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    14 Visitor Messages

    1. View Conversation
      Four? That's great! It took me forever to have four
    2. View Conversation
      Congratulations on the lucid dreams! Sorry I haven't been around lately. My computer had a mess-up. I remember that I had a lucid dream last night, I just can't remember anything else about it. XD
    3. View Conversation
      Well yeah, 'course you could do it! I knew you could! I'm really glad that you're not deciding to give it up. Keep trying!
    4. View Conversation
      Congratulations on your first lucid dream. I'm very surprised that you didn't enjoy yourself, though. That's an unusual response; I've never heard of it before. In my first lucid I got excited and, while I didn't wake up, I lost my lucidity almost immediately. I hope that you're still interested in lucidity because not only did you achieve a lucid dream fairly quickly, but you remembered to do reality checks and even maintained consciousness for a good bit. It's impressive and I think that in time you'll be able to enhance your dreams.

      Usually the first thing that's bothersome about lucid dreams is that they aren't very vivid, and that might have a hand in your lack of emotion. If I were you, next time you have a LD, I would tell the subconscious to limit some of your abilities and give you something that will make you happy. If that doesn't work then we can figure out something else, but as long as you expect it you'll have a far greater chance of being excited.
    5. View Conversation
      Hey, I just wanted to go ahead and give you a fair warning that I'm going to a friend's place for a couple of days so I won't be active for a bit. I should be back on by Thursday, though, so I'll see you then!
    6. View Conversation
      Glad to see that you're all well and good! I was a bit worried that you were slacking off like I did when I first joined this website. Sorry for that!

      Anyway, I think that your dreams last night were pretty epic, too. It took me a second to remember who Kitty was (it's been a while since I've watched That 70's Show) but I finally did. Gotta love how she visited you in your dream world! The other dream you had, though, was even cooler. Like you, I'm really loving the advice!
    7. View Conversation
      Awww! :'( Well, you're not the only one who didn't have a LD last night. We can complain about it together!

      Glad to hear that you're keeping positive. Positivity is key to lucidity! You probably knew that but I sure said it anyway haha Well I'm gonna go check out your DJ and see what you dreamed last night. ^^
    8. View Conversation
      I'm your tour guide? I'm down with that!

      Yes, you were very close last night. I'm hoping that when I come back on tomorrow you'll already have a dream journal entry talking about your very first lucid! Just try not to get too excited before you sleep tonight so as not to jinx yourself and I think that you've got a good chance of lucidity.

      Oh, and I'm sending you a friend request but you don't feel obligated to accept it haha XD
    9. Those sound like tons of fun! I might have to steal your Pompeii idea... I am definitely going to work on that hand RT though! I can tell I was really close last night! By the way, thanks for making sure I'm getting along well! Having a sort-of tour guide through this kind of thing is really helpful.
    10. View Conversation
      (Oh and if you go to my Visitor Messages and see that I deleted a message from you, it was just a repeat of the original one. Computer hiccup XD)
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    1. SquillTwin
      SquillTwin liked post by Zephyrus On thread : Weirdest, strangest, most perverted thing you've done while lucid?
      Not great, it was really bloody, and the bones were really crunchy which made a horrible texture. Would not eat again. Overall the dish quality was around about 2/10, with the only plus points...
      Liked On: 12-15-2013, 01:07 AM
    2. SquillTwin
      SquillTwin liked post by djpatch999 On thread : Weirdest, strangest, most perverted thing you've done while lucid?
      I had sex with someone in a shared dream...they remembered it as well as I did... that was an awkward conversation :P
      Liked On: 12-15-2013, 01:05 AM
    3. SquillTwin
      SquillTwin liked post by LouaiB On thread : Have you ever seen someone RC in real life?
      That sounds just like my story! A few of my freinds do lucid dream once a month, and they are not LDers, and my brother really liked it when I told him about LDing 3 months ago. we both started...
      Liked On: 12-14-2013, 03:32 AM
    4. SquillTwin
      SquillTwin liked post by Anju On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      4799: Enter a Salvador Dali painting and ride one of those long-legged elephants
      Liked On: 12-13-2013, 05:59 AM
    View SquillTwin's Dream Journal

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    by SquillTwin on 08-07-2013 at 01:24 AM
    Garret, my brother and I are setting the table when Garret says that there's going to be a break-in!!!

    I run to the door just in time for it to start opening. "F*** off!!!" I scream as I shut the door with a bang. I jam a stool into the door for good measure, then leave to call 9-1-1. Garret and my brother take my place.

    They don't last long. The phone is ringing in my ear and the thugs (there were three) rush in when I wake up.

    Blue Card Food

    by SquillTwin on 08-03-2013 at 04:06 PM
    In my living room, there are a bunch of flat blue cards on the ground. Upon closer inspection, they are cutouts of old nickelodeon cartoon characters. My mom is sitting in a nearby chair. She watches me, and I suddenly understand that these are supposed to be some sort of gift.

    Yippee skippee, mom.

    I start rifling through the cards, and my mom gets that I don't really like them. She asks, "What's wrong with them?"

    "Crap," I think. "You're treading on thin ice here, William." "Ummm, what are they supposed to be?" I ask.

    "They are collector's items!" She says. "They will-"

    Suddenly my choir director, Nina (see Music is Life) bursts through the door, hands me a box of Ritz crackers, says, "Here you go!" then runs out.

    I put the crackers in the cupboard and head further into the kitchen. There are four girls sitting on the floor. The have what looks like spaghetti sauce all over their mouths. "What have you been eating?" I ask.

    The all reply, "Miranda."


    I grab one of my blue cartoon cards and open it. I pour out some sort of spanish rice on my green plate. There is only one bean in the whole thing.

    One girl cries, "Ew! That's just starch and beans!"

    #2: My First False-Awakening!

    by SquillTwin on 08-03-2013 at 03:46 PM
    I "wake up." Everything is just a little too dark, so I do a RC. Sure enough, I'm dreaming. "Cool! " I think. I proceed to say, "Clarity now!"

    Instead of popping into focus, my dream (yes the dream) begins to shake. With the shaking comes an intense drowsiness.

    "WTF?" I think. I do another RC. Yup. Dreaming 100%.

    But, something about this dream feels very off.
    This feeling is very weird, it wasn't like something inside the dream was off, but something about the dream. I knew I was dreaming, I knew I was actually just lying in bed, I knew I could do anything, but there was something. That something scared me.

    I realize that I have to change the dream scene. Fast.

    I think of a beautiful, glowing, blue underground palace. With this in mind, I spin around.

    Instead of exploring an amazing palace, I wake up. I do a RC. Yup. Awake.

    Updated 08-04-2013 at 12:18 AM by SquillTwin



    by SquillTwin on 08-03-2013 at 07:02 AM
    Katara (from Avatar) and Mercer Frey (from Skyrim) are arguing. Mercer wants Katara to go on a mission, but she doesn't trust him. She stomps away angrily.

    The next day, Mercer visits her camp. He bribes her with a new weapon: The 250-damage battle-axe! "WOW!" She says. " I've always wanted to see one of those things!"

    The Skyrim inventory pops into my vision, and the battle-axe appears in my hand. I run around flailing the weapon randomly.

    Updated 08-03-2013 at 03:38 PM by SquillTwin


    #1: My First Lucid Dream!

    by SquillTwin on 08-01-2013 at 03:52 PM
    I am playing Minecraft. Well, living it, not playing it. I am literally inside the world. I think suddenly, "Duh, I'm dreaming ." I plug my nose to make sure of this. Yup!

    I don't feel any different. No "pop" of clarity. No sense of freedom. No excitement. Nothing. My sense of touch doesn't even work.

    I get up off the ground and fly. This is easy, seeing as flying is a natural thing in Minecraft. But again, I don't feel any exhilaration in the act of flying...

    I remembered people saying it was fun doing math inside a dream so I try that out. I end up saying, "2,4,6,8. Hm."

    Not very fun.

    As I'm flying around, I try and manipulate the generation of the world. I try making mountains form. Nope. Didn't work. I see a river and dive in, thinking about performing a RC. I dive underwater, and breathe. Yup, still dreaming.

    I try twirling around to change the dream scene. (Who wants to dream about Minecraft?) I twirl around, and end up in another Minecraft world. I try about 5 times, and end up
    losing my lucidity.

    On the last try, I end up sitting at my house in front of the fireplace, reading a magazine. "Hey," I think. "I could use this in my dreams!"

    I wake up.

    How lame.

    Updated 08-03-2013 at 04:09 PM by SquillTwin

    lucid , memorable