012, 12:30 AM
    15. Robo
      Robo liked blog comment by Raven Knight On : Dreamviews Inbox, Raven Knight
      Sorry I have been MIA so much lately. I have been really busy with my waking life, and my dream recall and lucidity have gone down the crapper. :( That is weird that you had a dream of me being...
      Liked On: 11-30-2011, 01:32 AM
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    View Robo's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Refusal to sign a contract

    by Robo on 04-27-2017 at 03:55 PM
    I am sitting at a table discussing how bad of an idea bleaching the coral reef is with a dream character. There is a man in a black suit spraying something on the shelves

    Simultaneously, he is also underwater bleaching the coral reef.

    I get upset with him and attempt to slam him into the table, but I can barely budge him. I recognize he is stronger than me and back off a bit. The man in black grins, perhaps seeing an oppurtunity. He pulls out a contract and asks for me to sign it. I think about it for a bit, and tear it into 4 pieces. He seems displeased. I wake up

    In which I become a wizard

    by Robo on 04-07-2017 at 06:10 PM
    Recall start:

    I am in a public restroom. There is a black arcane symbol on the ground. I step on it with one foot and it seems to partially activate, I feel a small surge of power. I step on it with both feet and am transported elsewhere.

    I am now in a castle-like area. I spot a blonde girl with long pigtails some distance past a gate. My curiosity is piqued. I walk up to the gate and slide it open, soundlessly. the gate feels sharp, as if I could cut myself if I was reckless. I don't think to look at my hand for injury. when I look up, she is past another gate of the same make. I follow her silently through many gates, until we eventually come to an old man. he gives her an ornate box containing a dagger, and he gives me a long, smooth staff with a sword handle on one end of it. I continue to follow the woman through a few more gates until we reach a circular area in the path. she turns around. I panic, and even though I'm sure she's already seen me, I duck behind a wall. she says something and I come out. I see a class selection screen. the options are warrior, rouge, and mage. warrior is already selected, with an image of a small, fat warrior holding a sword. I change it to mage, and the image changes to a small, fat, bald mage. I mentally roll my eyes and examine the rest of the page. there are very few options I can change, and eventually the menu closes. I open up a pause menu, which has more options to tinker with, but I wake up shortly after.

    I fall back asleep

    I am in a grocery store learning magic, having little success throwing a fireball. I think to start with real matter and try to transmute it to fire, so I grab a packet of hotdogs and slice the ends of them off with a knife. I hold a tip of one above my head and attempt to fill it with magic fire, I succeed in levitating it out of my hands, so I throw it, hoping it's a fireball, but It's just a tip of hot dog, I throw it at incredible speed into the broad side of an aisle and knock some stuff of the shelves. I try a few more times before I wake up.

    Begin again

    by Robo on 08-14-2016 at 09:02 PM
    In an experimental lab, trying to break out 2 girls. I am lucid and attempt to destroy the lab because I am angry but I don't seem to have any amount of dream control. I hurry to get to the girl further back in the facility because I feel like I'm about to wake up. I climb a bunch of boxes to get to where she is as my lucidity fades. I take a backpack from behind me, but I can't find the shirt I want, I decide its not important. I carry her out of the facility that is trashed from when I was lucid. after we get outside we are pursued by thugs on motorcycles wearing bandana masks that have sharp teeth printed on the fabric. they shot rockets at us as we fled to an underpass. I managed to get on to one of the motorcycles to prolong the chase. I exit the tunnel and have enough of a repose to look in the distance. there is a theme park on a mountain, half of it appears to be a sailing ship.

    This prompted a flashback of me and the girl in this amusement park. there are many people. she gets ahead of me and I lose track of her in the crowd. I make my way to the restaurant we were going to before she got lost.

    flash back to the motorcycle chase, the pursuers had caught up with me again. I stopped time to dodge a rocket that would have hit me, but we were cornered. there was a windowed wall. I threw her through and chased after her, our pursuers shortly behind. we were in the restaurant from earlier. we ran to the kitchen and into an underwater pipeline. it sucked us down and into an out of view area. were were both destroyed.

    Text appeared in my vision it was unreadable, but I heard a voice say/translate it to, "Begin again" just before I woke up.
    lucid , non-lucid

    Island, brief memory of Nomad

    by Robo on 10-19-2015 at 05:07 PM
    I was on a ship with some characters from Fullmetal Alchemist. Roy Mustang and Risa Hawkeye stand out. The ship was attacked by a giant crab creature and sunk. I come to on a square island. Risa was examining a much smaller version of the crab that attacked us that was on the beach. one of the surviving crew members apparently found it. I took some time and examined it as well.

    the creature looked like a version of this insect with very light coloring. it's meat was a very light color and partially transparent and overall the insects shape was much more pointed. there was a metal fork stuck underneath the meat. I assumed the fork was covering a stinger and shouldn't be messed with.

    I was searching for worms in the rain on the square island. the color of the world around me seemed to have faded. there was a raised garden between two buildings that I was searching for worms in so I didn't need to bend over.

    There was a grand mistake, an oversight on my part. with heavy heart, I told the person in front of me I needed to go back in time and try again. I knew the timeline I was in currently would continue and I would move to another timeline. I activated my time power and replayed the previous scenes with the knowledge of how they would turn out. the dialogue changed in these scenes.
    I have a vague memory of seeing Nomad. we are outside near an intersection that I remember well from my hometown. we are just talking about whatever. the conversation briefly turns to relationships. he mentions that winterfae only exists in dreams I get surprised that he said that and it confuses me. my memory of reading his task of the year dream plays. my memory fails after this point.


    by Robo on 10-13-2015 at 05:46 PM
    I started drifting to sleep. my bedroom doubled and distorted, my consciousness wavered. for a moment I identified my dream body and plugged my nose with it to anchor me in. The dream distorted heavily with this action. I almost lost it, but I held on and it stabilized. I focused on my breathing until the dream solidified. I leaped out of my bed and turned to face it. Sticking out my right hand and assuming a stance, I started with a stern force behind my voice: "KAA!" nothing seemed to have changed, the dream still felt like real life, so I began shifting perspective slightly: "ME! HAA!" the world around me started tremoring, destabilizing. I tried to stay in the dream as best I could: "ME!" but it was too much. the dream shifted, feeling like a portal rebound. I was presented with a forum I frequent in front of me in the moment before I woke up.