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      Happy birthday time dragon Hope you have a good lucid.
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      I love your way of displaying the status of your dream goals, made me smile ^^
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    About TimeDragon97

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    Date of Birth
    March 29, 1997 (27)
    About TimeDragon97
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    I am a Humanist, ignostic, agnostic atheist, antitheist, skeptic, social democrat, and aspiring anthropologist. I tend to view everything in a logical and naturalistic light. I also try to be skeptical and rational. I regard dreams as machinations of the mind not much more. They have nothing to do with your "soul" or your deity.
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    Rochester, NY
    Science, video games, anime
    Being a lazy teenager who refuses to get a job
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    I was searching Bing.com for lucid dreaming help and found this site.




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    Page 4 of 17 FirstFirst ... 2 3 4 5 6 14 ... LastLast
    1. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by dutchraptor On thread : Immortality or not?
      I couldn't tell you. It seems to me that it is both in our nature to strive for improvement and to retain what makes us who we are. What you say about life being meaningless is exactly what...
      Liked On: 01-31-2014, 02:47 PM
    2. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by LouaiB On thread : Immortality or not?
      Plus, we evolved through the years. The purpose of immortality is to enjoy partying for the rest of eternity, to be happy. With time and wisdom we gain, we will conquer each challenge and live...
      Liked On: 01-31-2014, 02:46 PM
    3. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by splodeymissile On thread : Immortality or not?
      I don't believe life has any purpose, beyond what we set ourselves. So, if an immortal beings considers his existence worthless, he's right. If he thinks its meaningful he's also right. And no, we...
      Liked On: 01-31-2014, 02:45 PM
    4. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by Sageous On thread : If matter cant be created or destroyed, where did all this stuff come from?
      ^^ Nicely said, Marvo! You know, I was going to write a sarcastic "Thank you" to Astralboy for destroying this thread, but now that I think about it, he may have done us a good service, given the...
      Liked On: 01-31-2014, 02:44 PM
    5. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by Marvo On thread : If matter cant be created or destroyed, where did all this stuff come from?
      This will be my only post on this subject, as I'm expecting astralboy to dissect my post on some odd semantic level, which I can't be bothered arguing against. The problem here is that you are...
      Liked On: 01-31-2014, 02:43 PM
    6. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by Xei On thread : If matter cant be created or destroyed, where did all this stuff come from?
      I don't, I've given up. I just take heart in the fact that nobody capable of rational discourse will pay attention. He will go through life completely conceited with his incredible wisdom and...
      Liked On: 01-31-2014, 03:07 AM
    7. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by dutchraptor On thread : If matter cant be created or destroyed, where did all this stuff come from?
      Does it even matter where astralboy posts? He always has the exact same argument. Nothing is certain! We get it astralboy. Now can you please not disrupt a perfectly fine discussion with your...
      Liked On: 01-31-2014, 03:07 AM
    8. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by StephL On thread : If matter cant be created or destroyed, where did all this stuff come from?
      You can just as well save energy and leave him be, Xei - I was on about, if dreams originate from the brain with him over - forgot how many pages. He still believes, they don't - and he won't see...
      Liked On: 01-30-2014, 09:53 PM
    9. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by Xei On thread : If matter cant be created or destroyed, where did all this stuff come from?
      You're the zealot here. You've been clearly shown that "theory" has multiple definitions in dictionaries, and that in the context of "the theory of relativity" it doesn't mean "guess". And yet for...
      Liked On: 01-30-2014, 09:53 PM
    10. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by Xei On thread : If matter cant be created or destroyed, where did all this stuff come from?
      You don't know what the word "theory" means. The Big Bang is a theory and a fact. It is an observed truth. It is as much a fact as the fact that New Zealand is smaller than Australia. It is...
      Liked On: 01-30-2014, 02:19 AM
    11. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by TranquilityTrip On thread : Hypothesis: The xbox one/ps4 console generation will be a transitional one
      (Before we get started I should note that I am a very big gamer and slight tech nerd. I am also not a graphics "whore" but I do have standards.) A few months ago the PS4 and the Xbox One were...
      Liked On: 01-27-2014, 12:21 AM
    12. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by StephL On thread : Apparently Inevitable For Me To Have Children?
      Maybe one thing has up to now not been contributed - I am a woman, 40, married but happily childless - never wanted children - still don't. And no - I do really, really not regret it - no matter the...
      Liked On: 01-18-2014, 02:24 AM
    13. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by juroara On thread : Lying about Santa
      No sorry, still not working for me. I don't think you guys quite get it. This isn't like fairies or dragons or other popular fantasy stuff. For over a month of the year santa is shoved in your face...
      Liked On: 01-13-2014, 06:59 AM
    14. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by Alric On thread : Are you more rational or intuitive?
      I think it is far better to be rational. I also think you would be more happy if you are rational. If you consider what makes you happy then take rational steps you achieve that happiness, you are...
      Liked On: 01-12-2014, 03:54 PM
    15. TimeDragon97
      TimeDragon97 liked post by Xei On thread : Violent Video Games And Their Effects
      Yes well done juroara. This famous error is called "post hoc ergo propter hoc (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_hoc_ergo_propter_hoc)".
      Liked On: 01-12-2014, 08:26 AM
    Page 4 of 17 FirstFirst ... 2 3 4 5 6 14 ... LastLast
    View TimeDragon97's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Lucid, no control

    by TimeDragon97 on 11-26-2017 at 04:10 AM
    Last night, I had a dream where I was in the living room of my old house. It was dark and shadowy, the stairway and kitchen entrance fading into pitch black. I wasn't at all put off by this at the time, but in retrospect, it was a rather creepy, horror game type lighting.

    As with all of my lucid dreams, I got a random inkling that I was dreaming. I plugged my nose and sure enough I could still breathe and was indeed dreaming.

    Alright, time to get down business. I tried to summon someone. I envisioned her appearing; nothing happened. I called her name; nothing. "Oh right," I thought to myself, "I need to focus and be aware." I plugged my nose once more and checked out my hands to reaffirm that I was dreaming; could still breathe, and my fingers were deformed. Then I took time to be aware of myself and my surroundings. Then, I once again attempted to summon my friend. I called out, looking around, envisioning her coming down the stairs. Nothing. No matter how many times I tried, nothing happened.

    In fact, nothing whatsoever was happening. It was just me in this pseudo-horror room. Eventually I woke up without accomplishing anything. I don't have lucid dreams often (as I mentioned, I've only ever gotten them randomly, never by induction methods), but this sort of thing has happened with the last few I've had. I've had almost no control these past few lucids, even though I've had little trouble controlling them in the past when I didn't even bother trying to ground myself.

    I think it lasted longer than most of my lucids though.
    lucid , side notes

    3/7/15 - Boring lucid

    by TimeDragon97 on 03-07-2015 at 03:52 PM
    I remember having a lucid dream last night. Unfortunately, I had no control over it (I checked like ten times), so it was literally just me alone in my apartment for like 5 dream minutes. No dream sexytime for me.

    8/4/14 - The Struggle (Longest lucid yet!)

    by TimeDragon97 on 08-04-2014 at 08:05 PM
    A lot of stuff happened, and I had more than one dream, but I think this is all from the same one.

    PART 1: I was living in a home similar to my apartment. My 9yo brother and mom were there, as well as another adult and another kid. I can't remember the whole story, but there was some kind of conflict within the family. The final part involved me putting my brother to bed and saying something comforting. I heard my mom go, "STOP," from her room.

    PART 2: I was in my grandma's backyard at night with some other guy. He pointed out a big and bright red star cluster thing and said it was Israel (which is a star cluster according to dream logic, I guess) and that it was normally not visible were we were (a city). I thought to myself, I wonder if I can see the Pleiades from here? Sure enough, there was a smaller blue cluster nearby.

    Suddenly, and I shit you not, the "Pleiades" start shifting around until they formed a large rectangular pattern in the sky, which proceeded to zoom away. "Holy shit, holy fuck, HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!" I said. I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.

    But wait, I thought, I might be dreaming. I pinched my nose and sure enough, I could breathe. I was disappointed, but my attention quickly shifted to the fact that I was now lucid, and I remembered that I needed to keep the dream stable. My vision became narrow. There were two black bars above and below where my vision was, and I could see my glasses in front of my face. I felt like I couldn't fully open my eyes. I figured I may as well summon a girl while I was "there". It took a few attempts, but I finally summoned one.

    My vision returned and the dream felt stabilized. I ended up in a house where two people were going at it on the floor. The one on top (not sure if it was a guy) moved out of my way, giving me full access to the girl. However, I had quite a bit of trouble entering her. No matter how much I tried to manually "open" her, my dream logic porn dick would not go in. I did manage to get inside of her once, but it was uncomfortable.

    After that, I woke up, but I took me several seconds to fully realize it.

    TL;DR Domestic conflict, aliens, and I finally got lucid for more than fifteen fucking seconds.

    I just got an idea. If I were to see a UFO or some other paranormal thing in waking life like I did here, I would do a reality check just to make sure I wasn't dreaming (again, like I did here). What happens to you in waking life can affect dream events. So, if I watch a lot of YouTube videos about UFOs and whatnot, I might dream about them more, thus increasing the likelihood of me doing a reality check and becoming lucid.

    It seems like it might work. I'll try this tonight. What do you think?
    lucid , memorable , side notes

    6/1/14 - Drunken Sailor

    by TimeDragon97 on 06-01-2014 at 02:24 PM
    The first dream is a blur. All I remember is my mom and myself looking at a cat lying outside our window. He fell, but we heard him land on his feet. Another, smaller cat came up to us afterward.

    I was half in a video game and half in real life. I was on a trip somewhere with my class. A couple of things happened. I rode a tiger in third person. When the trip ended, we had to go home on a boat, but it was a bunch of platforms that came one at a time. While I was waiting, I started singing "Drunken Sailor" and a few people joined in. Eventually, everyone was singing and dancing, but my feet kept acting like they do in dreams and didn't do what I wanted them to do.


    by TimeDragon97 on 05-05-2014 at 09:54 AM
    I don't actually remember much of anything. I'm pretty sure the girl I like was involved and that it was a good dream.
    non-lucid , dream fragment