Hi, I am new to the site, this site really caught my eye because I've been having some weird dreams for a pretty long time and recently it's getting worse My first ever lucid dream was probably about three years ago and ever since I always wanted to get this power/control in my dreams. The dream was about me flying over a city, it was so adventurous and exciting, like I had never enjoyed a dream before until I heard a deep voice say "never do this again and don't tell no one" the voice scared me a bit but as I kept flying I simply ignored it until I woke up. Then probably an year later after that, I started having similar dreams not very sure if they are lucid dreams but I want your guy's opinion or help on this, I tend to "wake up" in my room but unable to move, I see my room as how it is in real life but I am unable to move. While in other dreams I am able to move my arms feel the bed sheets, pillow, or my stomach with my hands but I would later get anxious as I stay in this state for a long time and feel like I'm stuck there or dead because I am unable to scream or talk or sit up/get up (it's weird because I'm able to move hands and arms). I sometimes also get scared like if someone is watching me. When I get this type of dream it's really terrifying. I also get a different type of dream, yes I know I get a lot of really different dreams, sorry for making this long but I really will like to know what you guys think about the dreams I get. Anyways the other type of dream I get is when I'm dreaming and I know it's dream so I take control and I decide to fly (I really like to fly in my dreams lol) and in one my of my dream I was flying around a neighborhood I used to live at but as I'm flying it suddenly got scary and dark and I felt like I was fainting and later just faded out. When I "wake up" from the "faint" I'm at my room, I'm not awake though and I go through the same experiences as I had mentioned before. I'm not sure if I had an out of body experience but once I had gotten up and sat on my bed but something pulled me back and found my self paralyzed looking at my room and later after a minute or two I would wake up. I haven't mentioned before but most of the "dreams" I get are very terrifying I feel that something or someone is there, the dreams have gotten worse as I now feel something is touching me (scratching me on my back or tickling me or a hand holding my shoulder) or I would hear a dog's growl. Yes I know those are nightmares but they are always involved with either me controlling my dream or I that know I'm dreaming because I always dream in my room and always see as I would when I wake up. And, to make it more weird this summer I had gone to another country and dreamt the same thing, but I would dream the room I would be in and not my room back from my house. Okay, so these are my questions to you, has anyone experienced the same thing as I am experiencing? Does anyone how to overcome it? What does those dream mean? Or just tell me what you think about it.