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    My next goal: a LD that lasts more than a minute...
    Man, my first one though... what an experience.


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    1. DawnEye11
      DawnEye11 liked post by sci4me On thread : Dreams be crazy... was I lucid?
      Ok, I think I may have had a lucid dream, but i'm not sure... So, I did a WILD. I ended up in a dark room and there was one light source. IIRC it was a YouTube video on the wall, about having an LD....
      Liked On: 06-18-2014, 05:14 PM
    2. Sivason
      Sivason liked post by sci4me On thread : How long do i have to wait...
      So, I just lied in my bed without moving my body for about 1.5 hours... I have to say, I can only not move my body for so long before becoming so uncomfortable that I cannot stand it and am forced to...
      Liked On: 06-11-2014, 03:17 AM
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    Dream so weird I actually opened my eyes IRL!!

    by sci4me on 06-14-2014 at 05:16 AM
    Hey guys. So, I just had the strangest dream I can remember having in a LONG time. Now, I was sleeping and dreaming (something similar), but I was waken up... so I don't remember that part very well. I just know the dreams were meant to be "connected". I went back to sleep. I was in a place that looked like a square shaped (instead of circular) tunnel system, much like a sewer. There was no water. Some parts of these tunnels had light (coming from nowhere) others were dark. There were ... i'm not sure what they were, flying creatures, slightly larger than a bee. They looked yellow. I guarantee the reason I saw these was because there was a horse fly in my house today. There were also a bunch of people. IDK who. These things were flying all around us. We were running down a long tunnel and we came up to a large square room (reminds me very much of Portal 2...) which had brown liquid at the bottom. There appeared to be a woman standing on a platform in the corner to the left of where we came in. I was running so fast that I fell into the liquid... There also appeared to be some kind of large square shaped thing below the liquid in the center of the room. After I fell into the liquid, a cylindrical shaped thing came from the roof and descended into that square thing in the center. As this was happening, a female voice said something along the lines of "that square thing in the center if your throat" and I said "no its not" (lol). When this cylinder went into the square thing, I started experiencing the most violent vibrations I have ever had. Once it felt like this cylinder had gotten to my "stomach" I actually started to open my eyes... in real life. I actually saw my bedroom ... it was difficult to open them and I couldn't open them fully. After that I woke up.

    I'm sure its completely possible that the eye opening was part of the dream... but I am fairly convinced it was real.

    Strange eh? What do you think?

    Dreaming .. or not dreaming..? hmm...

    by sci4me on 10-05-2013 at 05:11 AM
    Hey guys. So, I haven't been around here for a while.. but I thought this "event" was significant enough to get myself back here. So, every once in a while (random times really...), I get into a dream state where I (until now) am not able to see or move and I have EXTREME vibrations. This is one of the few times I have a. not gotten scared of it, and b. been able to use my eyes and move. I don't like being in this state really because I can't move and that always scares me. I'm not really sure why... but that's not the point. I find that I usually get into this state when I am EXTREMELY tired (as I was the night this happened). So, how I actually got into it though, well.. I don't remember 100%, but I remember going to bed early and waking up (not sure if i woke before this happened or after...). But, when I was in this state, I looked at my clock and saw 11:44. Then, I couldn't move or see again, so I tried to wake myself up. (I need to figure out an effective way to wake from these... sometimes i cant wake :/) When I awoke, it was 11:45. Now, I know that the only possible explanation for seeing the correct time in my sleep is that I woke before I got into that state... or maybe looked at the clock in my sleep (but i doubt that...), but still... it intrigues me.. I could have sworn that i looked at it when I was actually asleep. It was one heck of a night... let me know what ya'll have to say about this and sorry for the bad writing skills... i'm too lazy to take the effort to make it easy to understand. Thanks!