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    Page 2 of 2 FirstFirst 1 2
    1. MobianAngel
      MobianAngel liked blog post by SwordArtOnline On : Competition day 7: I DID IT
      Non-lucid dream fragment 0.5 points: Driving down a street near home with family, talking about how we bought the car DILD (10 points): Walking through some long building, walk into a room...
      Liked On: 01-17-2016, 10:43 AM
    2. AstralMango
      AstralMango liked post by SwordArtOnline On thread : SwordArtOnline_Workbook.txt
      Reality Checks: - Nose pinch - Push finger through solid object - Try to fly Dream Signs: - Planes - Schools I don't go to - People who could never have met - Running away from something
      Liked On: 01-17-2016, 02:27 AM
    3. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by SwordArtOnline On thread : SwordArtOnline_Workbook.txt
      Reality Checks: - Nose pinch - Push finger through solid object - Try to fly Dream Signs: - Planes - Schools I don't go to - People who could never have met - Running away from something
      Liked On: 01-17-2016, 01:51 AM
    4. AstralMango
      AstralMango liked post by SwordArtOnline On thread : If you post in this thread you will have a lucid dream tonight!
      Competiton day 2. Team Crackle needs my LDs!
      Liked On: 01-11-2016, 10:24 PM
    5. ExothermReacton
      ExothermReacton liked post by SwordArtOnline On thread : Spellbee2's Sweet '16 Competition
      https://i.imgur.com/B8llXP5.gif Three-Step Tasks - Basic Summoning - Interact with a DC - Ask for advice Personal goals:
      Liked On: 01-09-2016, 10:14 PM
    6. coolcoolcool
      coolcoolcool liked post by SwordArtOnline On thread : If you post in this thread you will have a lucid dream tonight!
      I am dreaming. I can see a plane. Planes are my dreamsign. Every time I see a plane, I check that I'm dreaming. Finger-through-solid-object check returns result for dream and I make use of it!
      Liked On: 12-18-2015, 12:34 AM
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    View SwordArtOnline's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    2016-08-15 | The End of the World

    by SwordArtOnline on 08-16-2016 at 10:23 PM


    Dream #8

    I'm walking through what is supposedly a school building (does not exist IRL) and get to an area of grass about 5 metres long and 10 metres wide. There is a road to the left and a road to the front. I walk up to a pedestrian crossing on the second road. There are more buildings on the other side. Someone is with me. A teacher is carrying an improbably tall (1m) stack of books. I split the stack between the three of us and we cross the road. There are no cars.

    Dream #9

    I was travelling somewhere, possibly a long distance over land, possibly in a bus. I arrive from the "south" with a large group of other people in an area with a few buildings. There is a central road running through it to the "north" to a shallow sea, with a lighthouse at the end. There is a bay to the east of the lighthouse. We are standing on this road, east of a statue in the middle of it. This might not be where we were originally going. Something strange has happened - all the people are gone, but everything else appears largely intact. Everyone universally decides that the world is ending and we need to survive.

    I pick out a group of people and start moving north, but everyone else follows us. I decide that we need to stay away from everyone else to survive, so we arrive at another statue, hide behind it to its northeast, then I send one of my group, a friend I know IRL, into the thick forest to the east. By this time the group following us is quite large, and nobody notices him leaving. I was planning to join him there immediately but decide I'll go there later.

    We continue moving down the road, looting supplies, then go along the edge of the bay. The bay is almost a full circle, and is only connected to the sea by a narrow channel near the lighthouse. There are very few buildings here. This is in an unfamiliar country, possibly Greece. We are mostly looting small electronics, and don't seem to care about food or other survival supplies even though we expect to stay here for a long time. At the end of the bay, someone finds a wallet with a 2 euro receipt and a local SIM card in it, and I tell him to check if there is mobile coverage. I tell him that he can use the backup phone in my backpack for this, but only if he can't find another one to use.

    The perspective abruptly switches to third-person, following a ghost. The ghost is indoors, at a swimming pool, haunting someone she had known before she died.

    Perspective switches back to first person. I am standing southwest of the lighthouse, looking southwest. A car arrives from the south onto the beach and I explain the situation. Then I look east. Somehow, possibly as a result of the ghost's appearance, a voice tells everyone in the area that they will be returned from it, with whatever loot they are carrying at the moment. The voice represents whoever is responsible for the whole incident. I am disappointed by the fact that this is ending. I wake up.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Competition | Night 10 | "so meta~" - BloodSand

    by SwordArtOnline on 08-14-2016 at 09:31 PM

    Dream 6

    I'm in a long building or on a long island, possibly both. I'm looking at a wall map of it. Someone is invading the island. I briefly go lucid, observe the dream, then it ends. (10.5 points)

    Dream 7

    I'm in a classroom talking about dreams, and recall two past dreams, the first of which is Dream 6. I talk about how, in dreams, I often see combinations of IRL people who could never possibly meet. Ironically, later two people who could never meet appear in the room and I don't notice.

    Later, in the same room, a teacher is talking about two dreams (one of them is about Harry Potter) and I comment on how similar they are to the ones I had been describing, then realize they aren't actually that similar and try to make a connection. The teacher is a character from Life is Strange.

    Somehow I end up in Spain - I don't know for sure where I was originally in the dream, but after I walk out of the classroom I'm near the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. It is falling down sideways. I start moving north into France. I arrive on a narrow road with a deep pit/cliff/fall to the left and a rock wall with tunnels in it to the right. It is a hotel. I crawl into one of the tunnels and talk to a woman about booking a room. Then I emerge from the tunnels on the other side, in a Half-Life-like military compound. There is a large yard, mostly filled with shipping containers, with a large building behind it. I am in the yard talking to a soldier. (1 point)

    TOTAL POINTS: 11.5
    lucid , non-lucid , memorable

    Competition | Nights 3, 4, 5 and 6 | The dreams just get weirder

    by SwordArtOnline on 08-04-2016 at 09:52 PM

    Night 3, Dream 3

    It's late at night, around 23:15 - I can see this on a wall clock. With some other people, I walk into a warehouse, where we're going to build or do something. The warehouse closes at midnight and I'm worried we don't have enough time. The warehouse is accessed from behind, then down an open passage between crates or walls and past a guard.

    Night 3, Dream 4

    I'm walking through an underground facility like Half-Life's, and throwing objects around with the Gravity Gun.

    Night 5, Dream 5

    I'm at an airport check-in desk in Greece with other people when I realize that two of three bags are missing. I walk out of the building to look for them, panic and wake up.

    Night 6

    [forgot all dreams]

    TOTAL: 1.5 POINTS (3 fragments)

    Competition | Night 2 | Recall still mostly kill

    by SwordArtOnline on 07-31-2016 at 10:17 PM

    Dream 2

    I'm in a hotel room with a huge bag of cash, over 100 000 [currency unit here], possibly stolen.

    0.5 points [dream fragment]
    dream fragment , non-lucid

    Competition | Night 1 | In which I realize I should DJ 7 minutes after waking up, not 7 hours

    by SwordArtOnline on 07-30-2016 at 03:02 PM
    Title. I had about four fragments, but by the time I got around to writing up I had just one dream left.

    (meme stolen from the meme thread)

    Dream 1 | Detention

    I'm sitting at a table facing "north" (all compass directions are made up when writing the DJ entry). The table is long and rectangular. It appears full. I am sitting at the end of the table on one of its long sides. The table extends a long way east, and a DC is sitting next to me at the west end (age unclear, looks Asian, female, black hair, does not exist IRL). It is quiet. There are more tables to the north. This appears to be at school and everyone has paper in front of them, working on something. I am definitely working on something, possibly with her. My pencil sharpener opens over the desk, spilling sharpenings everywhere. Eventually a teacher (exists IRL) arrives from the east and puts us both in detention. (He would never do this IRL.) I try to explain that it wasn't her fault, and she says something to me, but the teacher doesn't respond. Strangely, I don't have any objection to being put in detention.

    Shortly afterwards, I end up going east to a hill where there might be a small house or wagon. The dream fades and eventually it ends and I either go back into deep sleep or wake up.

    1 point