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      Il Buoиo Siиdяed's Avatar
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      Nov 2007
      U N F O U N D

      There's been a break since Anti-Heroes finished, and we've seen a vague hiatus in Helm and Taiba, which vaguely encouraged me to take up the mantle and try again. Partially because I want the community entertained, and partially because I like being in charge of stuff. A vague partiality mix.

      Unfound will run on the same principles as Anti-Heroes, Helm and Taiba, with the exception being that instead of chapters posted for all to see, players will get an update on what their character is doing through pm.
      This essentially means that we don't get players knowing too much of what they shouldn't, ie, what other players are up to on the other side of the world.
      Unfound will also feature 'flashbacks', which will explore the past of the player's character. You will have no control over these, and thanks to an amnesiac plot device will be learning your past as your character remembers it. Whether this affects gameplay or gives you clues as to the general scheme of things is up to you.

      Unfound is largely based on two cult television programmes, the first - and most obvious - being Lost, the second being the Prisoner (a show from the '60s, with very Lost-esque plot twsits and intrigue, as well as a few vaguely similar premises). Helm features heavily in some areas of gameplay and setting (Gestalt's a genius, I'm stealing it all while I still can). There are other cultural inspirations and references - whatever I'm reading or watching invariably seeps into my creativity sooner or later - but there should be the occasional spark of uniqueness as well.

      T H E P R E M I S E

      A modern setting, 2008.
      The players are all the survivors of an unknown incident, who all begin washed up on a beach on an Island.
      They do not know how they came to be on the Island, what they are the survivors of, who the other survivors are, or anything about their past. Gradually they will experience 'flashbacks' as to their past, possibly revealing secrets and explanations as to their present situation.
      There will be challenges and intrigue on the Island...'cause it would be a fairly shit game otherwise, really. There'll be guns and stuff, I promise.
      Survival, escape, or perhaps finding answers are all valid objectives for now.

      C H A R A C T E R S U B M I S S I O N

      If you want to take part, just fill this in and post it here. I might start limiting it if there's too much interest (I'm both ambitious and vain in my predictions) but hopefully there should be at least some interest. Player interaction, especially as you only know what your character knows and may come to rely on others for information as to what's going on, will be tantamount.

      NAME Should be modern, first and last names, avoiding fantasy. Names like 'CHIDE WOODGRASS' will be shunned and mocked.
      GENDER Male or female, I suppose. Let's not go too far into roleplay.
      RACE/ETHNICITY You're all human. White Caucasian, for example. Not that I'm saying you should be white. I'm just...it was an example...
      COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Uh...England...Wales...Scotland...Ireland...there may be more countries in the world. Check Wikipedia.
      PERSONALITY Generalised details.
      ARCHETYPE See Archetypes below.

      Don't try and suggest backstories. The point is that you learn your past as your character's amnesia fades. It adds to the fun. Probably.
      That or you end up hating yourself for what you've done in the past, and that you can't change it. Welcome to reality.

      Spoiler for ARCHETYPES:

      This should work out nicely. Updates will be sent through pm weekly. Should I happen to be in such a good mood I send them faster, then that's nice.
      Should I not get actions returned on time, they will be late. Which isn't nice. But also, not my fault.

      Since there are no chapters to be posted, this thread can serve as general discussion about Unfound, or whatever...oh, assuming people are interested in joining in. Which, after such a long post, they surely will.
      Last edited by Siиdяed; 04-11-2008 at 03:44 PM.


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