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    1. Werwolfy
      Werwolfy liked blog post by DawnEye11 On : Purple Planet
      Notes: I really wanted to do the half year missions and sensei's dare so I'm glad I was able to do it. But I also dislike how I was worried I wouldn't be able to do them. Next time I'll remember to...
      Liked On: 12-29-2016, 02:50 PM
    2. Werwolfy
      Werwolfy liked blog post by DawnEye11 On : The Ocean's Water In A Room
      Last night I thought about being connected in the dream with Eye to give me enough motivation to lucid dream. I also thought about the upper hand I would have after having my first dream for the...
      Liked On: 12-28-2016, 06:39 PM
    3. Werwolfy
      Werwolfy liked blog post by jaysin01 On : First lucid dream...and second lucid dream in the same night
      Hey everyone. This is my first share. I have been reading some posts for a couple months now and after having 2 lucid dreams I thought I would join this forum and share. Enjoy. I had 2 lucid...
      Liked On: 10-31-2016, 01:38 AM
    4. Werwolfy
      Werwolfy liked blog post by Cookino On : Pretty Long Lucid Dream
      Alright, I think this one my be one of my favorite dreams and probably my longest lucid dream right now. Some time before sleeping I took some melatonin (one tablet, this is the first time I ever...
      Liked On: 10-29-2016, 03:26 AM
    View Werwolfy's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Meeting with Krilatiy (Winged. Angel)

    by Werwolfy on 12-29-2016 at 10:39 AM

    Can't remember how lucid comes. A place near home. I see a man, he is bright pure white, and hovering over the ground in а horizontal position face to ground. I came closer, know from him that he Krilatiy, and I thought he is the same name user from forum (Russian lucid dreams forum). Krilatiy (Крылатый) means Winged on Russian. He looks like angel, fully bright white with classic angel wings and white robe. We talked for nearly all time, I remember the main probably.
    First he told something about the dark demonic essences. I said that against them the cross protects very well. I show him my cross on neck, and told how I recently banish some essence and demons in astral. Krilatiy said that is nice.
    We moved by flying over the ground. Flew smoothly and relaxed up to my house. I'm not hurry and calmly watched around. Drew attention to awareness, it is high almost like in reality. I view space and felt especially ghostly. And I myself was very ghostly.
    At one moment Krilatiy become invisible, but continued to talk with me. I looked at the empty air, and knew that he is here. Again he became visible, and I ask him how I look? he said that I also look like angel.
    We came to the house. I saw in the sky fighter jet, he flew very high. I say, let's teleport into the cockpit and fly in it, Krilatiy agreed. I looked at the plane and wanted to be in it, expressed a wish with voice, imagining that I'm in it, closed-open eyes, etc. Krilatiy doing the same thing as me, but we could not, and the jet was out of sight. Then I heard a loud explosions, looked to the direction from the sound came, and saw bright light flashes. Krilatiy entered the house, I did the same. Woke up some time later.


    by Werwolfy on 12-28-2016 at 07:04 PM
    Still is the only experience with a mirror in a lucid dream.

    Summer 2013

    Dreamed that I went for a walk with a dog (which is not from real life). I go out into the yard, and here I realize myself in a dream. Dog is disappeared in this moment.
    Sunny positive day. I remembered my plan - look at myself in the mirror. Started searching mirror, walk on the road in the yard, looking around, and saying "mirror, mirror". Two men appeared beside me, they have a large mirror. Rectangular glass, without a frame. I look at it, reflection is cloudy, could not see myself. I decided to seek a second mirror. My wish was fulfilled, saw mirror in few meters from me, it is same as the first. I go up and look, and again cloudy reflection, trying to peer and could discern only my transparent contours, not facial features.
    Then I look at myself directly, see normally my body, hands, legs, and clothes which is not from real. I wanted to fly and awake when started it.

    Golden Lamb

    by Werwolfy on 12-28-2016 at 03:12 PM

    Winter, night. I see an unusual golden color lamb, he is deity, but something happened with him. His kicked out from somewhere, or he fled himself. I saw this in such image, lamb flew a very long distance through the air, close to pine forest, and fell down on the snow. Then he decided to dig a hole in the snow, and began do it. It seemed to me, that it did not greatly upset him, because he is deity, and actually nothing bad could happen. He just wanted to rest and sleep in the burrow. Then I see a sectional schematic. He digged a very big burrow, a narrow passage on top, a circular burrow below, the volume is probably 100 times more him. When he had finished, he fell asleep on the bottom. While digging he was seen by a large herd of ordinary gray sheep. They came to his burrow and followed his example, all began to climb into his burrow, and completely filled it, that in the burrow is not left empty space. They are lying on sleeping magic lamb and on each other. Sheeps also filled the whole passage, and a few left to sleep at the entrance of the burrow. I thought, what a terrible claustrophobia have these sheep, they do not have enough air, and if someone from the bottom wants to get out, it will be quite impossible to do. The only thing was clear, that with golden lamb nothing will be, because he is immortal, he slept peacefully.

    My Dream

    by Werwolfy on 12-02-2016 at 09:27 AM

    Winter day. I'm in a place similar to a park, people walk on the paths, hilly snowy terrain, no many trees. I was moving quickly, flying close the ground, and lucidity comes in this. Continue to enjoy flight, fly almost touching the snow, flew over the hills, felt that I overcome the law of gravity. I was approached by someone, who is not a man, it seems it was the thing who spoke - children's toy :) and ask me "how are you move like that?" I said "this is my dream, and I do what I want". Then it all becomes into some nonsense, I was lying on the snow with this toy and we are communicate someway... and in this I lost my awareness. I'm going down the hill to a small town, got into the house, in it I find a girl and started to have fun with her. I have small understanding that this is a dream. She resisted, but not much, not screaming, and she said that her boyfriend came, warned me in advance. I held her and we hide behind the wall, she is silent. I got from somewhere a syringe with tranquilizer! Guy went near, I injected him in the back, and he immediately falling to sleep, fell down, but not completely asleep, again injected him in the head, and he passed out. I said to girl that when he wake up, nothing will be remembered. Funny that she was glad all this and we continued fun with her.
    lucid , non-lucid

    Lucid 26.09.13

    by Werwolfy on 11-14-2016 at 07:51 AM
    Sleep paralysis from dream by a teleportation. I had a dream in which I go to a some place, I needed to ask a permission, but I went there without it. On the walls were laser sensors, that have marked me. I knew that soon I will be found and was so ashamed. This place has no other exit but to go back, so I decided to teleport out of there, no matter where, closed my eyes and wished to teleport, and I appear in my body.
    I understand that I was lying in sleep paralysis, lucid comes, no phantom sensations, no vibration. I decide to stabilize by rubbing hands, started rub them, which I haven't seen, but was a some vision, instantly felt the touch, sensation was unpleasant, rubbed them 10 seconds and felt that I get a stabilize. Has decided to move away as possible from the body, and I crawled on hands and knees, the vision was gone (simply get up out of body at then time for some reason I could not), I got down of bed to the floor, crawled to the window and at this point drew attention to awareness, it was almost like in real life. Further happened that I came out the window, as I climbed through the window or wall, and only after a vision appeared. I'm hovered in the air outside the window. I look into the yard, he is not such as in the real life, only grass beautiful soft green color and light mist over it, I say to myself "Astral Oh My God!" and awake! Apparently lost control of delight. Just wake up without sleep paralysis as if he was not. Fall asleep.

    And had a long lucid, with ~50 percent of lucidity, but my mind was worked clear. When wake up I forgot many, write episodes.
    Dreamed images of people and a lot of things, moving picture in black-white, place like a shopping mall. I was a immaterial observer, and I decided to imagine myself there to enter inside, I imagine that I'm moving there in the body, trying to move quickly to realize, as a result I appear inside with lucidity. It was the first place and I can't remember nothing of here.
    Then I remember another place in huge lobby of some cultural facility, very nice, all in stone. Here were guy and girl with me, we are talking of something. At this place was an unusual sculpture, and this guy jumped on it soaring, did a beautiful flip, and landed skillfully on top of the sculpture. They said me to show something like that. I started trying to fly smoothly, began to wave my hands, and with spurts flew on the sculpture. I was told that it was so-so. After that I stayed with girl, she led me to another place, it seems we moved flying, holding hands.
    The cave, light, white sand and underground river. There meeting, a lot of people, and the chief speaks, but I do not remember any of it, I was engaged in other observations are not particularly listening, keeping understanding that this is my lucid dream. Guide girl was still here. Remember I drew attention to the quality of dream, in this place picture become worse, appear dimness, unrealistic, gaps in perception. I restored the quality by concentration, peering, and touching sand on the ground, sensations as in real life. I saw the laptop and there is a message, I read, it was not the words, but sets of letters and meaning I could not understand, then I turned away and looked at message two more times and each time the order of the letters changed. I saw cookies and eat one, it seems tasty.
    In the cave wall was a passage, I go into it with a man. We come in the some hall, in the twilight, on the floor a very beautiful golden carpet. And why we have started the fight on the carpet, as if sparring, without anger. He defeated me, hit me in the belly so that I could feel slight pain and knocked the breath. At the same time I kept understanding that it a dream.
    Last place, I was at some apartment, there a woman, she immediately began to chase me, with something in her hands, I ran to the kitchen and jumped on the windowsill. Stand on it and call for help, "help me <name>!, help me <name>!, help me <name>!" sounds like a song. Then I think that's so stupid to call him because of such nonsense, I folded hands as in prayer and begin to say, "forgive me <name>, that I called you because of this, I'm sorry <name>!". I could not run away from this woman, and awake.