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    1. View Conversation
      So, how to get your dream guide to appear in all of your dreams instead of just your lucid ones, that's a good question. Since I am usually only able to achieve control in lucid dreams, I am not sure how to solve this. However, in a lucid dream, if I need to get in touch of a specific person or character, I just contrive a phone and call him. 9 times out of 10 it works. Try it and let me know!

      I hope I was helpful Salvoa. I've always loved the subject of dream guides. Good Luck!
    2. View Conversation
      I think it's a little of both: your Dream Guide IS your subconscious, as well as your subconscious designing a character made specifically for you to relate to. I personally don't have a dream guide, I never had one. Instead I had an animal spirit (in the form of a wolf). I used to have alot of dreams where animals attacked me, usually biting me on my hand and not letting go. Finally, after a pit bull dog attacked me in real life, I had a dream about a wolf who saved me from some attacking dogs. I believe it was my subconscious creating a character to help me deal with what happened. I think, in a similar way, your subconscious created a character to help you find what YOU needed: to achieve lucidity.
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    1. fogelbise
      fogelbise liked post by Salvoa On thread : Salvoa's Workbook
      and id say boths of your suggestions have helped wildly I had 2 lucid dreams last night one ill post here. im in my house talking with a friend of mine and I was telling her about the dream I had...
      Liked On: 01-17-2015, 07:25 AM
    2. FryingMan
      FryingMan liked post by Salvoa On thread : Salvoa's Workbook
      and id say boths of your suggestions have helped wildly I had 2 lucid dreams last night one ill post here. im in my house talking with a friend of mine and I was telling her about the dream I had...
      Liked On: 01-14-2015, 06:14 PM
    3. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by Salvoa On thread : Mapping your dream world
      that dream map is exactly what i had in mind :D. It makes me think of Pangaea the way there is something from every climate. And NyxCC i like your realization its just like people having dreams about...
      Liked On: 03-19-2013, 09:52 PM
    4. sinoblak
      sinoblak liked blog post by Salvoa On : met my dream guide for the first time
      i was standing in a house when i became lucid. this time i took more time than i normally would to stabilize i rubbed my hands together and rubbed my feet on the carpet and i grabbed part of this...
      Liked On: 02-02-2012, 05:03 PM
    5. Spyguy
      Spyguy liked post by Salvoa On thread : DC's continue to side track me
      thnx for the words im not gonna stop anytime soon!
      Liked On: 01-27-2012, 07:12 PM
    View Salvoa's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Salvoa's Workbook

    by Salvoa on 01-14-2015 at 04:39 PM
    im in my house talking with a friend of mine and I was telling her about the dream I had in my last cycle and how even though a dream character had told me I was dreaming and there were all these signs telling me it was a dream i still failed to notice I was dreaming. at that point I remembered to do a check and the person I was talking to lived in Pittsburgh so I knew I was dreaming. I went out my front door to check further and it was grey and wet outside. I took notice to how real everything looked and how it was basically the same as it would be in waking reality but then I noticed these purple flowers on the hill that I only get in the spring. the DC was following me around I feel to make sure I was noticing I was dreaming and I told her I was good now since I was lucid and I told her to leave me and thanked her. I then remembered my intention to meet with this Ent I met in a dream the night before so I called out loud and I could hear my voice travel far distances through the trees on my road. I then heard a lord of the rings type horn that I knew was coming from the Ent. I ran down the road towards where I thought I heard it. I go down the road and called again and I heard it closer and looked where I thought it was. I see a tree move among the others and run to it. it was the Ent and I told him to take me to where we were going before and he spreads wings and flies away. I figured he wanted me to follow him but I wasn't feeling confidence with my flying skills ATM. I climb this rock face behind a house to see where he was and once I get to the top I see him perched on a floating platform. he looks like an ancient bird now and he reaches out his tail which was purple and bluish. I grab hold and he lifts me up and we begin to fly. once we gain some altitude I see a giant drum set with a lot more symbols then the one I have and I was thinking how I would like to play it sometime. as we fly the bird does all kinds of acrobatic maneuvers. I was thinking how I would eventually be able to do all these flying techniques once I learned more. my hearts starts racing partially from some fear and the thrill and I wake with the feeling of still holding onto the bird.

    met my dream guide for the first time

    by Salvoa on 02-02-2012 at 04:11 PM
    i was standing in a house when i became lucid. this time i took more time than i normally would to stabilize i rubbed my hands together and rubbed my feet on the carpet and i grabbed part of this arch that was right next to me and felt it a little i noticed a box on the floor and i wanted a gun so i could shoot through the wall so i went to open it and it was a smaller box inside a smaller box a bout 6 times so i said the next one is what i want. so i reached in without looking and pulled out an old WW2 rifle and shot this door and it deteriorated and it was dark inside the door. i went in and it was a maze but the walls were made if wooden poles so i could see through them. i was walking through the maze and there were statues of people made of stone and i started asking the statues if they were my dream guide and a couple said no. i came up to this one that look like more of a real person, it was this huge Italian man about 6' 5" with a loss of hair but what he had was black. i asked him if he was my dream guide and he said yes i couldnt believe i had found him so i said "really?" and he responded sarcastically "no im not your dream guide". it was kind of funny and at that point i knew it was him. we hung out for a bit and talked about personally things and then i went to the bathroom cause i had to go real bad which when i woke up i really did.
    lucid , memorable

    1st lucid since i began attempting it again

    by Salvoa on 01-25-2012 at 04:24 PM
    i was trying a WILD, i was concentrating on a lit candle that i heard worked for someone else. i thought i had lost my concentration but then i woke up in my bed and i knew right away it was a dream just by the way things were there were some bubbles floating around i tried to focus on them to stabilize then i remembered to use my senses but i was paralyzed and i couldn't move but i didn't think far enough that i could break that problem. i noticed that the wall in my room was not complete and i young girl walked in and started thanking me for something i didn't know what and then she started hugging me and got into bed with me and started cuddling me and then i woke up.