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    Thread: Original Thought and shared dreaming.

    1. #1
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      Original Thought and shared dreaming.

      I was thinking about another thread that is exploring what the mechanism is that may enable 2 dreamers to share the same dream. Some said ego or lack there of. Some suggested genetics or energy signature fields. The whole conversation and flow of ideas got me realizing, there is no original thought. Every thought I have ever had has been thought of before. Even great inventions are built upon the thoughts of someone else. So this brought me to the possibility that dreams must be similar. Perhaps there is no dream that has not been dreamed before. Perhaps there are no sincronicities or maybe they are just as unoriginal as thoughts.
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    2. #2
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      Hey, cool kadie, I had a Deja Vu moment today and I thought to myself 'Am I living inside of a memory?'

      When we think of a past event there is a hazy projection of the moment in our minds, not nearly as vivid as actually being in that moment again. From the perspective of the person remembering the moment, the projection is hazy.

      But what about the perspective of the people inside of the memory? For them it is like living the experience for the first time. What I'm saying is that memory might actually be like a portal connecting us, hazily, to another moment that is actually happening as vividly as the moment you are experiencing right now.

      This would be true for any thought, memory, daydream, or fantasy no matter how weak or strong. The people within that thought are actually living it out vividly while we visualize it hazily.

      And that would be insane
      Last edited by Wisher; 06-10-2015 at 08:40 AM.
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    3. #3
      DebraJane Achievements:
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      Hay Kadie and wisher and friends

      Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity. Here is an example of Synchronicity.

      ” She (client of Jung) had an impressive dream the night before, in which someone offered her a golden scarab – a valuable piece of jewelry.

      At the moment she was telling Jung the dream, there was a tapping on the office window.

      Jung opened up the window and a scarabaeid beetle, whose gold-green color closely resembles that of a golden scarab, flew into the room.

      Jung caught the beetle in his hand, handed it to her and said “Here is your scarab.”

      Synchronicity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      I totally disagree with everyones convoluted definitions of synchronicities. To me, it is the silent-third-person in our lives or the proverbial "elephant in the room" (god) communicating the only way he knows how.

      Like Rocknrollstrega once said "Our waking life is his Lucid Dream and we are his dream characters"
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      What are Your Thoughts on This?

    4. #4
      DebraJane Achievements:
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      In Jung's own words

      Synchronicity: Jung recounts the story of the Golden scarab beetle

      Posted on*July 19, 2010*by*Stephen Parker, Ph.D (Article Selection and Commentary)*•*2 Comments

      scarabaeid beetle (Cetonia aurata)

      scarab beetle/dung beetle

      A young woman I was treating had, at a critical moment, a dream in which she was given a golden scarab. While she was telling me this dream, I sat with my back to the closed window. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, like a gentle tapping. I turned round and saw a flying insect knocking against the window-pane from the outside. I opened the window and caught the creature in the air as it flew in. It was the nearest analogy to a golden scarab one finds in our latitudes, a scarabaeid beetle, the common rose-chafer (Cetonia aurata), which, contrary to its usual habits had evidently felt the urge to get into a dark room at this particular moment. I must admit that nothing like it ever happened to me before or since

      Synchronicity: An Acasual Principle*(1952)
      The Collected Works of C.G. Jung
      Paragraph 843
      Princeton University Press Edition.

      2 Responses to*Synchronicity: Jung recounts the story of the Golden scarab beetle

      Stephen Clementson*says:

      October 31, 2010 at 7:51 pm

      Yes, the scarab beetle event caught Carl Gustav Jung with his pants down, so-to-speak. That is because he wasn’t anticipating third-party intervention in what he believed to be the product of collective consciousness.

      I am certainly not a religious person, but I have reasons to postulate that we are not alone in this universe. Furthermore, there appears to be a link to ancient Egypt. My wife and I have experienced Egypt-centred paranormal events of our own.


      Stephen Parker, Ph.D (Article Selection and Commentary)*says:

      October 31, 2010 at 8:12 pm

      Yes, Egypt has a strong psychological and synchronistic power…

      Here is the link

      Synchronicity: Jung recounts the story of the Golden scarab beetle

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    5. #5
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      Hello wisher
      So you are saying that when we have a memory and someone else is being observed in the memory, the person being remembered is affected? That's pretty deep. I guess something like that happens when the phone rings and you were just thinking about the person that was calling? Of course the obvious question would be the mechanism, that one thing that allows such interference. And then yeah, HOLY CRAP! No thought, dream or memory is really my own!

      @Ebbtide Don't you think that syncronicity and coincidence are very similar words? Both of them basically mean two things seemingly unrelated happening at the same time. Why are we as humans so opposed to the idea that yes, indeed two things can happen at once. Even things we would never expect to happen. Maybe it is our ego's that get in the way of recognizing that many things happen everyday that could be called syncronicity or co incidental.
      I am a fan of June by the way, however much has happened in the world since he coined that term and no one knows if that scarab was really there except the two people that were there.
      In not doubting his reporting but just bringing up the fact that like in shared dreaming, without evidence, only the two people involved really know the extent and truth of their experience.
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    6. #6
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      Yea it's a pretty phenomenal way of looking at the thinking process. And it brings up some interesting questions too.

      Like, say you daydream about the deep sea and you imagine the lost city of Atlantis, mermaids, sea horses, advanced technology you have never seen before. I'm just trying to pain the picture in your mind. But now that you have that image in your mind look at one of the mermaids, she is your age, a princess to the kingdom, and maybe a red head named Yinada. She is riding a blue seahorse. What I've been thinking is, at this point, she may exist because you have been able to imagine her. What you see is a hazy image of an idea, but what Yinada experiences is a reality as vivid as the one you are experiencing right now. And this is how lucid dreams work except lucids are vivid rather than hazy. Does her world stop existing after you stop imagining her? Or did it exist long before you ever thought of her? And continue on long after you forget her?

      Also though, what does that make us? Is this very moment the reliving of a memory? Is the 60yr old you looking back on her youth and remembering this moment? Or maybe it's me, from the past as I type this, thinking of the future you reading this that creates this moment for you. For me in my here and now as the one imagining, I see only a hazy image but at the same time, literally at the same time, it creates the vivid, world of your here and now.
      Last edited by Wisher; 06-10-2015 at 05:58 PM.
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    7. #7
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      Hmmm I don't know if I can fully appreciate the idea of an imaginary person being affected at all by being imagined. Or the idea that I am my future self looking back at my younger or current self. I think that idea though is worth exploring.
      Perhaps a part of our psyche, the more mature developed portions do look at the younger more immature aspects and judge or try to encourage mature thoughts and behavior. Like Frauds id/ ego.
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    8. #8
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      no doubt its a strange thought to entertain but I've had a lot of fun toying with the idea. What are your thoughts on synchronicity? What do you think so far about the mechanics behind sharing a dream?
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    9. #9
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      Well, I'm beginning to wonder if there are no original dreams like there are no original thoughts. Although dreams often seem to follow a predictable path, especially lucid dreams, many dream sequences seem perfectly random to our conscious memory of them. However that does not mean that the dreaming mind is totally unpredictable. Perhaps in dreams there is a percent of predictable outcomes when certain images and scenarios are experienced and therefore it only seems like a random dream, but another person may have a similar dream with a percent of predictable outcomes so that it only feels like they had the same dream. Its hard to explain, but its like hearing someone talk and finishing their sentence because you can somewhat predict from past experience or simple understanding what the sentence will end with. Maybe our dreaming mind picks up on standard ques and those standard ques are the same or similar for everyone. Just like not really having an original thought.
      Maybe that is what Jung was talking about collective conscious. We all have had the same thoughts at some point or will in the future. Syncronicity or coincidence just means we had them at the same time as someone that we were able to share it with.
      Last edited by kadie; 06-12-2015 at 12:20 AM.
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