I like living on my own. It was different at first of course but, I don't think that that's the reason for this strange man. Good idea though. I think I think it's more like gab says! It does make sense...there were a couple of things that I experienced lately but I refused to think about them even though they were bothering me. When I see that man the next time, I will try to be loving towards it. (It's just he's sooo damn scary :/) And in hindsight it doesn't surprise me that I see him standing there a second after I wake up...I have seen a black torso and head coming out of my cealing before...and even some ghostly figure walking casually right through my room, walls and everything. I guess my mind is a little...odd. Tonight I didn't dream the nightmare again, thank God. I was scared to go to sleep so I stayed up pretty late and today I am tired. I dreamt lots of different things though, I should've written them down this morning but didn't have time. Thank you guys for your help