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    I am trying to get better at painting and am pretty new to all this LD stuff.
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    1. rockonguy
      rockonguy liked post by JoannaB On thread : LD's short and unstable
      I would suggest you check out this tutorial: Dream Stabilization and Clarity Tutorial - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views (http://www.dreamviews.com/wiki/Dream-Stabilization-and-Clarity-Tutorial) Btw,...
      Liked On: 06-01-2013, 02:04 PM
    2. rockonguy
      rockonguy liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Task of the Month for March 2013
      http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Ol4ZuxHCbKE/Tsks8B4KWWI/AAAAAAAABSc/tYILw-c17fM/s1600/flower-banner-615-wide.jpg Introduction: This topic is for the Lucid Tasks that are assigned by the Dream Guide ...
      Liked On: 03-02-2013, 06:58 PM
    3. rockonguy
      rockonguy liked post by JoannaB On thread : Lucid dreaming is becoming more popular...
      Agreed, sorry, got carried away. The Satan comment just riled me up I guess. No longer riled up here. :)
      Liked On: 03-01-2013, 07:49 PM
    4. rockonguy
      rockonguy liked post by Bobblehat On thread : Lucid dreaming is becoming more popular...
      The more people that like lucid dreaming, the more chance we have of finding better techniques.
      Liked On: 03-01-2013, 07:10 PM
    5. rockonguy
      rockonguy liked post by Savsal14 On thread : Lucid dreaming is becoming more popular...
      I believe making more famous is a good thing until an extend. I wouldn't like if the whole world was lucid dreaming all the time, but i would like it if many people lucid dream. Anyway, people...
      Liked On: 03-01-2013, 01:49 PM
    6. rockonguy
      rockonguy liked post by JoannaB On thread : Lucid dreaming is becoming more popular...
      I think it is not unexpected that lucid dreaming is becoming popular: So many of us lead busy lives, and wish we had more free time. Also self-improvement in general is becoming more popular...
      Liked On: 03-01-2013, 01:49 PM
    7. rockonguy
      rockonguy liked post by Taffy On thread : Lucid dreaming is becoming more popular...
      I wonder why it's been increasing in popularity so recently though, seems like its been springing up everywhere lately. Never seen it expand so much, you'd think it'd become popular instantly for...
      Liked On: 03-01-2013, 01:49 PM
    8. rockonguy
      rockonguy liked post by JoannaB On thread : Lucid dreaming is becoming more popular...
      Fad? Any of you read the book Bellwether by Connie Willis. If you have not read it, I recommend it. It is a fictional book about how fads spread, and even though it is fiction, many of the insights...
      Liked On: 03-01-2013, 01:49 PM
    View rockonguy's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    First lucid failed badly! D:

    by rockonguy on 01-19-2013 at 10:55 AM
    -First lucid fragment? I realize I am dreaming on a beach and proceed to touch a palm and spin a little to stabilize it. It works, but is not very effective. I look at my hands, and shortly after that the dream collapses. It was no more than a few seconds. Wai. Is this the way it works for first lucids more often? PM me please!
    -Watching a TV show where a big pterodactylus throws a little rhino onto a smaller pterodactylus that was laying on the ground.
    -A girl strokes my leg. Then I kicked her. What.
    -I am in the testing room from the Incredibles movie. It faded to black, so I probably died.
    dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid

    Unsorted dreams

    by rockonguy on 01-19-2013 at 10:50 AM
    Loooooads of dreams I had a few days ago, since I haven't been doing this for long.
    Let's go!

    I end up in some sort of Borderlands 2. I got there through playing my friend's PSVita, which he was using in a random pool.
    For some reason I like his Vita better than someone else's. A dude named Aaron sells the guns. He doesn't mind if I go into the weapon storage and get some myself. I also get some free guns (including a bright yellow dartgun) from someone that awfully looked like one of my friends... Although I am sort of 'in' the Vita, I can use its buttons to modify someone's body. I make his eyes super thin but really big. Some tall dude chases me with a halberd after that. It's easy to dodge his strikes because he only gives little swipes sideways. I run back to Aaron's weapon storage.
    I find myself in an African village with wooden huts in a desert. There is a small town nearby, but here there is a war raging on with little people in bright clothes that identify the teams they belong to. I help the yellow side using my bow and arrows (I am way more skilled there than I am in real life haha). One of my people walks up to the tall leader of the other side, but gets killed by his machete. I somehow saw this coming but did nothing to prevent it. People start to panic and fight again while I dash away past a small wooden hut. I end up on a trail heading up a mountain where a mighty building stands. Beneath me is the bigger town. I try to blend in as a well-dressed woman hurries down the trail. There are nuggets of gold on the path. I walk up and find there's a natural wall of stone separating the building from the city. Then I woke up.
    We discover a baby in my sporting bag and call him Geert. (Dutch name) Frankly, he grows up while I remain the same age.
    Later on, we start ice-skating in a field with a few ice-tracks that look like car trails. (That dream was really weird.)
    Continuation after sleep:
    Geert is gone, dunno where. There is a miss Universe thing going on in the same village, near the lake. My candidate likes to brag but has two wings (which she doesn't even use) and can breathe underwater. The other is a normal girl that quickly realizes she is going to lose. The third has four wings and is really quiet, but a dangerous competitor. They participate in swimming events etc. I do not know the outcome.
    I am in a room in a nearby youth center, which is made out of two circular rooms which can be divided by folding and closing the (now open) wall in the middle. Me and a random friend have a weird version of a stuffed toy I used to love when I was younger. The two other random people also have a toy and we are trying to get the two into contact. (Why I do not know.) After a while we take out a removeable part from his head and throw it against theirs. The security guard does not want us to achieve this for some reason.
    I am running through my house, there's a doll hanging on the wall. I am afraid for no reason and waiting to open the door for my mother and my sister's girlfriend.
    I am in Minecraft, and there are craploads of mods. I find secret chests on the server and with some random companions I rob them. Just before the ban hammer strikes down I log out. Sadly, when I log back in I am still getting banned.
    "Eating grass in someone's backyard."
    I was just doing my paper round with gloves.
    I am arguing with the personification of two DV admins over whether my posts are useful or not after I had changed my usertitle.
    Fighting with some tanks from Command 'n Conquer, but now in first person instead of bird's eye.
    I am watching a broadcast about a police chase on the highway.
    Reading 9GAG which contained only NSFW posts.
    A random movie star kissing with Emily from that show my little sister always watches.
    Dreaming about writing in my dream journal. Then I woke up and put the dream journal dream in my dream journal.
    I cause a crash indirectly with my bicycle. The setting: That town from the Eddie Murphy movie about a fun-fair named Wonderworld.
    I have to go to jail for one day. :o

    First dream posted here

    by rockonguy on 01-16-2013 at 09:12 AM
    I copied this one from the IRC because I didn't want to type it twice. I will dump all my other unsorted dream fragments in here later on.

    [08:56] <rockonguy> Alright
    [08:57] <rockonguy> I'll try to make it a bit more story like and fill in the weird gaps
    [08:57] <guitar^man> Use bigger words.
    [08:57] <guitar^man> Stories are nothing without big words.
    [08:57] <rockonguy> I was standing in a huge circle, made out of people. There was tension in the air, for everyone knew something was going on. And then the buzzer sounded.
    The circular white room full of people suddenly emptied as everyone dashed off into a couple of hallways. The main room didn't have to be left, but your life wasn't safe in there.
    Then I realized: I was in a modern-day version of the Hunger Games.
    I was only one of the couple of people left in the center room of this huge building made out of a network of obstacle courses.

    The small laser pointer around my wrist only glowed a bright red in that basic room. It was a tool for killing, but it was not effective. It would only work through somebody's skull, and slowly too.
    Nobody liked a scumbag that killed the other competitors, but yet I managed to use that laser to kill somebody.
    Then I see my friend. We have always teamed up in life, and we manage to do the same here. As we also take off for the run, people aim that laser thing at me because I had just killed one dude.
    We duck and storm through the many obstacle courses. We use some teamwork to get past the guards and competitors. Suddenly we halt, because we have reached an elevator. Some people join us and everything is quiet as we slowly head down the shaft. When the doors open everyone rushes back out, slaughtering as they go.
    We head for the hallway on the side, and approach a dim green room. A poker room. One of the guys in my class I kind of dislike is in there too. We join the game and play a few cards. I can't recall how it worked, but at the time I knew all too well.
    We play a round. The guy I dislike lost. Everyone knew that you would be taken away if you lost two games. Everyone knew that being taken away meant certain death. And everyone knew anyone could have cards that would give you that last loss.
    My friend played a card that allowed him to steal one of mine. I thought he had betrayed me, but he used it to get that guy out of the game. That's when the guy taken away and the dream collapsed.

    Updated 01-16-2013 at 09:15 AM by rockonguy

    non-lucid , memorable