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    (In the voice of spongebob when he says "Imagination")

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    1. DreamyBear
      DreamyBear liked post by usernamenaomi On thread : What is the most pointless thing you did while lucid?
      Running round looking for a beaver -.-
      Liked On: 09-22-2016, 04:44 PM
    2. Patience108
      Patience108 liked post by usernamenaomi On thread : No dREAm SiGnS
      I have been keeping a dream journal since 8th november last year and there is nothing that seems to recur apart from my best friend being in a lot of my dreams. Even that hasn't been happening...
      Liked On: 04-01-2016, 01:47 PM
    3. Simax
      Simax liked post by usernamenaomi On thread : What is the most pointless thing you did while lucid?
      Running round looking for a beaver -.-
      Liked On: 03-23-2016, 03:42 PM
    4. gab
      gab liked post by usernamenaomi On thread : No dREAm SiGnS
      I have been keeping a dream journal since 8th november last year and there is nothing that seems to recur apart from my best friend being in a lot of my dreams. Even that hasn't been happening...
      Liked On: 03-21-2016, 05:50 PM
    5. JadeGreen
      JadeGreen liked blog post by usernamenaomi On : Mental Alarm Mantra 3:00 am
      Ever since that random lucid a week ago I have been having (and recalling) epic dreams. (Whenever I wake up in the night and acknowledge I am awake, I seem to remember my dreams better in the...
      Liked On: 03-21-2016, 01:41 PM
    6. JadeGreen
      JadeGreen liked blog post by usernamenaomi On : Lucid Luck
      (Been having absolutely rubbish luck with lucid EVERYTHING recently, I think I had been trying TOO hard. But I posted on the forums and got some advice. The one that worked best was taking some time...
      Liked On: 03-14-2016, 01:25 PM
    View usernamenaomi's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    LUcId LOVE

    by usernamenaomi on 04-21-2016 at 07:33 AM
    i had woken up at like half six and went to get a drink and stuff even caught up on some soaps I hadn't finished watching the night before. But one thing that was going through my mind was I couldn't for thee life of me, recall anything dream wise.

    I am so exausted at the moment so I just shut off my phone and went back to sleep with the thought of how I need to start recalling my dreams and boom.i have a lucid.

    I was at this holiday place with animals everywhere. I met a lady who worked there and told me I was welcome to work here because I was so good at working With animals. But as I was talking to this young lady I looked to the floor and when I looked back she was a middle aged old woman.

    I was like i m not passing this oppotunity up so I shouted in her face IM DREAMING and then ran of demanding clarity. Obviously the first thing I wanted to do was talk to the guy I like so I shouted that I wanted to see him and sure enough he appears.

    But I have this problem in dreams where once I know I'm dreaming my eyes refuse to stay open but I just kept repeating I CAN DO THIS and demanding clarity and it just about worked. But when I found the guy he was at a sleep over thing. I layer next to him and he told me we can't keep this secret any longer (what secret I don't know) he went to sleep and I closed my eyes next to him.

    When I opened them I was back in my bed room. And I immediately picked up my tablet to write it down, I was like false awakening? No. i can read

    The eye thing happened in my last lucid too except I couldn't control it. So I guess baby steps and yayayayay I had a lucid. And I'm glad because my motivation was begging to frail.

    Annnnnd I'm back

    by usernamenaomi on 04-16-2016 at 07:53 PM

    I kinda went away for a while then a lot of... stuff went down... But whateves. I'm here now.

    SO on the dream side of everything... I'm kinda sucking right now.

    I wake up and I'm like okay what dreams did I have and I'll lay there till I remember but for like a week now my brain is just...

    "No. I'm not going to tell you what you dreamt."


    I have this distant almost screenshot of the dream in my head, like you know when you try to remember a word and it's on the tip of your tongue but you just can't... reach it? It's like that but with a dream memory.



    I'm sleeping rubbish though, and I mean RUBBISH. midnight to 2am... 3 to 4am... 6 to 10am, you get it. But it's touch and go.

    I tend to listen to music when I can't sleep and it calms me but prevents me from actually going to sleep yet when I don't listen to it, I'm tense and can't sleep.


    I just recalled something just because I was remembering the last dream I could recall...

    I was leaving sainsburys with my weekly shopping and this lady comes up to me and asks me to take care of her baby for the day while she has a rest or something. So I do and when I come back she's still there. Me and the baby have a hard time paring because we had gotten really close.


    More sleep for tonight I guesssss...

    Mental Alarm Mantra 3:00 am

    by usernamenaomi on 03-21-2016 at 11:30 AM
    Ever since that random lucid a week ago I have been having (and recalling) epic dreams. (Whenever I wake up in the night and acknowledge I am awake, I seem to remember my dreams better in the morning.)

    I was planning to do a fild but I wanted to practice waking up via mantras alone first (Three am is my goal). (I did it the night before and woke up and 3:02 am And I was well happy ) I did mantras last night but I was pretty tired. It still worked but it was 3:53. And I was thirsty so I got up for a drink and couldn't fild... :'( Then I didn't get back to sleep till about six am.

    I did however have a strange dream I recalled excellently.

    I go to the local swimming pool and pass the receptionist. She's busy on the phone and it doesn't occur to me to go and pay. So I go straight to the changing rooms and then swim for a while. When I get out I have to pass reception again and I realise I hadn't payed.

    When I look in my bag I realise I forgot my purse. I go up to the receptionist and say I forgot to pay and I don't have my purse. She is really kind and she tells me it's fine. She gives me a owe note and I promise to come back the next day with the money.

    As I leave the reception to go outside I begin walking down the road. I see two police officers, I get nervous and walk a different way. But there are more cops that way. Infact in every direction there are cops. Eventually, two catch up to me and are like "You are under arrest." I try to say I've done nothing wrong and the red headed police lady asks why I was previously walking away from them. I don't answer and I get thrown into a police van.

    There are three other people in there. Two guys, (One looking like eugene from buzzfeed ) and another old and slightly bald. Then a scared looking young blonde girl. They tell me they are all innocent and have no idea why they are here. They put us on a plane and the speaker tells us we are to all fall asleep. When I wake up I am alone and there is a blonde Ferret on the plane. I hold it and it loves me. (Random but I LOVE FERRETS so this isn't random to me )

    Suddenly the other three come back and the girl is crying. I tell her I have a phone on me and she can borrow it to call someone. I think the dream ends just after the old guy confesses he likes me or something...

    Updated 03-21-2016 at 05:31 PM by usernamenaomi


    Lucid Luck

    by usernamenaomi on 03-14-2016 at 12:02 PM
    (Been having absolutely rubbish luck with lucid EVERYTHING recently, I think I had been trying TOO hard. But I posted on the forums and got some advice. The one that worked best was taking some time off lucid and dream recall all together. Just a few days after that I started remembering my dreams unwillingly and they would linger in my mind hours later. Then last night I HAD A LUCID. Pretty excited to get back into lucid stuff again but this time i'm going to be way more chill.)

    *Dream is kinda personal so I'm just gonna post the end. I believe I wasn't lucid most of the first half of the dream so when I did a nose plug my time was limited. It lasted just minutes I reckon.*

    I go into the car park and head to the car, (I am scarily aware that I am dreaming that I don't need to clarify or demand clarity) but suddenly, like the end of a movie or cartoon my vision suddenly shrinks in a circle fashion until I can't see anything. I manage to open my eyes but they felt tired and I could NOT keep them open. The brief flashes I got of where I was not in the car park, but in my room. I was standing by my chest of drawers and for some stupid reason my dream self thought that meant the end of the lucid dream. I flash between the carpark and my room until I am in the car park again, struggling to keep my eyes open. I demand clarity but It doesn't work and I lose lucidity and the dream ends.

    So if anyone has any advice on why I couldn't control the dream despite my efforts, please do tell me. This is my first lucid since an RC in February this year. I'll be honest I really haven't been trying but I'm going to do a FILD later this week and The last time I did it I believe it worked so... yeah. I keep losing the motivation even though I love it.

    Okay I'm going to stop now..

    Updated 03-21-2016 at 05:32 PM by usernamenaomi


    This has to be a dream!

    by usernamenaomi on 01-31-2016 at 10:41 AM
    (I haven't posted on here in a while, but I have been keeping a dream journal in a pad. Recently I realised my dreams are almost always in context with my life down to a T. Like nothing is ever weird or strange. It's just everyday life- Going out with my family or friends and so on. So becoming lucid is that much harder. But last night, though it was still an average dream, something crazy happens.)

    (Can I just add that I legit thought this was real life. Like it was super weird)

    Semi lucid-ish.

    I'm walking in my field with my best friend, our families quite a distance back. It's late evening so its pretty dark.

    She suddenly tells me she has news. Then says "I'm moving to..." (I cant remember where she said but it began with an S and in a different country.)

    Then she just breaks down crying and runs away from me. I catch up with her and start crying to and I hug her. I try to change them subject so I point to the distance and show her a flat field.

    "In a dream recently I dreamt that field had a massive hill and I went sledding on it." (BTW THIS IS TRUE LOL) She shakes her head and laughs. "I want to go home now" She says so we do.

    We kind of sit in silence and then something snaps inside of me. "You can't move away!" I scream to my friend and her family. "I need you" I suddenly cry again but
    something catches my eye.

    This isn't their house so maybe... My dad suddenly appears and is like "Maybe you're dreaming" and I just say "I must be dreaming!" And i decide to do a reality check. My reality check at that moment was to see if i could read on my phone.

    I get my phone out (I didn't realise at the time but my phone background had gone back to my first one: colourful swirls not the avengers one I have irl right now) I try to put my password in but my hands won't do as I ask.

    I focus on the phone like my life depend on it and suddenly it unlocks. I go on instagram and try to read. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I CAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    But the words are above a picture not below and they make no sense.

    The first sentence said "Green Run Cufflinks" and then i looked away and then looked back and it said "Queen Keeping Mould String." At first I was like i must be dreaming
    but my brain kind off switches off and I'm like "Nooo... I can't be"

    I go home leaving my friends house sick of the situation and I go home. Only to find my bed in a completely different place in my room and some stranger sleeping in it.

    (Then I wake up.)

    Updated 03-21-2016 at 05:36 PM by usernamenaomi

    memorable , side notes