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      I thought we already friends. At least it felt that way. Anyway, thanks for the request. Enjoy your stay.
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    "Kindly let me help you or you'll drown", said the monkey, putting the fish safely up a tree.

    - Alan Watts.


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    1. thebigm
      thebigm liked post by Jaden On thread : Opening eyes
      I have had that happen to me before. My solution was to use my other sense to fill in the dream world. I suffer from my eyes being stuck shut only when my dream is light. Often I wake up if they are...
      Liked On: 07-24-2012, 05:15 AM
    2. thebigm
      thebigm liked post by HawkeyeTy On thread : Strange Lucid Dream - attempting to see what it feels like to die?
      I don't know about the dying part, but the mind is truly an amazing thing, I got tazed in a dream the other day, and it felt like intense vibrations, then I woke up and realized my arms fell asleep...
      Liked On: 07-23-2012, 12:07 AM
    3. thebigm
      thebigm liked post by whitedreams On thread : Strange Lucid Dream - attempting to see what it feels like to die?
      yeah i understand about the part where riddles in dreams make perfect sense at the time but then you wake up and ur like WTF? haha the penguin parade was hella funny and i also thought the whole...
      Liked On: 07-23-2012, 12:07 AM
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    View thebigm's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    29/10/2012 - Weekend fragments

    by thebigm on 10-29-2012 at 12:14 AM
    Had a very vivid dream that I was in the middle of a film, which seemed real at times, as if I forgot it was a film where we were trying to prove that this woman was a fraudster of some sort, an elaborate ploy was devised and an aiport - there was a lot more to it than this, recall not great.

    Fragments of a dream where I was in a landscape flighting some sort of entities, although I was able to defeat some of these 'monsters' they would come in greater waves of numbers so eventually I bailed and hid.

    Strange dream of being with CL and her old neighbour's dog was being relaly aggresive towards me. It eventually leapt at me and missed me, it went over my head although I could feel it's paws on my hair. Went upstairs with CL and NE, weird situation ensued...
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    24/10/2012 -

    by thebigm on 10-24-2012 at 02:43 AM
    Had some minor recall, but not much from last night.

    Although I woke a lot and remember thinking I should write this down, so I must have dreamed a fair bit.

    Fragments from last night:

    - My dad showing me a clip on youtube of a friends not so successful MMA career, he couldn't stay up in the ring, kept sliding about and eventually slid out of the ring, tried to run away and slid, crashing into a wall.

    - At some point I met my dad and his wife at ASDA car park, for a lift home, they told me of some bad news for my sister and her husband.

    - Outside in some 'dump' like area at night, behind a big metal industrial like bin.

    Will add more if I remember it.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    23/10/2012 - Rugby, drive home weird police man and a short lucid dream about my cat

    by thebigm on 10-23-2012 at 12:05 AM
    Dreaming that I was playing rugby, training with a local club in Australia, then I was in a match playing for Ireland, which is strange given I don't play rugby and am not Irish.
    I started off okay but was tiring quickly and I couldn't kick the ball properly very often. In all fairness, I had no idea what I was doing but seemed to play okay.

    Remember going back into the changing rooms afterwards and organising to go for a drink with some people.

    At some point I was playing basketball on the court near home.

    **There was a lot more in my dreams last night, I woke a few times, but recall was bad.

    Driving back from changing rooms, there was roadworks and it looked like I had to drive to the left, a policeman was there, he stopped me and had a go at me for being in the wrong lane.
    After apologising he became a lot less serious and let me thorough and offered to wash my hands?? He poured this liquid that had the same viscosity as washing up liquid on my hands and I drove off.

    Short Lucid dream - broke the 2 week duck!I was standing in my bedroom when my childhood pet cat that has since passed on, walked across the room.
    I became lucid straight away, but instead of wanting to explore the dreamscape I spent a couple of mins petting him then followed him to the living room and lucidity was lost.
    lucid , dream fragment

    22/10/2012 - Driving in the dark and animal swamp

    by thebigm on 10-22-2012 at 12:42 AM
    Driving somewhere with C, realise we can hardy see in front of ourselves so I check if her lights are on. We cross a bridge, 3 lane traffic, can't pinpoint where dream was supposed to be. Lots of white figures are flying over us. At first I thought it was birds at 2nd looked they appeared to be planes and I was concerned we may get bombed.

    Dream scene changes and I'm on a couch, with Candace in the middle of a swamp like area. There are animals, it feels dangerous but the only animal I really recall is a stag, although it was about the same size as a dog. 2 people were behind us and one threw a big bit of meat into the shallow water at our feet. The animals looked but wouldn't go for it. Behind the 2 men were talking about how this was a hierarchical act. After a while the stag looked at me then charged. I grabbed its antlersAnd pushed it away. It got submissive and bowed down. Then it went to the meat an offered ussome. Dreamscapechanges. Men behind us appeared Indian and we were offered some Indian food.
    non-lucid , memorable


    by thebigm on 10-14-2012 at 11:27 PM
    Had a dream that I was at work, it was Monday afternoon and I just realised I'd missed a meeting I needed to go to. Was quite stressed as I needed to raise a few points at it.

    Then I was in the meeting and raised said points. Boring dream but I woke up feeling really unsettled for some reason.

    Had a dream that I was at the local bowling club back home. There was a final on but I was supposed to be going out for a game beforehand. Some presentation was happening, a guy was talking. All very normal.

    Final dream was walking through / getting a tour of this army type base that had a prison attached to it, I was walking through it different rooms and sections, there were men standing with their hands and feet chained I had to walk through the middle of.

    Then I walked through a room that had Chimpanzee's chained up. Made me feel very uneasy.